Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Tips For Feeling Like Your Best Self

Everyone knows them - those gloomy days when we are not sure how to pick ourselves up. But what do you do when you find yourself sad, or imbalanced with a lack of those well needed good vibrations? Most people think that to feel fit and well-balanced, they need sun, holidays and blissful lounging. But let's be honest: sometimes even small changes in everyday life are enough, and you feel better. These simple everyday tips will help you get out of your low mood and get back on your life.

1. Take Part In Fun Activities
In the stress of everyday life, we only do the things that make sense, and that makes us feel that we have been productive. We forget the joy of life, which is so much more important than a complete to-do list.

Whether you buy colors and start painting pictures, join a dance group, treat yourself to a massage every week, or discover your passion in knitting, it does not matter. Do something that makes no sense except that you enjoy it - and do it regularly.

2. Eat A Healthy Balanced Diet
There are a thousand reasons why you should be nice to your body. Unfortunately, we often do the opposite: the constant stress, a non-existent or hectic breakfast, and a ready meal at noon, which we eat in front of the computer; it's no wonder that our diets run wild. The solution is quite simple: do not stuff so much trash into you, but pay attention to your diet. Cook yourself up a healthy meal as often as possible and use fresh ingredients. Eat vegetables and fruits several times a day, preferably whole grain foods and eat more often vegetarian. You really should not take your health lightly. Your diet is the key to keeping you fit and feeling good.

3. Get Beautiful
A great way to feel good is to make yourself look and feel beautiful every day. Having a new haircut, buying some new clothes, getting braces such as Invisalign helps to resolve any feelings of insecurity.

4. Date Yourself
The highway to self-love starts on a date with yourself. Always have fun with you all alone and go after what is good for you. A hot bath with a good book, a beauty regime with your favorite music, or a sunbath on the lawn with your diary - these are just a few ideas, but the important thing is to turn off your phone, as you're busy and unreachable.

5. Take A Weekend Trip
It does not always have to be on long trips to exotic destinations. Even a weekend trip to the next big city or friends brings you out of your everyday life. The change of location causes you to live in the day and open your eyes to the beauty around you. When you come home, you will feel the same way you feel after a long journey: relaxed and full of new impressions.

6. Explore Your Own City Like A Tourist
Rediscover your city as a tourist. Take a little time, walk around your neighborhood without a precise plan, turn into streets and paths that you usually leave to the left, and take a close look at each corner.

7. Spend Time In Nature
We are always surrounded by four walls or tall houses, with headphones in our ears and our eyes on our smartphone. Rarely do we come into contact with nature, with which we are more closely connected than we can feel right now. A walk in the park or forest around the corner, with sharp eyes and ears, opens our perception not only of the beneficial nature and its seasons but also for ourselves and our thoughts and feelings.

8. Make Something Completely New
And best of all every day. It does not have to be significant. Try a new tea. Do a trial lesson in a yoga school next door. Meet someone for the first time. Sit alone in a coffee. Combine your clothes differently than usual. The list is endless - and each time you feel more alive.

9. Switch Your Phone Off
We are a static society. At work, we sit in front of the computer, on the way home we are engrossed in our smartphone and when we arrive home, we sit in front of the TV. So much static activity can mean that we become sedentary without even realizing it.

We lose the connection to our body and thus the balance; thus, it can do so well to switch off the phone and feel the body more clearly. Try it and move. Just an hour of sports - no matter which one, the main thing is he's fun - and you know what I mean.

10. Meditate
At first, it seems strange to sit down and hold still to feel more alive. But once you've tried it for a while, you'll find that meditating will make you feel your body more clearly, get to know yourself better and make your life more conscious.

11. Share Your Feelings.
Being cool and happy is a good thing these days. Unfortunately, this leads to the suppression of one's own feelings. If you are doing great, show your joy. But don’t be scared to also share sadness when feeling down. And if you love someone or are grateful to them, share. At first, this honesty scares many people because it also makes them feel vulnerable, but it also makes you more genuine, lovable, and ... more alive.

12. Invite All Your Friends
What do you think about bringing everyone together under one roof at a time and inviting them to your home for a relaxing evening? It feels so good and fulfilling to be surrounded by all the people you love. At the end of the evening, you know you are not alone!

13. Leave The Clock At Home
We are very much dependent on the clock. It's on our wrist, on our phone, on our wall. And we always have the next appointment in mind.

Banish all clocks from your field of vision for a complete weekend. Get up, go to sleep and eat something only when you feel like it. Spontaneously look for a cup of coffee with your friend without making an appointment, and enjoy how timelessness makes you feel right at the moment.

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