Showing posts with label Country Living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Country Living. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

How To Run a Successful Farm Business


Image credit 

Like any other business, agribusiness owners face financial struggles and uncertainties that can affect their profitability and long-term success. Recent research shows that small farms in the US are producing less and becoming more financially risky. And this does not sound encouraging, especially if you’re looking to start an agricultural business. To achieve financial success, it’s important to identify and adopt the right strategies to increase production or yield and ensure sustainable profitability. Here are four tips for financial success in agriculture. 

  1. Invest in high-quality equipment

The quality of equipment you invest in can affect your production level. High-quality equipment, for example, can improve production efficiency, leading to increased yield and reduced downtime. High equipment is also more reliable, so you wouldn’t worry too much about frequent machine breakdowns and costly repairs. And this will reduce your labor and maintenance spending, ensuring that these costs do not eat too deeply into your profits.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The Pond Management Guide

The Pond Management Guide is essential for everyone who wants to build and maintain a water garden. It includes information about water quality testing, aquatic plants, watershed management, and fish propagation. This book also includes downloadable Aquaguides, which offer more information on stabilizing stream banks, building near a stream, and sustainable sand and gravel removal.

Water Quality Testing

The pond water test kit includes measurements of many vital substances and is easy to use. The results are very accurate. Using this kit will let you know your pond's pH level, which is essential in lake management when caring for your fish. The kit includes pH (a wide range) measurements, GH, Nitrate, and Ammonia.

Water-quality parameters can help you gauge the health of your lake and identify areas that require management. If your pond is experiencing nuisance aquatic weed growth or a harmful algal bloom, a water-quality test can help you treat these issues before they become too severe. In addition, high levels of TDS could indicate pollution.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

A Miscarriage Memorial, Hashimoto's, and my Husband Got Hit by a Car

Warning: sad post and a little long. I am usually a pretty upbeat person, but sometimes certain things happen in our lives and we need a little time to recover, and they change who we are. We all grieve in our own way. I think it's important to journal and share, if you feel comfortable doing so (originally posted September 23, 2018)

Back in March of 2018, I had a miscarriage. I was 46 years old and excited to be pregnant with my sixth child with my wonderful husband. Our other kids were 8, 10, 13, 14, and 16 at the time. They were also excited, as were our friends, our families, our neighbors. I had waited a couple of weeks after my period to take a pregnancy test because my periods had been irregular about once a year. I just figured this was that once-a-year period that went long. One Friday, I took a pregnancy test and was excited to see my nausea and exhaustion now had a reason!

Wonder Woman and Bravehart; I'm holding baby #6 and he's holding the pregnancy test!

Sadly, the next day I started to bleed, right after the Brookside St. Patrick's Day parade. I wish I had taken a pregnancy test sooner just to have the idea of this child in my mind and heart longer! I'll spare you the heartbreaking details of the next seven days (at least in this post), but I lost the baby.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

3 Crafts to Try

Image by Candace Hunter from Pixabay 

 Even if you've never considered yourself a very crafty person, you might want to get started on a new hobby, something fun and relaxing that leads to beautiful results. If this describes you, then read on for three creative crafts to try.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Tiny House Movement + I Want to Live at IKEA

 A post came up on my Facebook feed recently reminding me that we bought the four acres adjacent to our home a few weeks after the insane and stressful process of selling our old home and moving in to our new one. I had forgotten about that entire stressful process, kind of like a mini-house-buying negotiation session complete with more papers to sign. Thank goodness for Docusign so we didn't have to do everything in person!

I was thinking I probably need to check into getting a building permit to build a tiny house on this "bonus property" for my mom to live on someday. Or I also dream of a little office back in the woods so I can get creative and write my memoir series. But that's a long time away! I still have around 8 more years of homeschooling :-)

So let's go back to September 2017 for a moment and a trip I took to IKEA with my kids...

Remember that movie from the ’80s where the guy and the girl got lost in the Target and had so much fun? Well, I prefer IKEA. They even have the food of my people, the Swedes. Food, coffee, chocolate, lots of space for running. The ultimate hide-and-seek space. Bathrooms. Did I mention amazing food?

Look! You can even get in your exercise at IKEA!

I like these storage solutions, but always fear I'd bonk my head on them.

Can you imagine living in 590 square feet? Have you ever had to, such as in a
dorm room or tiny studio apartment?

Callie's ideal office, complete with Eiffel Tower prints.

Time to go.

When we got home later, my son put on the song "I Wear My Sunglasses at Night" and trotted around in time to the beat like a super cool guy. When I was 13 years old, I sure didn't think that someday my kid would like my music. I know my dad has the same thoughts.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Moving Long-Distance? Take These Steps First

Pixabay - CC0 Licence

When it comes to moving house, some of us choose to move just a couple of streets across, possibly

to find a bigger home or be closer to family. Some of us, however, tend only to move in big chunks,

taking us from one city to another, or potentially even another state or country. You may be in the latter

group if you have a job that requires you to travel, or happen to experience wanderlust.

However, any one of us can end up moving more or less across the country for one reason or another.

Maybe our job demands it, or maybe we have to move to help family during a tough time. Either way,

it is important to be aware of what such a long distance move entails, and how to make sure that you

take all the necessary precautions before you make it.

Read up on state/regional/national law where you’re going

Outside of a vague sense that we’re always operating on the right side of the law, many of us do not

have in-depth legal knowledge, and specifically do not know the difference between the laws where

we are, and law elsewhere. However, if you are moving within the USA, you may need to brush up

on state law in the place you’re moving to. Even neighboring states can have vastly different laws on

issues such as drinking alcohol, gun ownership and driving. That’s just the tip of the iceberg, so make

sure to learn what you need to know.

Heavy weight makes any trip tougher

Though many of us decide to travel light and save money by turning our house move into a road trip,

driving across the country with most of your possessions may well be a false economy; it will definitely

slow your drive, and will lead to more frequent refuelling stops. Assigning this part of the job to the likes

of North American Van Lines is a smart move - then you can move at your leisure, potentially even

flying to save the exhaustion and expense that comes from a long, multi-day drive and several motel

stops. Moving is a tough process, why make it any harder than it needs to be?

Switch over your utilities

Pexels - CC0 Licence

No matter how you’ve traveled, nor how long it has taken, when you arrive at the other end of a

long-haul move you are going to be tired. You will also be the very opposite of fresh, and won’t much

be in the mood for anything beyond flaking out and beginning to relax into your new home. So make

sure that you have alerted your utilities provider in the old home to switch off your service on moving

day, and spoken to your new provider to make sure your supply is on. You will want to shower, and you

are not going to want to do it in the dark, so it’s worth a check-up call a few days before the move to

ensure everything is on target.

A long-distance move can be exciting and filled with learning opportunities, but it is also testing at every

turn, so make sure you’ve got the essentials covered before you move.

Monday, August 31, 2020

4 Types of Gun Holsters


Part of properly carrying a gun either open or concealed is figuring out how to carry it safely and comfortably. Gun holsters are designed to make carrying a firearm more comfortable and convenient for long periods of time. A holster should ideally allow the wearer to move freely during their daily activities while also being able to access their weapon quickly and easily if needed.

1. Hip

Hip holsters are popular because many people find them easy to wear and believe that they provide good access in the event of an emergency. They are usually easy to take on and off and companies like DeSantis holsters produce a variety of designs. Some are designed to sit higher or lower than others, which can affect how easy it is to conceal the gun during use.

2. Shoulder

A shoulder holster has one or more straps that fit on the shoulders and suspend the gun near the ribs. There are different types of shoulder holsters that are made from different materials and can carry the gun either in a horizontal or vertical position. Make sure that the type of holster will work with the type of gun being carried, as that can affect the comfort level. Wearing loose-fitting clothes or layering clothing over the holster is usually a good idea, as the fabric can break up the outline of the gun to aid concealment. Padding the area between the gun and the body can also help prevent chafing.

3. Pocket

While it may seem that carrying a gun around in a pocket does not require the use of a holster, it is still important to wear one. A good holster will protect the trigger to prevent the gun from discharging accidentally. A holster will also be designed to obscure the shape of the firearm so that it is not easily detectable by others.

4. Ankle

Ankle holsters are great for carrying a concealed firearm because they are usually tucked underneath a pair of pants. Because of the size and location, ankle holsters are mostly used for smaller pistols.

Be aware when selecting a gun holster that everyone’s body is different. What works well for one person may not always work for others. Personal style also plays a role, as someone who prefers to wear tight clothing and also wishes to carry a concealed weapon may need to make some adjustments to their carry style, and perhaps also alter what they wear while carrying a gun. Try to test out holsters in person to find one that is the right fit before making a purchase.

Monday, August 3, 2020

5 Ways to Improve Your Dog's Quality of Life

Your pet will transform your life in a variety of ways, such as offering companionship, unconditional love, and loyalty. While you might want to care for their every need, improving their life goes beyond comfortable dog beds and tasty treats.

To ensure your dog is both happy and healthy with each passing year, read the below five ways to improve your dog’s quality of life.

1.    A Healthy Diet

Many pet owners associate food with love. Although you might believe that giving your dog an extra portion or two will make them happy, this could lead to rapid weight gain and various health issues.

To prevent obesity and future problems, you should feed your dog the right portion for their size, age, and breed. Contact a vet for advice if you’re unsure about the right foods and portion size for their diet.

2.    Daily Physical Exercise

It might be easy to overlook a daily walk with a dog if you have a busy lifestyle. It is, however, important for their health and wellbeing that they exercise regularly. The amount of physical activity they need will be determined by their breed.

Walk your pooch at least once a day, or twice, if possible. It could stop your loveable canine from developing a weight problem while also preventing a low mood and behavioral issues.

3.    Annual Veterinarian Visits

The thought of your pet pooch developing a health problem more than likely fills you with fear. Annual veterinary check-ups can identify an issue in its early stages, which could help a dog to make a full recovery. What’s more, a vet can provide advice on how to care for your pet each day to ensure they live a long, healthy life.

If you have yet to take your dog for a check-up with a vet, find a reputable practice to provide your pet with essential exams, vaccinations, and nutritional consultations, such as

4.    Regular Mental Exercise

Boredom can cause a dog to struggle with a low mood or even depression. Improve their wellbeing by providing activities to exercise their mind. Both you and your pooch will welcome a different form of exercise. 

For example, you could:

·        Buy various dog toys

·        Take trips to new places

·        Tackle different walking routes

·        Teach new tricks and skills


5.    Groom Your Pooch

Grooming cannot only improve your dog’s appearance, but it could transform their quality of life. For example, your canine will feel comfortable when they have a clean, trimmed coat, as it can stop matting from tugging at their skin.

Shorter toenails will help them to move around your home or outdoors comfortably, and trimming their fur can prevent it from hanging over their eyes and obstructing their vision.

However, you must avoid cleaning your dog too much, as it could dry out and irritate their skin. Unless your dog is dirty, shampoo your dog at least once every three months. You also can use water without shampoo once per week to help them enjoy a fresh and shiny coat.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

3 Things To Know About Pool Care

Owning a pool can be a rewarding experience. The thought of splashing around with friends during a pool party, or floating serenely on the clear, calm water is very enticing. Like many other parts of the yard and house, pools need regular maintenance to function properly.

1. Water Quality

An important part of maintaining a pool is keeping a close eye on the water quality. If the chemicals in the pool become unbalanced or are not added in a timely manner, then the pool water can become unsafe to swim in. Even if the water looks clear, things may not be perfectly in balance. If a water quality issue is suspected, then a sample can be taken for water testing Pittsburgh. Professionals can diagnose any problems and recommend solutions.

2. Sanitation System

There are different sanitation systems available and each one has its pros and cons. Chlorine systems are a popular choice and can be used for any type of pool. Saltwater and bromine systems are less harsh on skin than traditional chlorine systems but can be more costly. Mineral systems are also becoming more widespread, as they are generally easy to maintain. It is important to note that both saltwater and mineral systems do still utilize chlorine in different amounts.

3. Liner

Any pool with a liner should be monitored. They will last about 5-10 years before needing to be replaced. Replacing the liner is best done by professionals, as it is a tricky task. Done incorrectly, it can lead to an uneven liner with air bubbles or leaks. To replace the liner, the pool will need to be drained. If the pool is old, the walls may not be able to stand up without the support of the water.

Having a pool can be fun for everyone, whether it is a whole family or a single person who wants to enjoy calm afternoons doing laps. Take care of the system and it should last for a long time.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Easy Ways To Keep The Kids Entertained This Summer

Now that summer has arrived, parents are faced with the summer holidays. It can sometimes be
challenging to know how to keep the kids busy through the summer. You don’t want to risk not
organising anything, by the time the end of the summer arrives, you’ll be sure to be pulling your
hair out. 

Photo by Mac DeStroir from Pexels

Things of things to do, however, doesn’t have to mean you are going out and about. You can stay at
home and have just as much fun. Parents often get confused into thinking they need to go out all the
time and fill the summer with expensive activities; this isn’t the case. 

If you’re finding it hard to think of some ways to keep the kids entertained this summer, have a look at
some of the ideas below: 

Out And About 

Ok, so we will start with a few days out, but inexpensive ideas. There is a load of fun activities that
you can get involved with over the summer when the weather is perfect.

Visit The Beach -  A trip to the beach is often a great success for the kids. It’s something that the
whole family can get involved with, with water sports, sandcastle competitions, picnics, and much
more the beach is a winning, cheap day out for the whole family. 

Theme Parks - You may think that this is an expensive option; however, if you shop around and find
coupons, you can often find a great deal for these kinds of days out. 

A Trip To A Park - Whether you choose a play park or a national park, they are both brilliant. Ride
your bikes, playing ball games, have a picnic, relax in the summer sun, or enjoy a box of
pretzels delivered (order them in advance).

There is plenty that a park can offer you and the kids, and it’s a popular go-to for many parents in
the summer holidays. 

Days In 

Days in can be just as entertaining as days out in the summer. They are also a great way to keep
the costs down if you have spent some savings on trips or week away already. Being at home also
enables your children to free play and choose some activities they would like to do in their own space. 

Home Cinema - An enjoyable day at home is a home cinema. Recreate a cinema feeling in your
lounge. Pick out some favourite movies and munch on some hotdogs and popcorn. You could even
set the living room up as a den that surrounds the TV with comfy seating and blankets. 

Back Yard Camping - Who said you have to travel to camp? Camping in the back yard can be a
brilliant way to introduce your kids to nature without worrying if they’ll enjoy it, they will automatically
feel safer because they are in their back yard. Why not go the whole way and create a mini-camp
site complete with a seating area, fake fire (or real under supervision), lanterns, and chairs. 

These ideas should get the creative juices flowing and give you a good starting position with
your summer holiday plans. Is there anything that you are planning for this summer? Please
share your ideas in the comments below

Thursday, July 23, 2020

5 Ways to Treat Insect Stings at Home

Image by skeeze from Pixabay

When you hear insect sting the first thought is usually wasps and bees. These are the most common stings, can be very painful, and may cause health issues if you have an allergy.

However, they are not the only insects that sting, you need to be ready to deal with the aftermath from any insect sting.

In fact, it’s a good idea to speak to your local exterminator as they will be aware of the most common stinging insects in your area and what you can do to minimize the risk of them invading your home. Click here to find out more!

If you have been unfortunate enough to be stung then try one of these 5 treatment methods:

This is a simple and effective way to reduce swelling and minimize pain. The coldness of the ice will cause the affected area to feel numb and will decrease blood flow to the area. This minimizes swelling and will help to reduce the amount of toxin being moved around your body. Put simply, less blood to the area reduces the ability for any toxins in the sting to get into your blood and move around your body.

It’s best to wrap a couple of ice cubes in a damp cloth and ace the on the sting for approximately 20 minutes.

You may be surprised to discover that garlic can be very effective at reducing the pain of an insect sting. All you need to do is crush a garlic clove and cover the sting with it. It’s the garlic juices that are most effective so make sure they are included in your paste.

Baking Soda
Baking soda is great for a number of things, including insects stings. It is particularly effective against bee stings. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with enough water to make a thick paste. Then slather this across the sting and wait. It will start to soothe almost instantly.

Don’t forget that bees leave their sting in you, it will need to be carefully removed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
This is an effective approach when you’ve been stung by a wasp. The wasp sting, and even the hornets, are alkaline in nature, acidic compounds are the most effective at neutralizing them.

Dip a cotton wool swab into the apple cider vinegar and place it on the sting, or use a cotton swab and rub it across the sting. The pain will quickly reduce, allowing you to inspect the sting properly.

Onions are another surprisingly effective approach to insects stings and you’ll probably always have one in the house. Simply cut an onion in half and press the exposed area onto your sting. Hold it there until the pain disappears.

It is possible to have an allergic reaction to any insect sting, pay carefully attention to any symptoms that develop after the sting and seek the necessary medical attention if required. This is one scenario where it is definitely better to be safe than sorry.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Common Lawnmower Issues and How to Solve Them

Summer has finally arrived, and it’s time to pull out your lawnmowers and weed trimmers to get your lawn ready. As with anything, these machines can be damaged or break and require maintenance. Follow this guide for quick tips on common issues and how to fix them.

Failure to Start

You get your lawnmower out, you are ready to go, and it won’t start. While frustrating, this is a relatively common issue that can be solved easily. Start by looking at your fuel tank, is it full? Check for any signs of damage that could be causing leaks. Then go through and check for any issues such as a dirty filter. This can prevent your engine from starting. If both these areas are fine, check the spark plugs. Look to see if they are loose or dirty, anything that would prevent the spark from reaching the engine.

Engine Issues

When you mow the lawn, if you start to notice some sputtering or smoke rising from your mower, don’t panic. Check the filter, blades and spark plugs to see if you can find any excessive dirt, damaged or loose fittings. Once done, try and start your mower again. If you are still having problems, look for small engine repair shops near you, as this could be indicative of larger problems that require a professional eye to fix. Finally, if your lawnmower is putting off smoke, look at the color. White or light smoke is a sign of bigger engine issues that need to be fixed before you continue to use your mower.

Uneven Cuts

After you have put in the time to mow your lawn, the last thing you want to see is uneven or uncut grass. The best way to prevent this is by checking the conditions of the grass before you mow; wet or long grass can affect your mower's performance. Next, walk around your lawn checking for items that may block your mower’s path or damage the blades. Additionally, check the deck height to ensure your mower can handle the length of the grass. If you are still having these problems, check the blades for any damage that you may have missed.

There is nothing nicer than relaxing on a well-mowed lawn. Take the time to make sure your mower is up for the job this summer. If you have any issues, don’t shy away from asking for help. Have a wonderful summer!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Why You Should Buy A Dog This Year!

During these difficult times in quarantine we have all felt a sense of uncertainty, worry and possibly loneliness and depression. Emotions and feelings that we do not want to feel again and ones that we could look to try and avoid by looking into buying a pet. Dogs are wonderful pets that can bring you back to life. Give you a purpose, show you their love for you and give you a reason to get up in the morning. Coronavirus has impacted us all in many ways and will continue to do so into the future. So how can we change things around? 

Photo: Pixabay

Buying a dog will be the best purchase of your life. They will be loyal, loving and give you a companionship you didn’t know you were capable of having. If you are looking for Lucky Labs then you may want to know some of the biggest benefits of having a dog in your life. 

The responsibility, patience, selflessness, and commitment that comes with having a dog brings out the best in us as well as giving us an inner strength. Over the years, dogs have proven that they improve our physical and mental health. They can also help those around us, such as our family and friends. Falling in love with a dog is easy and especially if you are looking at getting a puppy! Puppies take time and dedication and need a lot of looking after and work. Sharing your home with a dog also means over 15 years worth of financing but the cost will be well worth it. 

How Do Dogs Help Our Health

There are a number of benefits that dogs have on our health. Studies show that having a dog is linked to lower blood pressure, reduced cholesterol, and decreased triglyceride levels, these can all improve health. If you have high blood pressure or any type of cardiovascular issues then you will find that they could help vastly. They say a dog is a man's best friend and this could not be truer. A companion for life with a trustworthy and kind nature, they are undoubtedly an irreplaceable friend in your life. Dogs still remain the number one choice in pets, around the world. A dog is the icing on the cake for any family, or even perhaps an older person who lacks companionship and of course guide dogs who assist those of us who are more vulnerable in society. Assistance dogs also play a vital role to those people who find life that little bit tougher to deal with - which is something to talk to your carer about (if you have one) because many are eligible for a care dog. In addition to this, here is how they can help your mental and physical health: 

1. They Keep You Active 

Dogs need to be exercised and this is the perfect excuse for you to get out and go for a walk. Having a dog encourages owners to exercise more and makes you want to play with them and get more physical, this improves your muscle, joints and general health and fitness. 

2. They Help Your Mood! 

Dogs are great for the mind. Having a dog can actually help improve mood and prevent depression in men or women and they certainly will ease anxiety due to how they impact the nervous system. Stroking or petting a dog can relax you and you do not need to do a lot of this with your dog to feel the benefits. Experts say that 15 to 30 minutes with their pet can be enough to make you feel more relaxed and calm. Spending time with your pooch can also raise the chemical levels in your brain which will bring you less stress and less inclination to snap or become angry easier. 

3. They Have Been Known To Help Health Diagnosis 

Some dogs can sniff out and detect skin, bladder, breast, colon, lung, and ovarian cancer. It is believed that dogs have a natural ability to smell certain types of cancer that have led to owners going to get a check up. If you notice your dog behaving differently or showing an interest in a certain area more often they do, then it is worth bringing it up with your doctor. Their sense of smell is impeccable and could help you out in many ways! 

Also dogs are: 

  • They are true friends for life! 
  • They will protect your kids and build good relationships with them. 
  • They help kids develop skills. 
  • They promote emotional development and empathy for youngsters.
  • Can help with behavioral problems.

In addition to this, they can also make us happier and more attractive to the opposite sex. Not only because they look cute and people are attracted to a cute dog in the park, but because dogs make you so happy that you radiate a smile and happiness that will attract others. They will put you in a better mood and make you feel happier and ready to take on new things. Overall, dogs will bring a lot of benefits to your life, even if you don’t think you’re a ‘dog person’ there is always time to really see how you get on with a dog, you will likely be surprised!

Photo: Pixabay

How Much Time And Energy Do I Need To Dedicate To My Dog

Many dogs are left unattended for eight or 10 hours every day while their owners work and some are ok with this but the average dog gets by happily with an hour or two of play time each day. You need to spend at least 2-3 hours a day with your dog in order for them to feel happy and loved. Ideally less than eight hours a day away from your dog is the best, for example a standard 9-5 job should be just fine. However, dogs crave attention and they need love, companionship, exercise, and stimulation. Make sure that you have the time and are getting a dog for the right reason and if you travel often or are on the road for long periods of time, it may be a good idea to reconsider this. 

Also, you must be sure that you can fund having a dog well. Financially providing for your dogs is a huge part of the job and you don’t want to go without and you do not want your dog to go without. On average, owners spend around $1,400 to $4,300 per year this adds up with food, supplies, insurance and pet cover etc. 

The Types Of Things You May Need To Buy 

You are going to want to make sure you have adequate supplies for your dog. Your dog must have regular check ups also to ensure that they are in good health. You could also look at having your dog spayed or neutered which is helpful in the long run. You may also want to look at microchipping them to make sure they are safe, just in case you get separated from them. You can always track your dog whenever you need to and don’t have to worry about losing your pet. Here are some standard supplies that every dog owner will need:

  • Food and water bowls.
  • Food
  • Collar.
  • Four to six-foot leash.
  • Hard plastic carrier or foldable metal crate.
  • Dog bed.
  • Doggy shampoo and conditioner.
  • Blankets. 
  • Toys for them to develop. 
  • Dental supplies. 
  • Grooming supplies 
  • Dog guard.
  • Any home supplies to keep them safe.