So when you've been with someone almost 26 years (we met in July of 1995, and here's our love story) and you have 5 kids together, it's easy to get into a routine of work, kids, busy, house projects, dishes, cooking, laundry, driving, errands, homeschooling, dentist, eye doctor, orthodontist, social stuff at home and other places, taxes, fishing, etc.
Maybe you try to carve out a day, put it on the calendar, but then something else comes up and you have to move the date to another time or maybe it just falls off the radar altogether. Also, with 5 kids coming and going, a couple driving, some with other plans, it becomes a homework assignment in rocket science to make it all work out. Not to mention you have to make sure there is plenty of food at home, and then you have to run down the ground rules again.
I'm happy to report that, although my husband and I didn't date much when the kids were younger (simply because we enjoyed being with them so dang much and also we had like 6 years together before we ever had kids), we are dating more now, when we can. Recently we went to Ronnie's Restaurant in Lenexa and it was fantastic!
I put this date on the calendar several weeks ago. It was originally supposed to be May 8, but I was consulted and agreed that a fishing trip with Mr. McLoughlin and Twin and 6 of the kids (4 of ours and 2 of Twin's) would be fine as long as we could move the date to May 1.
Look, I know the MALE is supposed to plan the date and all that. I get where you're coming from, and we teach our boys that THEY call the girls and not the other way around. And we teach our girls that they should expect to have doors opened for them, etc. They are very blessed to have many friends whose parents have similar values.
But sometimes you want to plan something nice for someone, you know? I chose a restaurant I knew he would like, a shopping experience I thought he would enjoy, and some exercise I knew he was craving. Then I got one more surprise idea. Here's our day in pictures! I hope it gives you some inspiration!
*some photos are not included because we can't stand mask photos
Yay, all parked! Aron was painting in the morning and I was getting groceries. Then came the moment we realized we were out of the house on an 80-degree day and we could just have one-on-one conversations. We decided we'd like to turn our gravel driveway into one with bricks. |
We are always thinking of the kids when we are out. At Pigwich, we thought of Samuel because he loves watermelon and we call him Sammy. When I was pregnant with him, I think it was Eva who wanted me to name the baby "Samwich" ... |
My friend Alyson recommended Pigwich, and it was a hit! Aron got the brisket sandwich and I got the Pigwich (pulled pork patty with sweet slaw, provolone, chipotle sour cream, BBQ sauce) and sweet potato fries. |
Then it was time to walk over to Planter's Seed and Spice ... we had fun picking some things out at fabulous prices (powdered chicken base, bulk bay leaves, taco seasoning, etc.). |
I had no idea this was basically like a lawn and garden center with very fair prices ... we'll be going back! My man got himself a rain gauge. He loves to know the status of the rain. |
Parking this here because we really need sunflowers on our land. |
I'm sure my husband tires of my couple selfie photo shoots, but that's just part of being married to me 🤷 |
Then we walked to the Town of Kansas Bridge to put our love on lockdown. We'd been there in January of 2020 with the kids as well. I knew I wanted to go back with my man. |
Aron was distracted by the kayakers on the longest river in North America. He wants to know where you put in and out. So if anybody could help me out with that info, I'd appreciate it. |
Aron put the deets on the lock. |
I added the crosses. |
He climbed up and attached the lock to the bridge. Then he took a video of me backing up, running, and tossing the two keys (intertwined) into the river. Sorry for polluting the river, Kansas City! |
A random guy took our picture. Almost American Gothic, but not quite. I was missing my pitchfork. |
In case you wanted some info so you go there and do what we did. |
I love the original flavors! I get the one with goat cheese/candied walnuts/apricot + a scoop of s'mores. Aron got the plum dark chocolate and raspberry/blueberry. |
Then we went to chill at the park by the City Market. Our deepest conversation of the day centered around the fact that if we had a blanket, we'd be asleep on that grass, probably woken by the cops at 9 p.m. He said he could use the floormats from his truck and I said we could probably just knock on an apartment door and borrow a blanket. Neither of those things happened. I did read a little of "Come Fly the World." (if you go to this link and the company name is still spelled wrong, don't blame me ... you can bet your butt I wrote the company and told them about it; and I may also have told them I would be available to work for them as a proofreader) 🤷 |
Forced couple selfie again. |
If I weren't already married, I would marry this vehicle right here. Oh, the 1964 1/2 Ford Mustang. I loved you before I was even born. My mom owned a Mustang in the '60s and so did my mother-in-law. I am destined to own one. |
January 2020, our family of 7 took the streetcar to the River Market area and waited right out side this cool place. Ah, the days before masks. I believe this was the stop we got on and met up with Father Evan Harkins, such a sweet soul! (funny that today we ran into 3 seminarians or young priests inside the soda shop) Sadly, Father Harkins passed away not long after that. We continue to pray for him and for his family. |
This is the part of the date where our phones were dead and we wanted to get home. We had gone to T-Mobile to get his SIM card updated and find out why he had zero service since the last update. They didn't know why. Grrr. We then went to Fidel's (a cigar shop) in Westport so Aron could have cigars for a social gathering tomorrow night. Westport is part of our love story, by the way (and I linked to it above, but in case you missed it, it's here again). I waited outside reading my book (see above). |
Tell me about your favorite dates!
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