Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Monday, February 26, 2024

Why Laundry Services Are a Must-Have for Large Families


Laundry is one of the most dreaded household tasks, especially for large families. Fortunately, there are a few ways to make this chore less burdensome and more manageable.

The best way is to use a professional wash and fold laundry service. 

Saves Time

Many people find themselves pressed for time, especially when juggling work, home life, and a laundry list of chores. Managing your time wisely using modern solutions, such as laundry pick-up and delivery services, can help you save countless hours on chores.

The convenience of local drop-off and pick-up laundry services like WashBistro allows you to wash, dry, fold, and deliver your clothes in one convenient trip. This saves you valuable time on other tasks, working extra hours if needed, or enjoying your free time.

Also, you can save on electricity costs by scheduling your laundry service to pick up and deliver during off-peak energy usage times. These off-peak times will vary from season to season.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

What to Expect When Getting a Pet

 Bringing a new pet into your life can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it's important to understand what to expect before you take the plunge. Whether you're getting a dog, cat, bird, or any other type of pet, there are several things to consider to ensure that you and your new furry friend can enjoy a happy and healthy life together.

Image Credit

Here are some important things to keep in mind when getting a pet:

Choosing the right pet

The first step in getting a pet is choosing the right one for you and your lifestyle. Consider factors such as the size of your home, how much time you can dedicate to caring for your pet, and any allergies you or your family members may have. If you're getting a dog, consider the breed and its energy level, as well as its temperament and any specific needs it may have. If you're getting a cat, think about whether you want a more independent or affectionate cat, and whether you want a kitten or an adult cat.

Preparing your home

Before bringing your new pet home, make sure your home is pet-friendly. This may include things like securing any hazardous areas, putting away any valuable items that your pet could damage, and setting up a designated space for your pet's food, water, and bed. You may also need to purchase supplies such as food and water bowls, a leash and collar (if you're getting a dog), litter boxes (if you're getting a cat), and toys.

Establishing routines

Pets thrive on routine, so it's important to establish a consistent daily routine for your pet right from the start. This includes things like feeding and exercise times, as well as training and playtime. Consistency will help your pet feel secure and help you build a strong bond with your new furry friend.

Training and socialization

Whether you're getting a dog, cat, or bird, training, and socialization are important for ensuring that your pet is well-behaved and happy. For dogs, this may involve obedience training and socialization with other dogs and people. For cats, training may involve teaching them to use a litter box and scratching post, and providing opportunities for play and exercise. For birds, socialization may involve spending time with your bird and providing them with plenty of toys and activities to keep them mentally stimulated.

Caring for your pet's health

Just like humans, pets need regular check-ups and preventative care to stay healthy. This may include things like vaccinations, regular grooming, and dental care. It's also important to keep an eye out for any signs of illness or injury and to seek veterinary care if necessary.

Building a bond with your pet

Building a strong bond with your pet is key to ensuring that you both enjoy a happy and fulfilling life together. Spend quality time with your pet daily, whether through playtime, training, or just cuddling. Be patient and consistent, and always show your pet love and affection.

Pets can bring a lot of joy and happiness into our lives, but they also require a significant amount of time, effort, and financial resources. It's important to consider the long-term commitment that comes with pet ownership and make sure that you are ready and able to provide the care and attention your pet needs.

Dealing with behavioral issues

One of the biggest challenges of owning a pet is dealing with behavioral issues. Whether it's chewing, scratching, or barking, pets can exhibit a range of behaviors that can be frustrating and difficult to manage. You may need Pet Odor and Stain Removal services at certain times too. It's important to be patient and consistent in training your pet and to seek professional help if needed.

Image Credit

Budgeting for the costs

Another important aspect of pet ownership is budgeting for the costs associated with caring for a pet. This can include not only food and supplies but also veterinary care and unexpected medical expenses. It's a good idea to research the costs of owning a pet and budget accordingly so that you can provide your pet with the care they need without breaking the bank.

The emotional impact of pet ownership

Finally, it's important to be prepared for the emotional impact of pet ownership. While pets can bring a lot of joy and companionship, they also inevitably age and eventually pass away. It's important to be prepared for the emotional toll that can come with losing a beloved pet and to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if needed.

In Summary

Getting a pet can be a wonderful experience, but it's important to be prepared for the challenges and responsibilities that come with pet ownership. By doing your research, budgeting for the costs, and being patient and consistent in training your pet, you can build a strong and rewarding relationship with your furry friend.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

How to Introduce Important Cultural Events to Your Child


Pexels - CC0 License

Cultural events are an essential part of many communities' yearly tradition and remain a vital part of shaping a person's identity, beliefs, and values. It is enjoyable, and some say essential to pass on cultural knowledge and traditions to the next generation so these cherished events can survive. 

Luckily, children are like sponges, and they absorb everything they come across. For that reason, it’s healthy to introduce them to cultural events from an early age. In this post, we’ll discuss how to better introduce these events to your child, not only so they can understand what they mean and why you do it, but so they can get involved, learn more about themselves and their family values, and make great memories year-round.

With that in mind, let’s consider:

Involve Them In Cultural Practices

Children can participate in cultural festivals, food, and dance events, or watch cultural performances with you to learn about the particular culture in question. This way, they can learn about different cultures and their customs while having fun. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

4 Secrets to Keeping Your Dog Healthy and Happy

 Dogs are a part of the family for many people, and it's important to keep them healthy and happy. There are four main secrets to keeping your dog in good shape: exercise, diet, mental stimulation, and socialization. This blog post will discuss each of these secrets in detail and provide tips on how you can implement them in your own life.

1) Exercise

Exercise is an essential part of keeping your dog healthy and happy. It helps keep your dog physically fit, and can even reduce the risk of developing certain health problems. Regular exercise also helps build trust between you and your pet, as it creates a bond through activities like walks or playtime. Exercise can also help reduce the stress that comes from being cooped up in the house all day, which is beneficial for both you and your pup.

When it comes to exercising your dog, it’s important to remember that each breed has different needs when it comes to how much exercise they require. Certain breeds need more physical activity than others due to their size and energy levels, so make sure to know what is best for yours before heading out on a walk. For example, larger dogs might need longer walks while smaller dogs may prefer shorter ones with more frequent breaks.

via Pexels

Saturday, November 19, 2022

December and Christmas Traditions When You're Catholic

 About 10 years ago, I wrote an article called "10 Special Christmas Traditions" and it was published in maybe a dozen or so regional parenting publications in the US (then I parked the text here on the blog). Now that the kids are so much older, there are several that have dropped off, and I'd like to start including some different ones and start incorporating our Catholic faith a bit more. 

For instance, we still look at Christmas lights, but with teens' work and social schedules, sometimes that has to happen AFTER Christmas. The Letter to Santa tradition has morphed into the Add to Your Amazon Wish List tradition 🙄 We don't have the kids go sit on Santa's lap anymore (last time they pretty much just stood), but we could definitely handle some more volunteer work and helping others (just today my husband and three of the kids helped demo a bathroom at an old convent and loved it!).

December 6th is my fourth child's birthday, and she'll be 15 this year (able to get her driving permit in our state and possibly able to get a job—if her dad says okay). It's also the feast day of St. Nicholas, and I only learned a few years ago about putting treats in kids' shoes. I'm a convert, and my husband either never knew or doesn't remember a lot of this stuff; I don't think his family ever did this shoe thing. Here's a link at Catholic Icing with ideas for gifts to put in the shoes.

December 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and a holy day of obligation, which means we go to Mass. Here's more information about the real meaning of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and also a craft.

December 12th is the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and we do love our Mexican heritage around here. I fell in love with speaking Spanish long ago, and our second son Michael (Miguelito) flew through dual-credit Spanish I in college and is going back for more, happily. I think it's cool that the Spanish speakers at the restaurant where he works ask to speak to him on the phone when they want something understood (like they left something at work and need it put in their locker)😁 This is a new one we're adding to our December Traditions lineup (I know, like we need more to remember and do), and it's going to be as simple as having tacos for dinner that night 🤷 When we are able to step it up a little bit, I'm parking this link to Catholic Icing for some more ideas for celebrating this feast day.

December 13th — How did I not know that the feast day of St. Lucy is huge in Swedish culture?! I really don't think I'll be making these saffron buns anytime soon, but I'll park the recipe here just in case. And here are more fun ideas for celebrating. Otherwise, to keep it simple, maybe we'll just go look at lights that night.

December 24th (Christmas Eve) — I think I went to Midnight Mass with my husband's family once (and this is before we were even married, I think, and maybe before I even converted) and quite possibly said, "Never again!" Nah, I remember thinking it was beautiful (I think we went to St. Joseph Catholic Church in Shawnee, KS), but once we had kids and tried to go to Mass anytime past 10 p.m., it was a disaster. Anyway, we always attend Mass on Christmas Eve and get a lovely family photo in front of the altar.

December 25th (Christmas Day!) — This is the day when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. At one time, it was a bit stressful trying to get several places on this one day with little ones, but then we decided no more and we've pretty much stayed home to celebrate ever since. This includes sweatpants; a breakfast consisting of cinnamon rolls (Boy Scout-made rolls when our son was in Scouts, but now just store-bought in a roll), orange juice, coffee, and an egg bake; opening stockings first; presents after breakfast (one at a time so I can savor it, please!); and basking in each other's presence (and each other's presents LOL).

Thursday, August 18, 2022

What are the Benefits of Having a Family Lawyer?


Image Credit 

Family law is a dedicated area of the legal system, but that doesn’t make it simple; in fact, family law can be complicated and expensive, so it’s a good idea to carry out some research and partner with a family lawyer who can start to understand your unique situation and family life.  

Crisis Management 

When family members are in emotional distress because of a family breakup or during a traumatic time, it’s important to get some clear-headed perspective. That’s exactly what a family lawyer can provide. A family lawyer understands your situation and gives you a legal breakdown. 

Crisis management is important to keep a situation under control and work towards the best outcome. Even if that outcome results in a family breakup of some description, the entire process will be controlled and productive, so everyone can continue their lives with certainty. 

Sunday, July 24, 2022

What do You Need to be Prepared for Camping?

 Camping is one of the best things to do, and a camping trip is a classic vacation full of great things. Getting out into nature is great for both our bodies and minds, whether you want to do something active like fly fishing or just take some relaxing walks through beautiful scenery. The beauty of nature forces us to get out of our own heads and find peace and balance. For those of us who like mountain camping, the mountains are a great place to find peace and quiet. You can spend more time in the mountains by hiking, climbing, or doing other things. But camping could be one of the best things to do. It lets you spend time in the wild in a real way.

Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh:

But if you're going into nature with your friends or family, there are a few things you should know and get ready for first.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Best and Trending Campers Tips for 2022

 During the past decade, camping has become a popular activity with countless benefits. These benefits range from pre-planning for your first camping trip to bringing along everything you need for a great night's sleep. Here are some of the best and trending campers' tips for 2022 you can get more information about campers in Iceland, so try to visit. Whether you're a first-time camper or a seasoned veteran, you'll find a trend that will appeal to you.

Camping trends for 2022

My family on a camping trip, September 2021

The ability to work from anywhere has spurred new trends in the camping industry in North America and beyond. More people are choosing to quit their jobs and travel full-time, and others are making flexible work arrangements. Virtual schooling is also helping families spend long periods away from home. RVs have benefited from the recent upswing in the travel industry, as different demographics have taken up the lifestyle. But as newer generations get into the RV lifestyle, the camping industry will continue growing.

The camping industry is already seeing a surge in new camps, mainly due to the pandemic. In response to the excitement, manufacturers are introducing new camping products. In addition, new amenities are enhancing the camping experience for newbies as well as veterans. One trend that will be popular in the coming years is using electric or hybrid RVs. Additionally, all-electric RVs are expected to hit the market in 2022.

Pre-planning for your first trip

Before going on your trip, make sure you plan ahead. While spontaneous road trips may seem fun, the pre-planning process is a crucial step to a successful vacation. This process may seem like a hassle but will ensure that you have a more enjoyable trip. 

Bringing along everything you need for a good night's sleep

Bringing everything you need for a good night's sleep is essential for a comfortable night's sleep. Before going to bed, try to avoid large meals two hours before bedtime. Instead, opt for light and healthy snacks. Eating a large meal will only keep you awake and prevent you from getting a good night's sleep. Also, turn off your alarm clock and keep pets out of your bedroom. Your mattress should be comfortable and ideally come with a 10-year guarantee. To further protect your bed, consider purchasing a mattress protector for it.

Saving space in your camper

Hanging pot holders and fruit in the kitchen are an excellent way to save space in your camper. The hooks come in various designs and are easily mounted to any vertical surface of the camper trailer. Not only do they save valuable floor space, but they also allow you to keep your fruits and vegetables at the perfect ripeness. You can even mount cleaning tools to save valuable floor space. And if you want to free up more counter space, you can get magnetic strips for hanging your metal utensils.

Hanging baskets are a great way to save space, but they don't always fit inside a travel trailer or camper. Besides being awkward, there may not be enough room for hanging baskets, and a fruit hammock is a perfect solution. In addition to saving space, hanging baskets are great for storing small items, such as small utensils and dishes. And while they're not very functional for more oversized items, they can be an excellent way to protect breakables while driving.

Leaning into spontaneity

This camper trip revolves around leaning into spontaneity and embracing mishaps. While pre-planning is crucial for safety and comfort, spontaneity gives you more freedom. You can spend your time hiking in an unexpected place, stumbling upon a great meal at a new restaurant, or even learning a new skill while traveling. Americans spend 90 percent of their time indoors. Children between the ages of eight and 18 spend 50+ hours per week looking at digital devices.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

10 Ways to Transform Your Life This Year

Are you ready to transform your life? Have you been thinking about making changes to your daily life or working towards a future goal? When you’ve been having these thoughts, you may start to realize that they’re just not going away. Because unless you’re ready to do something about them, you may find that you just keep wishing you could make changes. And this doesn’t have to be because you’re not happy now or you’re feeling down. It might just be that you know that you want to take your life in a new direction or that there’s more you can achieve. And that’s so true. If any of us have goals and dreams, we are certainly able to want to go after them and achieve them. But you have to decide that you want it enough.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

What Does Success Mean to You? #Lent2022


I highly recommend the book "Maid" by Stephanie Land and the Netflix show that goes along with it.

I've only seen the first episode of the show, which prompted me to grab the book first, and they are pretty different, as is normal with books/movies.

Here's one line from the book that stood out, referring to her clients with huge homes for just two occupants, wasted food, expensive furniture that rarely gets used, and "Prescription pills littered the bathroom countertops and the medicine cabinets of most of the houses I cleaned... Maybe the stress of keeping up a two-story house, a bad marriage, and maintaining the illusion of grandeur overwhelmed their systems in similar ways to how poverty did mine."

This got me thinking.

As I drove the kids to a homeschool dance last night, I saw a couple of gorgeous, new, large homes on 143rd Street between Kenneth and Mission Roads. They were lit so perfectly with small spotlights, and one even had a bridge that you had to drive over to get to the home. I used to covet homes like that when I was younger; now I just think of how much time or money it would take to keep it clean and maintained.

When I'm working to make money *for* my family, it usually entails taking time *from* them, often for things we don't necessarily need. Last night I was grateful that I was able to drop some kids at the dance while others were content at home with other friends, a movie, books, homework. I was able to sit at McDonald's and work, which was good for my brain and for our family finances.

So many people think that being successful means having a cool car, a large home, nice clothes, a job with clout (doctor, lawyer, best-selling author, engineer, CEO), among other things. What does success mean to you? Having the car, clothes, home, job, as well as all the books, all the art, the biggest television, the newest furniture, fancy foods and drinks, and more?

This Lent, I'm really trying to inspect what success means to me and how I treat money, time, people. For me, Lent then should continue in that we take with us the lessons we learned each year on our Lenten journey. You, of course, don't have to be religious to do this :-)

I think it's important to read books like Maid and Nickel and Dimed (I'd love your suggestions as well!) to think about people and situations outside of ourselves, to be more compassionate, and to be more grateful for what we have.

Faith, Family, Finances

*Conversely, where do you think the "bad marriage" concept comes from? From one or both working so much that they are too tired for or don't have time for any meaningful connection? From having their priorities possibly out of whack? Instant gratification extending into unrealistic expectations from their partner?

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Things To Consider Before Adopting

 The adoption process has many components that need consideration when you decide to adopt. When you devote enough time and careful consideration to all aspects of the process, the result will be a much smoother and less stressful transition for all involved. The following are just a few things to consider before starting your journey.

Pre-Adoption Counseling

Counseling before you start the adoption process is essential. In your counseling sessions, you can examine the adoption process. You can also communicate with your partner about the emotions around adoption and come to agreements in this safe setting. You can also learn about the issues or concerns that may come up in your family through the years.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Things You Can do When You're Wanting to Start a Family

 Have you been recently been thinking a lot about starting a family? When you and your partner feel that the time is right to start having children, it's a good idea to plan for the baby. Many people have families without planning to do so, and there is nothing wrong with this. If you have the opportunity to plan, it can make things a little bit more comfortable once the baby arrives. Raising children is a lifelong process, and it's smart to get yourself as ready as possible before the big day comes.

Think About Housing

When people are ready to start a family, they usually have to move to a bigger space to accommodate the babies. If you and your significant other live in a small apartment, it might be time to find a bigger home. A baby needs its bedroom, and you'll also have to plan to have things like a changing table, a high chair, and all the other supplies you'll need to keep around to keep the baby comfortable. If your current spot doesn't seem like it would be enough for a family, then you'll want to look for things like homes for sale in Suffolk VA.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

IMDb's List of 22 Movies You Must See in 2022

 Not to be confused with this list over here of dozens of family-friendly and clean movies mostly free of any type of nudity or sexual stuff.

For more details on each one, check out IMDb's list of 22 movies they can't wait to see in 2022!

And because everybody loves a good movie trailer (tell me I'm wrong!), each movie title links to the trailer on YouTube. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 23, 2021

How to Locate the Perfect Next Home for You and Your Family 

Finding the right kind of home in life is paramount to overall happiness. We all want a sound personal life and lots of money to play with, but the right habitat would make everyone so much more content in life. If you have a better home environment in this world, then you’re going to be a lot happier than if you’re struggling for the right place.


Whether you’re on your own or you’re raising a family, you’re going to want to pick the perfect place for your situation. Choosing something like this may feel like a big deal and a huge commitment, but you can make this kind of task a little simpler. Here are a few things to ponder: 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Fun Activities to Do Over the Weekend

After a whole week of work, meetings, and attending to your customers, the weekend is always a great time to take some time off and catch up with friends. Instead of being indoors alone, bored, there are so many fun activities you can do together which are not only good for your health but allow you to bond with your friends as well. If you are unsure what to do, here are a few ideas to inspire you for your weekend activity.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

5 Ways to Care for Your Dog


Dogs are among the best company a human can have. That is why they are the most popular pet worldwide. When you decide to be a dog owner, you have to ensure you take good care of it. You have to learn the basics of dog care like when to take it to the vet, what to feed it, proper grooming, and exercising it. All these are for the health and happiness of your furry friend. Fortunately, these are easy things to do. Here are five basic ways to care for your lovely pet.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

4 Ways to a Less Stressful Thanksgiving at Your Home


Isn't Thanksgiving so great? It's one of the least stressful holidays for me personally. 

Fourth of July finds me worrying about burns and blown-off fingers and how many people are in the swimming pool. 

Christmas finds me frantically wrapping presents for days on end, holed up in the bedroom trying to hide what I'm doing, tossing a ring pop out the door now and then to keep my kids happy for a while. 

Comparatively speaking, Thanksgiving is a walk in the holiday park! Here are some ideas for making it even less stressful that I have learned over the years (since moving into our bigger house where we host a lot of parties!).

BEFORE: Instead of purchasing GladWare, saving up plastic containers (whipped cream, sour cream, lunchmeat, etc.), or loaning out your favorite Tupperware, (hoping it will come back to you someday), ask guests to bring a few small containers of their own to take leftovers home in. If they forget, put out some aluminum foil and paper plates for them. 

HOW THIS HELPS YOU: This puts the leftovers ball in their court and you can relax and enjoy the day while they are getting all packed up.

BEFORE: Put several extra empty trash bags at the bottom of your kitchen trash can.

HOW THIS HELPS YOU:  When a wonderful guest offers to take out the trash for you, they won't have to ask you where more bags are. You're hosting a party and you're busy! Sometimes during a party my kitchen is so full I can't even wade through the people to get to the empty trash bags, so that eliminates that problem as well. (Also, I tend to get distracted easily and forget what I was doing before I was interrupted, so...)

BEFORE: Yes, I know it's bad for the environment and clogs up the landfills. Just buy sturdy and large paper plates, as well as plastic cups and silverware. Don't forget to also purchase small paper plates for desserts. Forget the soda for kids and just get Capri Sun juice pouches (you know they make purses out of the empty pouches, right?).

HOW THIS HELPS YOU: Obviously you won't have to do dishes if they are all in the trash. If you have a compost pile, even better.

BEFORE: Put a cloth or paper tablecloth on the main table.

HOW THIS HELPS YOU: If it's paper, just take it off after everyone leaves and throw it away. If it's cloth, toss it in the washing machine. This saves you time wiping down a very messy table and then probably also having to sweep the floor as well. 

Now it's time to relax for the evening and watch Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. Or check out my helpful post about How to Have a Happy Thanksgiving from 2015 :-)

Friday, November 12, 2021

75 (and Counting) Clean Movies with Minimal Sex/Nudity (updated regularly)

*"Clean" means different things to different people. My kids are 12 and up, so violence and cussing are not things I worry about as much as others might need to. It's the visual sex and the messages sent that I am now trying to watch out for. Definitely watch out for some of the PG-13 movies and make sure to read what others have posted.

I have to admit, we have watched some questionable movies. Sometimes we'll put on a movie for the family that we enjoyed once (pre-kids), and then we realize ... "Oh wow, I forgot about that inappropriate part." (examples: why does the guy have to be naked at the start of Die Hard 2, and why does there have to be a poster of a naked woman on the wall as Bruce Willis walks by in Die Hard?)

But it's never too late to turn things around! A quick trip to the IMDb website parent guide, which my best friend told me about now solves all that. (just go to IMDb site and search for the movie or show title, then scroll down to Parents Guide) If something is rated R, don't freak out. Sometimes movies are rated R for something like smoking ;-)

It goes further than Common Sense Media in that it explains specific instances and scenes. I'm okay with most language (hate when God's name is taken in vain though), and some violence is fine, but the sexual stuff that's inserted even in kid movies is just so unnecessary! There's a section at the top called Sex and Nudity and it shows instances and describes them so you can make an informed decision about watching the movie or not.

BONUS: Many of these movies are based on true stories and count as educational history!

Check out this list of movies, vetted by my girlfriend for her family of 7 boys and 2 girls 😀 plus a few of my own. And PLEASE leave your ideas in the Comments section or email them to me at so I can check them out and add them!

All the Marvel movies (except for the Iron Man movies)

Captain Phillips



Godzilla movies (newer ones, 1998 and 2014)


Hunger Games series (four movies)

In the Heart of the Sea




Night at the Museum (and 2 sequels) — We've seen this many times and I didn't realize how clean it was! Sam requested it for his 12th-birthday night movie after his homemade sushi dinner. 

Pacific Rim and sequel

Pursuit of Happyness

          Quiet Place 1 and 2 

Source Code

The Bourne Identity (and sequels)

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (we read the book first as a family for homeschooling, then watched the movie ... be prepared to be depressed afterward)

The Eagle

The Giver

The Greatest Showman (one of our family's favorites!)

The Impossible

The Maze Runner

There be Dragons

True Grit (the newer one)

Vantage Point

Walk the Line (Johnny Cash)

My Family's Recommendations (movies we have seen or want to see again or for the first time):

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Because of Winn-Dixie Just started this book with 12-year-old Sam (November 2021), then we'll watch the movie.

Cast Away (male butt cheek)

Cheaper by the Dozen (how could I forget this one?!) but NOT the second one

Chef (read the sex/nudity stuff before watching with your kids, depending on their ages)

Cinderella Man

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (2012)

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

Evan Almighty

Good Will Hunting

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

Little Women (2019) We've read the Junior Classics version of this book, and need to watch the movie!

McFarland USA (it says 7 instances, but one instance says "there is absolutely no sex or nudity" and then it goes on to talk about things like a married couple kissing or a brief shot of a shirtless man, so you do need to read it!)

Me Before You (fantastic date night at home movie, but the message about self-euthanasia is something to watch out for and discuss)


RED (Retired Extremely Dangerous) (my aunt recommended this one forever ago, so I recently checked it out and was shocked that it had zero sex/nudity and only 1 instance of profanity) (Update: if anyone in your household is triggered by being tied up or women with duct tape on their mouth and a bit of cleavage showing at the same time, skip this one. Keep an eye on the "violence" category in IMDB as well, because something like this was not in the "sex/nudity" category and also I didn't realize that people just like you and I are the ones leaving these notes.)

The Princess Diaries (2001) *Cheerleaders and bathing suits at a beach party*

That Thing You Do

The Terminal

Twister (I was typing up some Science stuff for homeschooling and this movie came into my mind, so I looked it up and it's clean!)


Walt before Mickey

Yes Day

Recommendations Found Online:

A Boy Called Po

A Little Game

All is Lost


August Rush

Cool Runnings

Finding Neverland

Glengarry Glen Ross

Hachi: A Dog's Tale

Heart of the Country

High Strung


Major Payne

Martian Child

Mr. Church

National Treasure (cleavage)

Storm Rider

The Great Gilly Hopkins

The Intouchables (subtitles)

The King's Speech

The Truman Show

Waffle Street

Your Recommendations: 

Have seen but won't watch again with the kids:

Bedtime Stories (or anything by Adam Sandler, sadly)


Image by Devon Breen from Pixabay 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

5 Benefits of Bringing a Pet into Your Home


Belle is my son Joel's Australian Shepherd and she's one year old!
This is us on a recent camping trip.

Pets of any kind bring happiness. They make excellent companions, can be great for lonely people, or be a wonderful way to teach kids about responsibility. The advantages of owning a pet stretch much further than even that; there are some real, tangible reasons to consider bringing one into your home.


#1 They can make you fitter


Pets that need interaction with help you get fit. This applies especially to taking a dog for a walk. Not everybody enjoys taking exercise, and fewer still want to go for a long walk or run simply for the sake of it. The beauty of owning a dog is that you have no choice. You’ll need to walk the animal at least once a day, and more active dogs like huskies can even be taken on long runs or bicycle rides. Forming a routine around exercise is great for your health, and having a reason to get up and get out ensures that you never miss a day.


#2 Great for mental health


More broadly, all pets have a beneficial effect on mental health. Even something as small as a hamster can alleviate feelings of isolation and loneliness. The responsibility of owning a pet can also give somebody a feeling of purpose. Companionship is a big motivator for pet owners. Having an animal companion has been shown to relieve the symptoms of anxiety and depression and generally enhance feelings of positivity. Stroking a pet has even been shown to help people sleep better!


#3 Help you get organized


Caring for a pet is rewarding, but it isn’t always easy. There are vet bills, food supplies, and you’ll even need to replace toys regularly. Tools like Exceptional Pets make this process easier by putting all the required services (vets, food suppliers, etc.) in one place and allowing you to search according to criteria, but you’ll still need to be organized. Scheduling checks, establishing a grooming routine, and ensuring a regular supply of the right kind of food helps you to organize other areas of your life, too.


#4 They teach kids responsibility


Following on from the previous point, there aren’t many kids who don’t want to own a pet. They think they can handle the responsibility, promise to walk the dog or feed the cat, but words don’t always translate easily into actions. Bringing a pet into the home and teaching your kids how to care for it can really help them mature, though. It’s important to supervise them and offer guidance, but giving a child responsibility early in their life will help them to grow into a more considerate, capable adult.


#5 More socialization options


Pets give you access to pet owner clubs, where you’re likely to meet new people and make friends. Dogs might go to dog parks, but other animals, including cats and even birds, all have local clubs dedicated to them. Bonding with other pet owners is a fantastic way to make new friends (you all have a shared interest, after all) and can lead to long-term relationships.