Sunday, October 7, 2018

5 Tips to Make Cleaning So Much Easier for a Parent

Being a parent is a big responsibility which takes patience, dedication and the right approach to keep things going right. For a parent, the most difficult thing to manage is cleaning because it's time consuming and a day to day responsibility.

Before doing everything themselves, parents need to make children know their responsibility of keeping things back to place , try to create less mess and try to be a helping hand of parent. Make children learn the lesson of sharing and giving because this habit is not only a good deed but also reduces extra or spare items around the home and makes cleaning easier for a parent because less items means less work to wind up and a parent should also try to establish the habit of giving. Here are tips to make cleaning enjoyable for kids:

Involving kids

To make cleaning so much easier, a parent needs to take the help of the kids too because sometimes they know exactly where their things belong. To involve them in cleaning, the best way is to make cleaning an enjoyable and fun task. Fix their playtime rules so that less mess will be there to clean. While involving children in cleaning, make sure it’s an exciting and fun game and only then will they get involved in helping a parent.

High-Traffic Areas
Try to keep things in the proper place where there is great chance of too many items. If a parent keeps high-traffic areas clean then cleaning will become easy. Children’s toy rooms or other places need extra time to clean. Shoes should be kept in one place near an entrance to keep the place dirt free and hygienic and shoes should be put near a washroom, especially near the kid’s washroom. Additionally, follow the simply maid blog to get up to date tips about cleaning.

Try to Never Go Empty
The habit of going empty from one room to another will consume extra time in cleaning. Moving from one room to another, always try to do a quick scan to see if there is anything that belongs to the room where you are going. This will save time and make cleaning easier. But try to take only those things which don’t consume time. It will definitely make the difference in cleaning.

Give Everything a Place
Try to give everything a place and put things back to their belonging place, as this will keep the place tidy. Fix a particular place for everything at home so that putting things back will become easier and the home will look clean and neat.

List of Priority
Make a list to prioritize things. This will make cleaning easier because there are many jobs which can be delayed to next day. There is a lot of work which needs to be done urgently and as soon as possible. So making a priority list will help parent a lot. This will instantly reduce the pressure of cleaning.

Parents need to start small, as they should try to organize small things first and should not try to clean whole house in one day. This will give only stress and burden of cleaning but doing cleaning according to priority will reduce pressure and make cleaning so much easier.

Safety Zone
Decide on a safety zone because in a house where kids are of growing age, keeping unsafe things anywhere can be dangerous. To avoid all this there should be a safe zone where a parent can put anything which is extra or which is unsafe or which should out where kids can get to it. Mainly this will be a safety zone for keeping all extra things to keep the home clean. The laundry room is a good place for a lot of people to make their safety zone.

As we know, cleaning is not an task so these steps can help a lot to make cleaning easier for a parent.

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