Tuesday, May 22, 2018

You Are What You Eat

All too often, people get caught up in body image and how unhealthy eating leads to obesity, but there is much more to the food we eat than merely how it affects aesthetics. The right foods have the power to transform your mental health, improve memory, and even make you more receptive to learning. The phrase, “you are what you eat” should not just be used when referring to how we look, but should be considered an important reference to how best to care for your mind.

How to eat happy
Most people will experience low mood at some point in their lives, and there are those that will be prone to more depressive states. Research has shown that certain foods and the way in which we eat can improve our mood and lessen the occurrences of mood swings. Something as simple as too much, or too little sugar can cause our mood to dip, and the term “hangry” is more than just a marketing ploy. When we are hungry we are more likely to be irritable which is why it is important to eat regular, healthy meals and snacks throughout the day. Healthline.com cites research undertaken by The University of Illinois, which reveals that eating meals and snacks at the same time each day keeps blood sugar levels steady, and therefore assists with mood. It is important to see a medical professional if you are experiencing frequent dips in mood as there could be an underlying problem.

Brain food
Takeout, fast food, sweets and crisps are not the foods you need to improve either your physical health or your brain power. Like any other part of your body, the brain requires sustenance to ensure it is performing at its best. Concentration and focus can be helped with a steady supply of energy that can be released via the consumption of wholegrains, rice and pasta. The solution for improving short-term memory could be as simple as eating blueberries that contain anthocyanins. Our bodies cannot naturally produce Essential Fatty Acid, or EFAs, which is why we need to eat foods high in these such as walnuts, pumpkin seeds and soya beans. These types of food have been found to help prevent Dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease, which are more likely to occur in patients that do not regularly consume foods containing EFAs. Further information about how diet impacts on the brain, pop over to online resource, Examined Existence, which discusses the issue of memory loss how certain diets can help to prevent it.

Eating and exercise
The combination of healthy foods and exercise can transform not only the way you look, but the way you think. Exercise helps with the release of endorphins, the feel-good chemicals that enhance your mood. It is also the case that a person that exercises is less likely to crave unhealthy foods, as your body will want food laden with vitamins, minerals and healthy fats and carbohydrates to replenish energy after a work-out.

Eat well to feel better.

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