Thursday, January 16, 2020

Recovering From A Dislocated Shoulder

If you have dislocated your shoulder, we can help you on the road to recovery with advice on how to get an effective treatment plan. 

The process entailed after dislocating your shoulder
This is something that experienced physiotherapists have an extensive amount of experience in, so you can be sure that pain will be alleviated and normal functionality will return as quickly as possible when you get the right help. Of course, a trip to the hospital is always the first thing that is required if you have dislocated your shoulder. Once you have followed the doctor’s advice, it is then best to see a physiotherapist who can help you on the road to recovery. After this, you will be then given the advice to follow at home for the final stages.

How does a dislocated shoulder occur?
A dislocated shoulder occurs when the connective tissue surrounding the shoulder joint tears and the upper arm bone comes out of the socket because the teat leads to the displacement of the bones that form the joint, meaning they are no longer placed next to each other as they should be. This is a condition that usually occurs during a traumatic sporting injury when the patient falls on an outstretched arm or they have experienced a direct impact, yet there are less common causes, including external forces and shoulder positions and movements that can lead to a dislocation. 

Symptoms and the pain of a dislocated shoulder
If you have a dislocated shoulder, you will certainly know about it, as the pain is excruciating and sometimes sufferers can actually hear the sensation of the bone popping out the socket. Aside from this, it is sometimes possible to visually see the difference from one shoulder to the other, and other symptoms include pain radiating in the arm as well as numbness or pins and needles in the shoulder, hand or arm. 

It’s not uncommon for your shoulder to feel very weak
Once the shoulder has been relocated, therapy is often still required, as a lot of people still experience pain and they find that their shoulder feels very weak, which makes it difficult for them to carry out their normal day to day tasks with some people struggling to even move their shoulder correctly. Yet, with proper rehabilitation, you can rest assured that these symptoms will disappear over time. 

Seeing a physiotherapist 
Once they have accurately diagnosed the dislocated shoulder, through an X-ray and other diagnostic tests, they will put together an effective physiotherapy plan, which will include the likes of core stability exercises, posture exercises, strength exercises, electrotherapy, ice or heat treatment, flexibility exercises, shoulder blade stability exercises, joint mobilisation, protective shoulder taping, soft tissue massage and the use of a sling. The techniques used all depends on the specifics of your condition. They will also provide you with a self-care plan to follow at home to make sure the problem does not get worse and you recover as quickly as possible. 

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