Wednesday, October 24, 2018

4 Things You Need to Know About an Embargo in a PR Email

When it comes to PR, there are certain things that need to be understood when sending an embargo in a PR email is concerned. An embargo is a media release that is shared with the media before a publishing date.

In the media relation world, an embargo is more of a provision versus a ban. This ensures that the PR assistant does not release particular news to the public until a scheduled date and time.

Information that is under an embargo can be pushed to a number of reporters who will either accept or decline the story. If they would like to view the information then they will have to agree to contain the news until the designated time and date that you have purposed.

So, when it comes to a handling an embargo in an email, here are four things to be conscious of.

Have the story ready

You want your story to be ready immediately after you hand it over to a reporter. This gives them time to make the story blossom. They can look over the information, draw interviews if needed, and write their take with more than enough time. The more time for the journalist has to prepare; the better prepared the release will be. Nancy at Behrman said it best by saying, “Remember that your information or news needs to be newsworthy.”Before you can capture the media, you need to capture the reporter.

Stay on the same page communication-wise

After making the decision to pitch an embargo in a PR email. Have a clear line of communication with the PR assistant or journalist. Make sure they know the date and time of every single content piece that your pass long. Be transparent about changes that need to be made or if it is the final piece.

Be careful about how much information you share

Although you are giving this information to be published, be careful with the amount of information you allow to be shared. This can make or break your pitch. If you are pitching your embargo about a new technology then you would start your pitch with, “We have a big announcement being released this date, would you like to take an advanced copy under embargo?” or the company you are sharing the information about.
Now if it is about a client of yours that you are pitching, then giving a few more details is necessary.

Nancy and Behrman say to give enough interesting information without giving away too much. After the yes has been given, make sure the embargo date is understood when you follow up. This is where you will include the necessary information for your story. It is very rare that he embargoes is broke and a story is leaked before the instructed date, but it can happen. Nancy at Behrman says that in this case, the best thing to do is gather your paper trail of the embargo date. This will prove that the embargo's specified notions were acknowledged. Immediately let your client know about this if you are working on someone’s behalf.

Be prepared for an announcement change

The thought of everything going smoothly from beginning to end is honestly a fairy tale. Embargos would be acknowledged and the information you gave would be presented at the exact time and date that you stated. Unfortunately, there are times when the schedule changes. Remember the line of communication, use it and reach out to your PR assistant. There can be a situation where the assistant is going to move forward with the release no matter what, Nancy and Behrman suggest remaining calm and distracting yourself if you find this happening to you.

Give only one person the news

The most important thing that is a must know is to never give the story to someone else after you have already shared with and placed an embargo on it with another firm. You want to build trust and giving the same news information to another firm is unacceptable.

Everything mentioned also goes for PR firms. When handling a client’s information that you want to present to a journalist, these are the most important things to remember. Earn your name by building a reputation with reporters, the media, and most importantly your clients.

Author Bio: Adrian Rubin is a Philly photographer and freelance writer.

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