Friday, July 20, 2018

Meet Eric Lefkofsky, the Man behind Tempus Labs Success

Tempus Labs is a Chicago-based organization that specializes in cancer patients. It uses scientific techniques and machine learning to master every aspect of these persons. Cancer patients enjoy specialized and personalized treatments from the methods. Practitioners can easily find the exact location of a tumor thanks to these techniques.

The center has raised around $80 million in unicorn funding to finance the personalized treatment plans. They tailor the treatment to match the condition of a patient. The facility aims at looking after their patients and their loved ones. Genomic data and analytics aid the organization to facilitate personalized care to infected and affected individuals. The startup concentrates on developing a database and an operating system for health management. Physicians use results of the examination to decide on the right treatment for a patient.

The River North facility includes the headquarter offices and a genomic sequencing lab that can process over 50,000 patients yearly. In 2017, Tempus publicized its collaboration with Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine. It had to conduct molecular sequencing and analysis for one thousand Mayo patients. The genomics startup has also secured partnerships with institutions like Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, Duke University School of Medicine, and the Cleveland Clinic. It helps the groups with research and educative facts about assisting patients with treatment plans.

The Tempus technology research center has over 4,000 workers. With more funding, the entity is going to grow the workforce number. Eric Lefkofsky has contributed positively towards its growth. He makes sure everything runs as per the company objective to support cancer patients. The facility aims at improving methods used to treat cancer.

About Eric Lefkofsky

He is a prolific entrepreneur, chair, and co-founder of several companies. He uses his skills and technology to turn conventional firms into e-enabled entities and transform the conventional process. The vivid leader launched Tempus in 2015 to aid in fighting and managing cancer.

The entrepreneur collaborated with Keywell to co-found Lightbank and other various technology companies including Echo Global Logistics, InnerWorkings, Mediaocean, media software provider, and Uptake, an analytic enterprise. He is a managing partner of the Art Institute of Chicago, Steppenwolf Theatre Company, the Art Institute of Chicago, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, and the Museum of Science and Industry and World Business Chicago. The talented individual works as a co-chair of Chicago Ideas Week and at the University of Chicago as an adjunct professor.

Lefkofsky likes writing and is the author of Accelerated Disruption. He attended the University of Michigan and University of Michigan Law School and received a degree and Juris Doctor respectively. He partnered with his loved one to found the Lefkofsky Family Foundation in 2006.

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