Monday, April 30, 2018

This is How You're Going to Quit Porn for Good

Change starts with you
The first thing you need to do is to want to quit porn for good. You need to really want to do this because, otherwise, you’ll fall back into it. Change starts with you, from you.

Try some other ways
You might have tried before to quit porn. You failed because probably you did it the same way at all times. That’s the reason why you cannot win this battle. Try it another way. 

Try talking to someone about this
If you cannot fight this battle alone, you might want to talk to someone about your struggling. Get a life coach, or simply talk to your best friend or even life partner. There must be a person you can talk to, who can understand you and help you get through this.

Delete all your porn videos
This is what should be called “cleaning house.” Get rid of all of it, delete it as soon as possible. Get the trash and put there all the discs and magazines, pictures and other videos. And don’t forget about your computer. It’s crucial that you don’t skip this step.

Avoid getting porn
You’ll need to block all the entry points you have. Which means that you might want to get a porn blocker for your phone, laptop, and computer from your office. Some of you might have people who send you e-mails. You need to also block them. And unsubscribe from all the porn sites that you watch. For some of the sites you’ll have to pay – see this as a way to have more money in your wallet.

Get someone who can help you 24/7
You need to find someone who’s willing to help you at all times, on a daily basis preferably. Make sure that person is there for you because a good idea is to call that person when you feel like watching porn, even if that means that you have to call that person every day. That person might set some consequences if you fail. It’s actually a very good idea. Some consequences may include run laps, lunges, sport in general, or even worse – do some things you never said you would, such as giving money to a political party that you don’t vote for.

Choose a life without porn
Words can lie, but behavior – never. This change starts with yourself. Don’t stay in denial; your life might become even better after quitting porn.  

There are numerous tools which can help you quit porn. Some will block the porn from all of your devices. Some may give a full report of your internet use to your trusted person who can set the consequences (accountability partner). You need to understand that you have to be open for this whole thing to work out and beat the porn addiction. Also, remember that you’re not the only one who has this problem. Lots of people get affected by this. Check out for a good recovery program.

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