Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Sorting Your Finances As A Couple

 Budgeting as a couple can be a complicated process. It can be difficult to move from the mindset of only monitoring your financial aims, so, adding a partner into the mix can be a bit of a balancing act. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Without taking the time to talk about money or research things like DTSS Complete Freedom & Debt Discharge Membership Programs, you could be left stressed about your finances down the road. Long-term financial success requires commitment and budgeting together. 

Some of the things you can look at include: 

Starting With The Basics

Before you start to plan out your budget together, you need to talk about your financial habits, desires, and goals. Understanding where each other are and how you approach money provides you with the right footings to move forward positively. 

Look At The Household Needs

Once you have done the above, it’s time for you to look at the needs of the household. Look at expenses such as the rent/mortgage, utility bills, car payments, groceries, and debt payments. 

There is always going to be wiggle room on how much you do spend on these areas. You can save money by purchasing a less expensive car, reducing your grocery spend, or downsizing your home. But you need to remember these are a priority before luxury items

Create Long-Term Goals

You need to have goals to work on as a couple. These long-term goals need to be included in your financial plan. They can help you to see how long it will take you to buy a house, or when you could begin a family. When you have specific goals, it can make budgeting a whole lot easier. If you have a goal in mind, you can stop overspending on a regular basis. 

The Three Main Approaches 

Combine All The Finances

This means that everything from both of you goes into one big lump sum. All the expenditure and income goes into one place and is shared. Partners may a smaller account for some discretionary spending, however, the majority of it is shared. 

Separate All The Finances

Each person has their own account. The expenses are divided and they are assigned to each partner. They may be divided on a 50/50 approach or it may be based on their individual incomes. In some cases, if the one person owns the house the other pays them to rent. 

Hybrid Finances 

Some couples find that a hybrid approach is best. This is where the majority will have a joint account for all the household expenses and shared goals like a holiday or a house. Then each part of the couple contributes to the pot. They then keep the remainder of the money in their own bank account. Again, this may be that each person pays on the same amount or different based on their income. 

Don’t let finances as a couple, cause unnecessary stress in your partnership. When you start to look at combining your finances and living as a couple, you will be able to establish good financial habits from the start. 

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