Monday, July 13, 2020

5 Fun Ways to Keep Kids Interested in Reading and Storytelling

Image by Kidaha from Pixabay

When children are very young, they love being read to, then many children will even progress to reading books by themselves. There is, after all, something magical about reading and losing yourself in a fantasy world.

Unfortunately, as children grow, there are many other distractions, especially in the modern digital world. Yet, reading and storytelling are still essential to their development, it encourages creative thinking, use of imagination, and puzzle-solving skills.  

While reputable early childcare establishments such as this childcare Liverpool encourage reading, it is important to continue the trend at home. Your children will thank you for it one day in the future!

Storytelling doesn’t just mean reading a book. Children can get lost in fantasy and learn from it just as easily by listening to an audiobook. This allows them to do other things at the same time and it appears much cooler than simply reading.

If they are still not keen try playing audiobooks in the car and talk to them about it while you’re driving.

Just remember to use open-ended questions if you actually want a discussion.

Try Different Books
If your child isn’t interested in reading then consider what they are reading. This isn’t a one-size fit all option. Take a look at the different books available and encourage your child to try different themes and genres, they are certain to find something they enjoy.

Schedule Time
A great way to ensure everyone is reading is to create a schedule that dedicates just 15 minutes to reading every day. During that time no electronic gadgets are allowed in the house, everyone reads and no one feels like they are missing out.

15 minutes doesn’t seem like too much for a child to read for but it will build the habit.

Children Choose Their Own Books
It’s essential that children are allowed to choose their own books. Just like most things in life, choosing something for yourself automatically makes it more interesting and more valuable.
If your child has chosen a book themselves they are more likely to want to sit down and read it. That’s three-quarters of the battle taken care of!

Lead By Example
Don’t forget that children are naturally curious and rebellious. If you’re telling them to read a book you should be doing the same thing. This encourages them as you’re leading by example. You can do it at the same time as them to reinforce the reading schedule.

If you’re not visibly reading then your children will question the importance of reading and will be more likely to give up. Reading is beneficial for adults as well so it’s not a bad thing to take a few moments to enjoy a good book.

You can even leave the books you are reading lying around and other potential titles, it will ensure your children are interested and help them to choose their next book.

Don’t forget that reading also expands your child’s vocabulary, and may even expand your vocabulary. That’s definitely beneficial as they grow into adulthood.

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