Saturday, November 10, 2018

Happy Birthday to My Amazing Husband, Aron McLoughlin

My husband is 52 today. I can't believe I met him when he was 28, almost 29, and I was 24. Time has been kind to my guy ... he is still a totally hot babe and gets finer with age! I can't believe how blessed I was to find him and how good God has been to our family. I feel like the luckiest woman alive when I think about our 20-year marriage and family.

I have instructed our daughters to marry a guy who is handy around the house and who can also catch AND cook dinner.

Aron, thank you for selflessly traveling for work across the world to support your family. You are a true man of God and a blessing to all those who know you. I love that you can work on cars and plumbing and fix anything and teach our kids how to do it also. I love how you taught Joel how to drive (and worked so many hours with him on his Eagle Scout plans) and are now teaching Michael (plus building that canoe with him) and will teach three more kids before that part of our parenting journey is done. I love the respect you show for our daughters and for me. I love that you take Sam out to fish and fix his bike tires. I love so many things about you and find more to love all the time. You are the best father to our kids I ever could have dreamed up in my mind, and the husband I always knew was out there for me.

KCI airport leaving for another long trip to Kuwait to support his family

DisneyWorld in Florida, 2017 October

My man, 20 years married. Back off, ladies.

Teaching Confirmation class at our church. We weren't sure how to fit one more thing in, but he is so great at it, the kids love him, and we are both learning cool things and feel blessed by the whole experience.

With Sam on his birthday this year

With Eva on her birthday last year with her new haircut.
We love you, Aron McLoughlin!

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