Thursday, May 21, 2020

Tips To Renovate Your Bathroom

Renovating a bathroom is one job that needs doing every so often in your home. It’s a place where a lot of activity will happen that can cause general wear and tear. It’s also good to try and keep it well maintained and clean, but at some point, it might need a little refresh or a complete revamp. Here are some tips to renovating your bathroom.

Define A Budget
Firstly, you want to have a budget in mind when it comes to renovating, as this can often be a costly job to do. By budgeting and setting an amount that you want to spend and don’t want to go above, can help your spending from going out of control. You can also end up getting tempted when it’s time to go shopping for the different elements of your bathroom, whether it’s a free-standing bathtub or bidet toilet. A lot of bathroom renovations can vary in cost and so you want to figure out what it is that you’d like from the beginning. It might be that you just want to replace some of the appliances within your bathroom or it could be that you want to rip out everything and start again. You might simply want to replace the tiling and add some new storage options to the space. Whatever your project is, make sure you’ve thought about a budget. This is what’s going to define how well put together your bathroom will be, and it will also define how long it lasts. There are certain things that you might want to buy in order to help make your money go further and so you don’t need to bother with renovating again until much later on in your life.

Consider A New Layout
A new layout is certainly something to consider if you’re looking at doing a complete renovation of the space. You may have been the first person to move into the property, or you might be the seventh. Whatever the case, it’s good to see the layout from a different perspective because that layout was a choice made by someone else. You might see the layout of the space a lot differently and thus could be a complete transformation in how it looks afterwards. When it comes to the design aspect, try not to focus so much about sticking everything against the walls. Depending on how much space you have to work with, you might want to bring some of the appliances away from the wall and change how you might walk around the space. Get creative and don’t restrict yourself when it comes to the design process.

Get Experts In For Plumbing
There might be a necessary change that you want to make to the layout, and therefore you may need to consider getting in professionals to sort out the plumbing aspect. Unless you are a plumber yourself or have the skills to replace toilets and piping, then it’s definitely better to leave it to the professionals. Otherwise, you risk making an error or mistake that could cost you a lot more money. And usually, when it comes to your water supply, you definitely don’t want this going everywhere uncontrollably. In order to make sure this process doesn’t slow down, book in your plumbing as and when it’s needed within the renovation. You don’t want to get so far, and then you’re delayed on having it completed within the time frame you need it. Usually, when it comes to bathroom renovations, you want it completed asap as it needs to be used by the household.

Stick To Neutral Colors
Neutral colors are something that can definitely help when renovating a space and making sure it stays as timeless as possible. When it comes to decorating the space, you want to think about making it as maintainable as possible and the fact that perhaps you don’t want to pick colored tiles for it to fall out of style and therefore you end up having to renovate again a couple of years later. Remember that soft furnishings and other decor that you feature within the space can add that color factor that you’re after. By keeping the walls and floors neutral, you allow for more creativity and scope when it comes to the interior decor and soft furnishings you include. 

Invest In A Little Luxury
Depending on your budget, it might be worth saving money in some places so that you can splash out in others. Adding a little luxury to your space can elevate the surroundings even more, so as a rainforest showerhead to touch-light mirrors. And it can sometimes be the little things that can make a big difference in how the space feels. Some luxurious, scented candles or the finest Egyptian cotton hand towels. A bit of that luxury here and there is something that can create the spa-like experience in your own home. Look at what the budget can do for you and try to incorporate some extra luxurious features where you can. The big bathtubs that can fit up to two people in or even going further and getting a hot tub style bath might be more to your taste. Dress the space with you and your household in mind. 

Make Use Of Wall Space 
The wall space is somewhere that can often go un-loved, but you should be utilizing every inch of the room in order to maximize it’s potential. With the walls, you might want to add a few floating shelves here and there, creating space for your lotions and potions. Shelving space can also help incorporate some indoor nature into the space, and that can certainly change the way the space feels and looks. What about hanging up some artwork? You might want to think about the type and what the moisture aspect of the bathroom might mean to the type of art you purchase. But nonetheless, art can add a burst of color and can add to the overall aesthetic of what you are going for. 

Incorporate The Right Lighting
And finally, lighting is very much a way of creating an ambience in your home. The bathroom is no different, and where possible, you want to incorporate as much natural light as possible. There are some bathrooms that are limited when it comes to windows, so use warm lighting to help mimic natural daylight where possible. You can also incorporate the lighting into different areas of the room. Whether that’s on the mirror itself or underneath it. You might want to incorporate some lighting in the shower area to really change up your shower experience. As much as the actual renovations to the layout are important, you also want to think about the more minor details, like the lighting, for example. Look at what will work for the space and might not as harsh white lighting might be a bit too much.

Renovating your bathroom is a lot of fun, and for many, it’s probably something you do every decade or so. Depending on what you do at the time will dictate how long you can leave it before it becomes too old-fashioned. It’s also all about how you maintain it and keeping it clean of course is always important. Use these tips to help make your bathroom renovation as successful as possible. Know your budget and try to get creative with the layout and the little luxuries you add to the space. It’s the small things that can make a difference.

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