Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What does a selection criteria template look like?

Key selection criteria, or selection criteria, is one of the most important elements of public position application in Australia. By relying on selection criteria, the governmental body is able to learn more about you and establish whether or not you’re the right person for a job.

As the name implies, selection criteria explain what is expected from you. It is presented in the form of a bullet list where an agency puts ahead of you a list of requirements. For example, there are statements regarding education, work experience, expertise, skills and so on. If you’re applying for a higher position, there will be more requirements. Anyway, just by reading the list, you can tell whether or not you’re the right person for a job.

You have to keep in mind there are a lot of different public positions and agencies in Australia. That being said, jobs will vary significantly and it is really hard to create a universal template that will cover all the selection criteria. 

However, here are some of the examples of how a template might look like:

  • 3+ years working as a marketing manager
  • High level of expertise working in Microsoft Excel
  • Proven track record
  • Knowledge of another foreign language is desirable with emphasis on German
  • Goal oriented, able to work as a part of a larger team

As you can see, these criteria are very similar to any other job. You can get a feel for the position just by reading it. In most cases, the list is much more complex than presented here. Keep in mind that governmental bodies usually have a much more restrictive and thorough process compared to private companies. Besides that, you might go through several interviews and tests where your competencies will be put to a test.

Things to keep in mind when preparing to respond

The candidate will have to respond to these criteria to the best of his or her ability. The initial stage usually has a big impact on whether or not you will land a job. There are certain things you can do to properly prepared and execute the process:

  • Learn more about this particular job
  • Learn more about the agency posting an ad
  • Modify your answers so they fit according to requirements
  • Create a good, simple layout
  • Avoid using personal pronounce
  • Be specific; go into details if needed. This is especially important for positions with more responsibility
  • Don’t leave any chance for misinterpretation

Answering key selection criteria can be really easy if you know what to look for. Keep in mind that are lots of professional companies such as resume companies that can help you with this step. This might be an optimal choice if you really want to land a particular job and you think you have the necessary skills for it.

No matter what, don’t apply for a position if you don’t meet the specific requirements. The screening is really thorough so there is no need to lose time on something that you likely cannot achieve.

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