Tuesday, October 6, 2020

What Are The Benefits Of Cranberry Supplements?



Cranberry suplements seem to have been getting more attention as of late in the world of wellness. They provide a lot of the same health benefits of fresh cranberries. Some cranberry supplements can also contain other ingredients as well, for instance, probiotics or vitamin C, which will heighten the beneficial effects of cranberry supplements. With that in mind, in this blog post, we are going to take a look at cranberry supplements in further detail to help you get a better understanding. 

Cranberry supplements contain powerful antioxidants

Aside from the points that have been mentioned so far, taking a cranberry supplement comes highly recommended because it will be filled to the brim with powerful antioxidants. This ensures that your body is protected from damage caused by free radicals. Free radical damage has been linked to a lot of chronic diseases and illnesses, ranging from diabetes to heart disease. Interestingly, cranberries have more antioxidants when compared with any other type of commonly eaten berry or fruit. 

Cranberries can help to prevent urinary tract infections

Another benefit associated with cranberry supplements is that they help to prevent urinary tract infections. Most women have had a UTI before, and they can be very irritating and painful, to say the least. Cranberries are beneficial here because they contain proanthocyanidins, which are compounds that can help to prevent E.coli bacteria from attaching to the lining of your bladder and urethra. If the bacteria is not able to stick to the tissues, this means it is not going to be able to multiple, which is how infections happen. 

What other benefits are linked with eating cranberries?

There are a number of other benefits that you can expect from cranberry supplements as well. This includes the following:

  • Increase immunity - There are a number of small studies that have found that the compounds in cranberries can help to lower symptoms of flu and boost immunity.

  • Healthier gums and teeth - The same compounds that are found in cranberries and help to prevent bacteria from attaching to the urinary tract also stop bacteria from overgrowing in your mouth, which helps to reduce the risk of gum disease and cavities.

  • Better blood sugar control - There are several studies that have also found that cranberry supplements can lower blood sugar levels considerably in individuals with diabetes. 

  • Protection against ulcers in the stomach - On a final note, cranberries can also help when iot comes to getting rid of H. pylori bacterial infections that happen in the stomach. As a consequence, this will reduce your risk of experiencing a stomach ulcer.

So there you have it: some of the different benefits that are associated with cranberry supplements. Hopefully, this has helped you to get a better understanding of this wellness product and whether or not it is right for you. With so many different supplements that are available on the wellness market today, it is vital that you choose something that is right for your requirements and health needs. 

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