Sunday, February 9, 2020

Creative Ways to Surprise Your Sweetheart

                    Flowers and jewelry are some of the most common gifts people give to their significant other. While there is nothing wrong with traditional gifts, there may be times when you want to show your partner you care in a creative and fun way. Finding new and fun ways to surprise the one you love, can be a challenge. But worry no more, below are some unique and fun gift ideas for your sweetheart, this Valentine’s Day or any day.

Create a Scavenger Hunt

Some may think scavenger hunts are just for kids, but there are some fun ways you can surprise your sweetheart with a scavenger hunt. For example, you can start with a note at the door leading them to their next clue. Where you have the clues come to an end and for what surprise, is up to your imagination! Let your creative juices flow!

Put together a Gift Basket

Does your sweetheart love the color purple or love having an occasional spa day? You can put together a basket that is full of purple pampering items such as bath bombs, lotions, towels, and essential oils. Does your sweetheart love to go to the movie theater? You can create a movie night basket that is filled with DVDs, popcorn and snacks, for a romantic night in. You can even purchase ready-made, beautifully crafted valentine gift baskets that are filled with items they’ll love, without having to get the items together yourself.

Write A Letter or Poem

Feeling like getting those creative juices flowing? You can sit down and put your feelings on paper. Expressing your heartfelt feelings to your loved one can be a gift they’ll always remember. If you’re unsure how to get started in writing a poem or letter, there are tips to help you get started.

Put Together a Scrapbook

Gathering up pictures and mementos of your sweetheart and compiling them into a scrapbook can be a sweet gift that your loved one will treasure. Maybe you can put together a scrapbook of your first date or special events. If you’re married, a scrapbook of the days leading up to your wedding may be treasured forever.

Finding ways to show your significant other they’re special to you doesn’t always have to be shown in a typical way. You can get creative and put together gifts that not only come from the heart but can be a way to remember those special times together.


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