Saturday, December 19, 2020

Three Ways to Kick of 2021 in a Positive Way

2020 has been a year that has been tough for many people, and tough for a whole host of reasons. There has been financial struggle, there has been loss, there has been illness, and there has been a lot of uncertainty and anxiety. So although there is still a lot that is up in the air for many of us, being able to plan a few more things for the new year, and get things off to a good start can be a positive way to kick things off. So if you are looking for some things to help you to get your new year off in a positive and productive way, then here are some things that you could do.



Having a clean home is one thing, but a home that isn’t full of junk and clutter is another thing. When you have a clear home, it helps to have a clear mind, which is a good way to start the year with. There can be a lot of extra ‘stuff’ in your home from around the holidays, so once they are all over, packing them away, and getting rid of the things that you no longer need is a good idea. You could look for junk removal to help you, as well as thinking about selling some things, or giving away to goodwill. A good rule of thumb to go with, is if you haven’t used it for six months, and there isn’t any real sentimental value to it, is to declutter it.

Set Goals

One way to start the year off is with setting yourself some goals. New year’s resolutions won’t be for everyone, but goals are often something that is easier to work towards. Although there are still some things that are unpredictable, like travel, for example, you can still set yourself some particular goals. You might want to write a book, run a marathon, redecorate your bedroom, or try a new class. Think about what you could do to enrich your life in the coming year, and then you can set goals accordingly. There is definitely a feeling of ‘if not now, when’ after the year that we have had, so think about those things you’d like to do but have been putting off.

Move More

For whatever reason, this past year is likely to have been a year where you have stayed at home much more than ever before. As a result of that, you might have been more sedentary than ever before. Working from home, gyms closed, classes closed, and other elements can all combine to lead to a less active lifestyle and one that could lead to ill-health if left. So think about some of the things that you can do as you head into the new year to be more active. It will help you to feel good, relieve stress, burn calories, and just overall improve your wellbeing.

Just a few things to start your new year off in a good way; is there anything else that you would add to the list?

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