Thursday, April 5, 2018

Beautiful Gifts for Gardeners

Gift giving is a joy, especially if you can give something that you know will be genuinely welcome and enjoyed. People who love their gardens or nature, in general, are fairly easy to buy for. But, if you are stuck for ideas here are a few to inspire you.

A nice tree
It is really easy to give a tree as a gift. All you need to do is to go online and find a stockist that is willing to deliver to your friend or family member´s home address. Some of them offer a service that allows you to send notification of the gift via an email. This gives the person you are giving the tree to the chance to double-check that it is suitable for their garden. If it is not they can change the order to another one.

Tickets to a garden show
If there is a garden show taking place close to where your friend or family member lives you could buy them a couple of tickets. Or, perhaps pay for them to visit a botanical garden. Alternatively, if you know where and when they are going on holiday you could book them entrance tickets for a special so they can view a special garden or park in that area.

Gardening classes
All gardeners relish the chance to get their hands dirty and learn some new skills. Some botanical gardens, stately homes, and parks offer people the chance to work with their team for a day. Occasionally, it is possible to find actual gardening related classes. Two great examples are topiary or hedgerow tuition. For someone who loves to be outside, these are ideal gifts.

Good quality tools
Good quality gardening tools make especially good presents. Potentially, you can club together with others and buy something you know they really want, but would never buy themselves. However, if you are not 100% sure what they want it is usually best to play things safe and buy a voucher instead. That way they are guaranteed to get exactly what they need.

Labor saving gifts
Something simple like a timer can make an excellent gift for a gardener. Being able to have the sprinklers come on automatically is a lot easier than having to get up every evening to put them on and turn them off again.

Some help in the garden
For an older gardener keeping up with all of the tasks can be difficult. Helping them in the garden is a great way to lift their spirits, spend some time with them and keep yourself fit. If you cannot do that, consider paying a local gardener to do a few hours of work. When you hire them, make it clear that they are basically there to be a pair of hands. This leaves the person you are buying for firmly in control of their beloved garden.

Other practical gifts
If you are looking for smaller gifts, a pair of gardening gloves or plant pots and little items like that are ideal. Something simple like a tray of bedding plants can also make a good gift. For those of you who are looking for something a little different, this page contains some especially good ideas.

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