Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Like The Idea Of Living On A Boat? Read This!

It’s no secret that most people prefer to live on land in a house or apartment. A few people might even live in an RV as they relish the idea of taking their home on wheels to different parts of the country.

Of course, some folks want to take that to another level and live on a boat. You might not realize it, but there are plenty of people that call a boat their home! If you like the sound of that, here’s what you need to know about living your life on the water:

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Choosing the right houseboat

The houseboat experience starts by choosing the right one to meet your needs best. You need to think carefully about the size you need and where you’re likely to navigate your houseboat in the future.

For example, some houseboats might be too wide to navigate down narrow bodies of water. And small houseboats might not meet your needs if you’re planning to live in one with your family.

Keeping oily waste out of the water

One thing you’ll learn about owning and operating a houseboat - or any boat - is how they can sometimes leak oil. As you know, large boats like houseboats have engines in them (typically diesel engines).

And if you’re a car owner, you’ll know that engines sometimes leak oil due to damage or wear and tear. The last thing you want to happen is for leaking oil to end up making its way into the water beneath you for obvious reasons.

The good news is you can prevent that from happening in two ways:

  • The first is with regular engine maintenance and ensuring you replace any damaged seals or gaskets. You may wish to have a mechanic maintain your engine if you’re not mechanically minded.

  • The other way is by having an oil-water separator fitted. Visit to see some examples of how they work and websites like Vetus for marine-grade products.

Fees and charges

You’ll need to pay some fees and charges for your houseboat as you would for a regular house on land. For instance, you may need to pay marina fees when you moor your houseboat by private land.

And depending on where you are in the world, you may also need to pay fees for keeping your houseboat in certain areas. It’s worth researching those costs before you buy your houseboat so you can factor in those expenses.

Power and water

Last but not least, you’ll need to consider how to get electricity and clean water for your houseboat. Marinas generally have electrical hookups for power, but there’s nothing stopping you from generating your own power.

Take a look at for some information on solar power and houseboats. As for clean water, again some marinas provide hose connections to supply water to your boat.


Moving into a houseboat is an exciting prospect for people from all walks of life! The beauty of such an abode is you can literally ‘move home’ anywhere in the world! Just be sure to conduct plenty of prior research before you buy a houseboat.

Good luck!

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