Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Get $10 off Your First Walmart Grocery Pickup Order

There was even more than this. It's what $350 in groceries looks like. And I didn't have to set foot in the store, deal with PEOPLE, deal with checking out, deal with loading up my own stuff, etc. I feel very spoiled indeed.

Let me set the scene for you ...

It was a Friday afternoon. I was already tired, and I had a proofreading job to get out, homeschool planning to do, kids to love on and swim with. I also needed to go to Aldi, my go-to grocery shopping place because of their low prices.

But oh, the heat, and battling the crowds then packing up my own groceries. I didn't have the energy (turns out I'm having some thyroid issues, but that's another blog post). I had a lovely grocery list all made up for a week of groceries so I logged on to Walmart Grocery to see what I could get and if it would be way too expensive. One of my favorite friends uses the service all the time and I trust her judgment. 

Oh, the thought of running out Saturday morning anytime between 9 and 10 a.m. and having the groceries put into my trunk for me was so heavenly. So I did it. Turns out it's:

  • Perfect for those who are not able to get out and shop on their own.
  • Perfect for those with little kids who can't brave the store.
  • Perfect for those who are in a rush.
  • Perfect for those who are tired from working or whatever and just need to get their stuff.
  • Perfect when it's cold outside or hot outside or raining.
  • Perfect for me during the homeschool year when my time is very precious.
  • Perfect for EVERYONE!
  • UPDATE: lately, it's perfect for those who prefer not to go into a grocery store and be around other people!

A few good things over hitting Aldi and worth a little extra money to me:

  • I was able to get a smaller version of the half and half I wanted. The one at Aldi is a good deal but it's too big and it goes bad.
  • I was able to get the frozen Reames egg noodles we prefer when we make chicken and noodles.
  • I didn't feel rushed or stressed by looking at so many things and I could take a break shopping online.
  • I was able to order Ranch dressing packets when Aldi had been out of them forever.
  • I realized we didn't need 150 name brand flossers for $5.92 and a few hours later I was able to go online at Walmart, delete that item and replace it with 75 of the same flossers, only a different brand, for $1.88. It was so easy! I saved $4.04 on that specific order (yes, I realize I got half the flossers).
  • I am able to get fun things like matcha powder, specific brands of contact solution and other things we use a lot.

The substitutions!
Sometimes you get there and they are out of what you wanted, so they come to your car window and let you know. They are always more than fair that I have experienced. Once they did not have ONE Clif bar flavor I wanted so they gave me an ENTIRE BOX of it instead. Once they didn't have a 24-pack of frozen waffles so they gave me 3 packs of 10. If they don't have the size of canned good you need, they always do a substitute upgrade. Just today they were out of the 3-pound bag of oranges so they gave me a 5-pound bag instead NO EXTRA CHARGE EVER.

We both get $10 off if you use it. Here is the fine print:

*You must be a new customer and spend $50 or more before taxes to receive offer. You must have a registered Walmart account to redeem promo code.

I did it my first time and used my friend's code and we both got $10 off. It should email you a promo code or something. $30 minimum. 


Walmart costs slightly more than aldi but, hey, I figure the time I save braving the store, standing in the checkout line, and loading my groceries into my van one bag at a time. 

UPDATE: I had fully planned to go to Aldi one day recently. But I did something to my ankle and knew I could not walk that entire store, stand in line, load my groceries into my trunk. So early this morning I went onto Walmart Grocery and placed my $255 order just like that. What was great was that I can't always get everything I want at Aldi — or I'm not sure if I can find it/get it — (cinnamon fire Jolly Ranchers, Clif bars, Brazil nuts, cranberries?, toothpicks?), but I can at Walmart.

If you have any questions, you can always find me on Facebook or you can email me at

Happy shopping!

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