Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Cleaning Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easy

House chores can seem like a never ending task, especially when it involves cleaning. No matter how many hours you invest, no matter how many products you use, there are certain cleaning jobs where everything seems to fail. So what happens then? You just spend hours scrubbing and praying that the stains come off. Now this might make sense every once in a while, but you can't do this every day as it would result in wastage of your time and energy.

To give you a peace of mind and a sense of balance, here is a list of guaranteed cleaning hacks that will not only save time, but will clean your messy living place within minutes.

Baking Soda for those Never-ending Stains
There are certain stains that seem to drain the life out of you. And if those stains are driving your OCD crazy then you need to get your hands on baking soda as soon as possible. Baking soda, with its neutral chemical state and slightly higher pH value is a magic ingredient and is known to suck up and clean even the most stubborn of stains easily. For instance, baking soda with vegetable oils can clean the greasiest stains on your kitchen cabinets, Baking soda with vinegar can clean your ovens and stoves easily and even sprinkling baking soda on a fresh stains can draw them out instantly.

Getting a Grip on the Hair Bunnies
There are dust bunnies and then there are hair bunnies when you get pets. And when it comes to pet hair, everything fails. Even if you vacuum your house 24/7 , it still won't help. This is why you need to work smart, not hard. For pet hair, use dryer sheets and micro-fiber clothe for dusting. Using lint rollers on your furniture will save you from those extra hours of cleaning as well. You can also get yourself specialized vacuum cleaners as these were designed to get rid of dander and suck up fine pet hair instantly.

Cleaning Wooden Furniture like a Pro
Wooden surfaces hold stains on them for dear life. You can easily trace water rings on your wooden tables, even if it’s been months since that little interaction between the glass and table. So how do you tidy these surfaces up? First, take vinegar and mix olive oil in it. Then rub it on the stain and wipe it with a clean cloth. Apply a wet cloth over the stain and bring out your hair-dryer to dry the surface. Then, refresh the surface with a coat of olive oil and your wooden table will be clear in no time.

Bathroom Clean-up in Seconds
The grimiest grout can be found in bathrooms, all thanks to the constant use of water. Due to this, we tend to use many toxic chemicals and acids in our bathrooms, risking our health as well. To save yourself from this hassle and for a sparkling clean bathroom, here are the things that can give you an equally clean bathroom- lemon, vinegar, baking soda and bleach (optional). The baking soda and bleach should be reserved for those rusty, grim stains in the corners, while vinegar and lemon juice will clean up your taps and accessories.

The best part about all these hacks is that they will help you save money and effort and most of these items are already sitting in your house cabinets!

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