Sunday, January 24, 2021

Spring Cleaning Tips: 3 Ways To Clean Out and Get Organized This Year

The tiny toys have been a challenge to declutter and organize!
First step was to gather all of them from all over the house!

After a year of staying at home and online shopping, homes are getting cluttered, and it’s time for a deep clean. Getting started may seem like a mammoth task, but with a little work, you can get your home in order just in time for spring.  


Large items like chairs, dressers, and rugs take up a lot of the room in your house, but they are often difficult to remove. Before you start throwing away these larger items, see if you can instead sell them. Sites like Arizona online auctions provide the option to help you sell your furniture. By selling your items online, you can avoid expensive disposal costs and potentially earn some money. Just be sure to clean up and check all the drawers before selling.   


Usually, when choosing sorting clothes, you can rely on whether you wore them or not. However, this past year has changed how you pick which to sell. As you go through your wardrobe, think about whether the clothes are still your taste and whether you can create at least three outfits with them. Then, you need to decide if you want to sell or donate your clothes. This is an easy way to build some good karma or earn some extra dollars for the spring.   


Now that you have separated out what you are keeping and not, you need to start changing how you store your belongings. Go through each room and think about where it looks cluttered, or where you can improve the layout. When doing this walkthrough, be sure to check inside drawers and chests. With a little ingenuity, you can create storage solutions that will transform your rooms and make your home clean and tidy this year.  

After you have your house in order, don’t forget to relax and enjoy your newly rejuvenated space.  

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