Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What is Attachment Parenting?

Originally posted January 2016 (update at bottom)

Dear New Attachment Parenting Mother,

My youngest attachment-parented kid of 5 children has been sleeping around.

Around the house.

And I want you to know that this is going to happen to you someday, at your house. Tell your husband this is going to happen and have him read this. But you only need to show him this if he is a naysayer and thinks your baby or toddler who is sleeping in your bed and is attached to your breast nonstop is soon going to be a teenager who still sleeps in the shape of an X in between the two of you. You might also want to send this link to your mom, mother-in-law, sister, neighbor, and/or friend who think you are hurting your kid by sleeping with him.

We started attachment parenting in 2001 with our first kid. I say "we" because my husband was supportive and that is VERY important. Having a kid really tries a marriage and being on the same page with anyone about anything most of the time is hard, let alone when you are dealing with an extra human life in your house that is so very easy to mess up. (aren't we all messed up a little bit, in some way? nobody gets out totally healthy)

Check out this little thing I wrote back in 2012 about the Attachment Parenting Debate.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Embrace Individuality: Explore the World of Unique Wedding Bands for Women

Cultivating a lifetime of individuality is a continuous journey that involves consistent discovery and self-reflection. It is a healthy and empowering process that encourages a diversity of perspectives and experiences. Achieving true individuality can feel challenging in a society that encourages conformity. Fortunately, many ways exist to embrace your uniqueness and express your authenticity, from jewelry choices to everyday habits.


The wedding band is often one of the last purchases brides make before their big day, but it shouldn't be an afterthought. When you consider that it's an accessory that will be worn every day – til death, do your part – you want to choose something that makes an impact. Unique wedding bands for women can range in price, but you don't have to break the bank to find a piece that stands out. Look for features that make a ring more unique, like a knife edge, crisscrossing rings, or even hammered metal. You can also find rings with rare gems and unusual cuts, like the pear or marquise cut diamond shape.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Top Tips for Planning the Perfect Engagement


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While getting married is the main event, the proposal is just as important. It can invoke a lot of nerves as it can be an extremely daunting task. Many people feel immense pressure to plan the perfect engagement for their spouse. 

Whether you are just starting to think about proposing to your spouse, or have already started making a plan, here are some top tips to support you in planning a memorable proposal. 

#1 Make a plan 

Spontaneous proposals can be special, but they should all involve at least an element of planning if you want them to be successful. You can keep the proposal until the moment feels right, but you should at least plan how you’ll ask your spouse to marry you, what you are going to say, and whether you want any additional elements such as hiding the ring, singing a song or having friends with you. 

Take some time to think about the elements of your proposal. 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

River Market KCMO Date: Pigwich, Planter's, Lock up Your Love, Betty Rae's, Opera House, a Park

So when you've been with someone almost 26 years (we met in July of 1995, and here's our love story) and you have 5 kids together, it's easy to get into a routine of work, kids, busy, house projects, dishes, cooking, laundry, driving, errands, homeschooling, dentist, eye doctor, orthodontist, social stuff at home and other places, taxes, fishing, etc.

Maybe you try to carve out a day, put it on the calendar, but then something else comes up and you have to move the date to another time or maybe it just falls off the radar altogether. Also, with 5 kids coming and going, a couple driving, some with other plans, it becomes a homework assignment in rocket science to make it all work out. Not to mention you have to make sure there is plenty of food at home, and then you have to run down the ground rules again.

I'm happy to report that, although my husband and I didn't date much when the kids were younger (simply because we enjoyed being with them so dang much and also we had like 6 years together before we ever had kids), we are dating more now, when we can. Recently we went to Ronnie's Restaurant in Lenexa and it was fantastic!

I put this date on the calendar several weeks ago. It was originally supposed to be May 8, but I was consulted and agreed that a fishing trip with Mr. McLoughlin and Twin and 6 of the kids (4 of ours and 2 of Twin's) would be fine as long as we could move the date to May 1. 

Look, I know the MALE is supposed to plan the date and all that. I get where you're coming from, and we teach our boys that THEY call the girls and not the other way around. And we teach our girls that they should expect to have doors opened for them, etc. They are very blessed to have many friends whose parents have similar values. 

But sometimes you want to plan something nice for someone, you know? I chose a restaurant I knew he would like, a shopping experience I thought he would enjoy, and some exercise I knew he was craving. Then I got one more surprise idea. Here's our day in pictures! I hope it gives you some inspiration!

Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Importance of Counseling

 Have you been stressed as of late and want to reduce such stress? Counseling is the best way you can do so. The good news is that you can easily get a counselor. Thanks to the internet, you can access groups, such as Centennial counseling, to offer you the guidance you need in life. Below are some benefits you will get from counseling sessions.

Improve reflection in personal relationships

Sometimes, people can be caught up in challenging relationships and fail to know the best cause of their actions. For instance, an individual might find it challenging relating with their parents, siblings, or spouse. If such happens to you, groups such as Centennial counseling will offer you the necessary guidance on how to go about the situation. Once you have attended several counseling sessions, you will realize that you can reflect and make important decisions regarding the challenging relationship. People who attend counseling have reported a huge improvement in how they reflect on personal relationships.

Improves self-esteem

Counseling enables an individual to appreciate their flaws. This makes it easy for them to love and appreciate themselves more and hence, raising their self-esteem. However, through counseling, people can learn how to appreciate themselves, and this raises their self-esteem. According to Central Park Counseling, people living with low self-esteem deserve counseling regardless of what caused the low self-esteem.

Improves decision-making

The counseling process makes it easy for an individual to improve their decision-making abilities. Through the counseling process, an individual gets to learn important skills that enable them to view life from a clear perspective. It is such a perspective that enables an individual to make better decisions than they used to make before the counseling process. According to Central Park Counseling, people should seek counseling often, whenever they feel like they are not in a position to make the right decision. The counseling process gives someone the insight they require in making such decisions. 

Encourages self -awareness

Counseling helps an individual in understanding their feelings and character. A substantial number of people do not have self-awareness, and this affects the manner in which they react with other people. Some people tend to increase their self-awareness through yoga and meditation. However, counseling is considered to be the most effective strategy for improving self-awareness since the counselor helps you understand your character. Other methods of increasing self-awareness will only help you understand your feelings. If you are seeking better results, it is advisable to find a counselor near you, and you will not regret the results.

Enhances how you understand other people

The best part about counseling is that it enhances how you understand other people. If you had a certain perspective about an individual, counseling might make you understand their character better. It gives you a better understanding of other people’s behavior by changing your views about life. An example is a case where you tend to judge someone based on their actions. If you attend counseling, the chances are high that you might understand why they behave so.

Going for counseling is not a decision that other people can make for you. It comes to a situation where you feel the process is necessary since it will help you live a happier life. It is also advisable to seek counseling even when you feel that you do not need it. You might have issues that need resolving through counseling and fail to know it.

Monday, January 18, 2021

The Art of Co-Parenting During or After a Separation


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It's easy to say that divorce is something that can make us feel like, as parents and as partners, we are a failure. But when it comes to making sure that you prepare for your children's future, you must remember that the art of co-parenting is about working together with your ex. If you have come to the decision of sharing the parenting of your children after a split there are some essential rules to make the arrangement easier for everybody. Let's show you some of the best approaches.

Speaking Positively About Your Ex

Something that we can all feel tempted to do, especially after they've hurt our feelings and our souls, is bad mouth them. But even if you think that your ex is someone who is more than keen to smear your reputation, you might be quite surprised as to how reserved they can be throughout the divorce process. Even if you consult divorce lawyers for men, throughout the process, you might be quite surprised as to how reserved and accommodating they are. And it's important that you both learn the fine art of keeping a lid on those visceral emotions. Not just for the sake of the divorce process, but what you say about your ex is something that your child will react to. They can also think this about themselves. And, the most important thing to remember when it comes to co-parenting is that your child still loves them as a parent. You bad mouthing them is going to be a dagger to your child's heart.

Keep the Rules in Both Households Consistent

For the sake of your children, they need structure and routine. Everything needs to be the same in both homes. It's about making sure that you both, as the child's parents, run a tight ship. This will make sure that you create a sense of security for the children. Wherever your child goes, and whenever they are, they will know that rules will be enforced. By operating in this respect, the children won't feel so insecure, which will result in a greater sense of well-being.

The Importance of Open Dialogue With Your Ex

Many marriages and relationships break down due to a lack of communication. By creating an open dialogue with your ex and keeping each other informed, it will make the relationship work. It can be emotionally painful, but making sure that you are both informed about the changes in your life or challenging circumstances will ensure that your child is never the key source of information. This is vital because if you ask your child what is going on in the other person's life, it is second-hand information, and it also results in putting your child in the middle. This is something that you will never, ever want to do.

As painful as it can be, you can make it work. The art of co-parenting during any separation is very much a fine one. It is not easy, but it is achievable. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

4 Tips to Successfully Work from Home with Your Partner

 If you have recently started working from home or have been comfortable doing it, but your partner joins you, it can be exciting spending most of your time together, but it can also be chaotic. Without a proper plan, the set up can lead to conflicts, resentment, and unproductivity. However, when handled properly, it can be a fulfilling experience that can help cement your relationship. Here are ways to make it work.

Image Credit Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Set Work Boundaries

It's essential to define a working schedule and separate it from your family time, as hard as this might be to execute. What time will you be waking up? How do you handle work-related calls? Who takes care of house chores? When do you take breaks? If you are running different schedules, how do you make it work? For instance, one of you may be working late at night while the other during the day. Both of you need to have adequate space to work and sleep without interfering with the other. Handle misunderstandings amicably to avoid interfering with work.

Get Separate Workstations

If possible, work from separate rooms, but each can have their workspace in the same room when this is not possible. Agree on how to set up the room ideally to suit each other's needs and preferences. For instance, you may want the work area to be cooler and the lighting dimmer, while your partner may want to work in a brightly lit room. Reach a compromise. Also, have rules to guide you through the work time. If one of you is on a video call, the other partner can excuse themselves from the room. It’s also important to have separate work phones and computers.

Create Time to Bond and Relax

Organize some time together when both of you are through with work commitments to relax, unwind, and enjoy each other's company. If you love cooking, make your favorite meal, enjoy a glass of wine and if you so wish, get a rosin product from CLSICS. Once in a while, you can go out for dinner or a party with friends. It’s also important to schedule time every day to exercise, whether indoors or outdoors.

Respect Each Other’s Alone Time

It's natural for each one to want to spend some time alone. You can talk about it, and if you don’t have a big home, one person can spend time in the bedroom and the other in the workroom. You can also plan to go out individually to work from a café or park or meet friends. Again, if you have free time and your partner is working, you can go out of the house or take care of house chores without making noise or interfering with their work.

 Working from home can be exciting and economical. You don't have to commute to work or worry about keeping a tight schedule. With a good plan, you can run a successful business and enjoy the company of your family right from home.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

How To Cope With Loss- Navigating The Grieving Process

 The sad reality is that all of us will experience loss in our lives. Grieving can be an extremely difficult process. There is no rulebook or instructional manual to follow, but hopefully, you will find these tips helpful if you’re trying to cope with the loss of a loved one. 

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Help and support

It’s incredibly hard to come to terms with loss and to start looking forward, especially if you try and muddle through on your own. You might not feel like you want to talk to anybody for a while, but knowing people are there can be hugely reassuring. You should never feel pressured to open up or make calls to friends and family, but sometimes, having a shoulder to cry on, a friendly and familiar voice on the end of the line or even somebody to sit and watch TV with you in the evening can be comforting. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people who are checking in and getting in touch if you want to chat, or you feel like you need some company. People are there to help and support you, and they’ll understand if one day you need space, and the next you don’t want to be on your own. 

Practical advice

Losing somebody is not just an emotional upheaval. There are also lots of practicalities to deal with, including planning a funeral. It can be overwhelming to find yourself in a situation where you need to make calls to banks or law firms or suddenly choose poems or songs for a funeral when you’re grieving. The important thing to remember is that others are there to help. You can seek expert advice to help you with legal and financial issues, and it’s also beneficial to choose a funeral home like Miller Funeral Home that provides support. When you’re distressed, and you feel like you have a hundred jobs to do, having friendly faces there to help can make all the difference. If you don’t know of any funeral homes in your area, it’s a good idea to ask neighbors or friends for recommendations and to take the time to meet representatives. 


Many of us live our lives at a hundred miles per hour, and we feel pressure to keep up momentum and hit deadlines on a continual basis. Losing somebody is traumatic, and it will impact every aspect of your life. It is so important to take your time to heal and recover, and to understand that there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to grieving. Some people might want to be busy, but for others, the thought of even getting out of bed may be daunting. Allow yourself to feel, and don’t suppress your emotions. It is highly likely that you will go through ups and downs and experience moments when grief will hit you like a train that seems to come from nowhere. Don’t apply too much pressure to yourself to get back to ‘normal,’ but don’t feel guilty if you enjoy going out for a coffee with a friend or you want to go back to work. Everybody is different and there is no time limit on grief. Take each day as it comes, and recognize when you need to slow down, look after yourself and seek help and support from others. 

Losing somebody is one of the most traumatic experiences we go through as human beings. If you’re navigating the grieving process, reach out to others, seek advice and don’t feel pressure to conform to a time-frame.  

Thursday, October 8, 2020

5 Reasons To Hire a Wedding Band For Your Reception


Weddings are supposed to be unforgettable events and a Connecticut wedding band truly takes these shindigs to the next level. There is no shortage of questions before the band is hired, though. How much are they going to cost? Should I hire a Connecticut wedding band or go with a DJ instead?

When it is all said and done, you are going to want a wedding band. A DJ may be a bit less expensive but the experience is simply not the same. Live music is always the way to go, especially on a day as special as this one. Your friends and loved ones are sure to have a great time, while you and your special someone create lifelong memories.

1. Greater Level of Excitement

There are pros and cons to hiring a wedding band, like any other decision you are going to make about the big day. The same goes for a DJ. The level of excitement that a live band has to offer cannot be matched, though. A good party has certain electricity to it that you aren’t quite able to explain. DJs who play the same old boring songs that you have heard at every wedding just aren’t able to supply that oomph that the best weddings always have.

2. A More Memorable Time For Your Guests

If you have ever been to a wedding before, you probably don’t remember all that much of the ceremony. That tends to fly right by. It’s the entertainment that we tend to remember in these instances. With a top tier wedding band, you are more likely to have a ceremony that is memorable to everyone….not just the bride and groom. After all, what couple wants to be remembered for throwing mediocre parties?

3. An Extensive Playlist

There’s a common fear with wedding planning that goes unaddressed. People tend to opt for a DJ because of a false belief that they are going to have a more extensive playlist on hand. In reality, the opposite is true. A wedding band also opens up a whole new world of possibilities because of the customization possibilities. The DJ can only play the songs that they have access to.

4. Dance Fever!

A wedding band has been to more weddings than you can count. It’s second nature to them at this point. That experience comes a certain level of knowledge. Since the wedding band has played hundreds of events just like yours, they already know which songs work the best. More importantly, they know which songs DON’T work. Give your wedding band the keys and enjoy the ride. They won’t let you down.

5. Fun For All Age Groups

In addition to knowing which songs work and do not work, the wedding band can put together a set that is appropriate for all age groups. The best wedding bands are able to cater to all age groups and tastes in a way that other options just can’t duplicate. Even the guests who are less inclined to get up and shake their moneymakers are sure to enjoy the song selection.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Can You Claim Spousal Maintenance After a Separation?

Sometimes known as alimony, spousal maintenance is paid by one spouse to another after a divorce. However, you don’t have to formerly dissolve your marriage in order to be able to claim spousal maintenance. If you are legally separated, as opposed to divorced, you could be entitled to maintenance.

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If the separation is amicable, both parties may be able to come to an agreement regarding the division of property and the amount of spousal maintenance to be paid. However, it’s important to seek legal advice before you agree to any arrangements.

In most instances, separating couples ask the court to decide how much should be paid to whom and for how long. When calculating spousal maintenance, divorce laws state that various things should be considered, such as:

1. The Length of the Marriage

How long you’ve been married will affect the divorce settlement. If one party came to the marriage with significant assets and the other didn’t, for example, a short marriage will not necessarily equate to both parties receiving similar settlements. In general, the longer you’ve been married, the more likely you are to be awarded spousal maintenance. Additionally, the amount of maintenance you’re awarded is typically higher if you have been married for a long period of time.

2. Earning Capacity

Each party’s earning capacity will be taken into account when spousal maintenance is addressed by the court. It’s important to note that your current income is not the same as your earning capacity. Voluntarily giving up your job to lower your income prior to divorce won’t be viewed positively by the court and your earning capacity will remain relevant.

There are various factors that can impact your earning capacity, including your education, prior job roles, your health and wellbeing, as well as whether you’ve given up work in order to support your spouse and/or your children.

As this area of law is complex, you’ll want to seek advice prior to submitting your earning capacity to the court. By consulting a law firm which specializes in divorce law, such as M. Sue Wilson Law Offices, you can access the advice and representation you need. What’s more – getting legal representation will ensure your rights are protected throughout the separation or divorce process.

3. Contribution to Marital Estate

The contribution each spouse has made to the marital estate will also affect a spousal maintenance award. However, it is not only financial contributions which are taken into account. If one person gave up their career to be a stay at home parent, for example, their contribution would not be ignored simply because they were not generating financial income.

Understanding Your Rights

Divorce laws in the U.S. are notoriously complicated, which is why it’s essential to understand your rights before agreeing to a settlement. Furthermore, an acrimonious separation can mean that one or both parties are unwilling to divulge critical information. By obtaining legal advice and representation, you can ensure that your claim for spousal maintenance is dealt with appropriately and efficiently.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Why Your Marriage Needs A Five-Year Pit Stop

 The first five to ten years of a marriage can change the nature of your relationship with your spouse to some pretty surprising degrees. It might not change exactly how much you love each other or your devotion to one another, but it can definitely change how your life operates from day to day, as well as future plans that you might have previously talked about. For that reason, we’re going to look at conversations you should have with your spouse during a pitstop after at least five years.

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What are your goals for life?

One of the big misconceptions is that after you have had some time to achieve your goals or found that some are no longer important to you, you are likely to simply rest on your laurels. Congratulations are in order if you have reached those goals but you are likely to find out that you have different priorities, now. You and your spouse might not be able to support each other as effectively as you otherwise could if you’re simply not telling each other about what your aims are for the future. Talk about where you see yourself and where they see themselves in five years and whether that matches up with your current trajectory.

Are things going okay financially?

At this stage, you and your partner should have some sort of financial system in place. Now is the time to look at that financial system once again. This can include, of course, how you’re spending your money, but might also include how your finances are organized and who holds the purse strings on different accounts. How much are you putting towards savings? Do you have any financial goals and have you been putting enough money towards them to meet them within a set timeframe? It’s easy to get sensitive about money and how one handles it, so it’s important to address this question as a cooperative effort, first and foremost, so that it doesn’t sound accusatory.

Your working lives

This topic might end up getting rolled up into the conversation about your finances, but the question of who works, how their career is going, and what can be done incorporates more than just the financial side of life. It’s also about individual goals, the importance of being able to spend your time productively, and more. Have a talk about who is working and whether they want to work (or have to, as the case may be). For those who are working, it may be worth taking the time to talk about their career, its trajectory, and options they might have to get it moving int the way they want, whether that’s by searching for new roles or by looking at development potential through training.

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Is it time to start planning for a baby?

It’s very likely that the topic of children has come up, as most couples tend to make sure they’re on the same page regarding that before they even get married. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take the time to talk about having your first child if you currently have none. Is it time to take the step to actively try? Are you as ready as you can be, financially and in terms of having a stable home life? Or have expectations of children changed for one or both of you? Even if you have both agreed beforehand that you do not want children, it’s still wise to take the time to check in with your partner and your own feelings.

Do you have enough kids?

If you have, in fact, had children already or you both find that you are resolute that you don’t want any more, then you might want to look at the possibility of closing the door for any children in the future. It doesn’t need to be a formal decision, you can both practice safe sex, but there is also the option for a surgical option. Take the time to research how painful is a vasectomy as well as what the long-term effects are. If you’re done having kids, it’s the most accessible answer, but it does need a lot of preparation and cooperation.

How are you raising your children?

Whether you already have children or you plan to have them in future, you need to talk more about the process of actually making them. It’s important to check-in on what kind of parents you want to be and what you’re doing to make that a reality. This means not only looking at you provide and nurture for them. You need to talk about plans to deal with issues like misbehavior, discipline, bullying, and more. If you have two different parenting strategies in mind, this can lead to major tensions down the line so it’s important to see where you line up and find a compromise if it’s not an exact match.

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How do you argue productively?

Is it possible for anything but bad to come out of an argument? The answer is: yes. Arguments are how we sort out disputes and conflicts within relationships and an argument doesn’t necessarily have to be an emotional and hurtful process. If you need some sort of the change in your relationship, it’s important to be able to address it calmly, without making the other feel attacked, or without getting defensive if you or your behavior is the subject of the conversation. More importantly, you should look at whether you make some of the biggest mistakes when arguing with a partner, such as criticising them, acting with contempt, being defensive and taking personally, or stonewalling them when they’re trying to talk.

You might find during your pitstop that your relationship with your partner, your life, your needs, and your wants for the future haven’t changed that much. If that’s the case, then that is fantastic. However, it’s important to have these conversations anyway to make sure that there aren’t any issues that could grow under the surface if left unaddressed.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Sorting Your Finances As A Couple

 Budgeting as a couple can be a complicated process. It can be difficult to move from the mindset of only monitoring your financial aims, so, adding a partner into the mix can be a bit of a balancing act. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Without taking the time to talk about money or research things like DTSS Complete Freedom & Debt Discharge Membership Programs, you could be left stressed about your finances down the road. Long-term financial success requires commitment and budgeting together. 

Some of the things you can look at include: 

Starting With The Basics

Before you start to plan out your budget together, you need to talk about your financial habits, desires, and goals. Understanding where each other are and how you approach money provides you with the right footings to move forward positively. 

Look At The Household Needs

Once you have done the above, it’s time for you to look at the needs of the household. Look at expenses such as the rent/mortgage, utility bills, car payments, groceries, and debt payments. 

There is always going to be wiggle room on how much you do spend on these areas. You can save money by purchasing a less expensive car, reducing your grocery spend, or downsizing your home. But you need to remember these are a priority before luxury items

Create Long-Term Goals

You need to have goals to work on as a couple. These long-term goals need to be included in your financial plan. They can help you to see how long it will take you to buy a house, or when you could begin a family. When you have specific goals, it can make budgeting a whole lot easier. If you have a goal in mind, you can stop overspending on a regular basis. 

The Three Main Approaches 

Combine All The Finances

This means that everything from both of you goes into one big lump sum. All the expenditure and income goes into one place and is shared. Partners may a smaller account for some discretionary spending, however, the majority of it is shared. 

Separate All The Finances

Each person has their own account. The expenses are divided and they are assigned to each partner. They may be divided on a 50/50 approach or it may be based on their individual incomes. In some cases, if the one person owns the house the other pays them to rent. 

Hybrid Finances 

Some couples find that a hybrid approach is best. This is where the majority will have a joint account for all the household expenses and shared goals like a holiday or a house. Then each part of the couple contributes to the pot. They then keep the remainder of the money in their own bank account. Again, this may be that each person pays on the same amount or different based on their income. 

Don’t let finances as a couple, cause unnecessary stress in your partnership. When you start to look at combining your finances and living as a couple, you will be able to establish good financial habits from the start. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

3 Wedding Gift Ideas That Will Never Feel Artificial


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Weddings are often symbols of great joy, offering a union and new direction for a family to feel pride in. They can also get quite expensive. Even those focusing on a minimal wedding with little fanfare will no doubt find themselves spending on something to do with the celebration, even if that’s just investing in their own honeymoon for the weekend.

That being said, we can often forget that wedding gifts can be very hard to think up and buy. Not only do we have a million things to take care of, but it’s not always clear just what the bride and groom wish for. It’s becoming the norm for lists and even Amazon wishlists to make an appearance to make it easier for the invited guests, but that can sometimes feel a little artificial. What if you hope to make a real difference with your gift, or put a little more thought into it? You are also offered that opportunity.

With the following advice, we’ll see how this can be the case:

A Beautiful Decorative Item

A beautiful decorative item can serve as a token of your appreciation for the couple, and it can serve as a symbol of their union and love to commemorate the day. Some might opt for an antique or ornament, while others may opt for a fixture that can be used now and help define their life going forward, such as a selection via Murano Chandeliers library. This can help you purchase something that will last some time, while also reminding them of you, and one another, and of their special day. That’s a nice offering to give.

An Experience

Of course, it can be nice to provide an experience for the special couple to enjoy, rather than a possession they must make use of in some way. However, you must be careful about how you gift them this. An experience is not just a gift, but also an obligation, and that in itself might incur further costs. To use an example - if you know the couple are absolutely blown away by theatre shows, you may give them a personal token to purchase any set of broadway tickets (with travel included) you can, redeemable at any time. This can be a great alternative to something physical, as it provides them with a memory they won’t forget.

A Custom Gift

A custom gift can truly be a worthwhile option to curate. For instance, you may decide to have a tailored suit or other dress designed for the cloth anniversary. A custom gift can mean speaking to a craftsman, or a woodworker, for something that can represent your union. When you have something that no one else in the world possesses, even if that comes at cost, you’re even more sure to cherish it. If you have any technical talent yourself, applying this to the creation of such a gift, such as molding a new ring, could be a wonderful idea.

With this advice, we hope you can find a better and more appropriate wedding gift for your spouse.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

It’s Not Them, It Could Be You: Discover Why Your Relationships Are Failing


Do you constantly find that your relationships are failing? It’s understandable and easy to want to blame the people that you are with for this. But perhaps you need to start thinking about whether you’re the reason. Don’t get the wrong idea here, we’re not suggesting that you should go on a self-guilt journey. But, it is possible that there are things you can change to ensure that you don’t continue to keep falling in the wrong traps. Let’s look at a few of the most important possibilities that might be relevant. 

Be Honest About Who You Are

It’s possible that one of the reasons that your relationships continue to fail is simply that you are not being honest about who you are and what you really want. This can be the case if there are things about yourself that you don’t like or don’t want to admit to. For instance, a lot of people live their lives pursuing the wrong gender of individuals. While the world has changed considerably over the past few years, some people still question same-sex relationships. But in some cases, this could be the right path for you and it’s just about taking the first step. Luckily, this is easy with things like lesbian chat-numbers. You can test out new things and find out whether they are what you want. 

Letting People In

Some people are going to struggle a lot when trying to let people into their world and allowing them to access their life. You have to make sure that you’re not in this position because if you are it will be difficult to ever make a relationship work. You’ll constantly be pushing people away and you’ll start to wonder who is really at fault here. You need to make sure that you are leaving yourself open for everything in a relationship rather than closing yourself off. This can be quite difficult at the best of times but if you tackle this issue head-on, you can get back on the right path. 

Making Time 

Finally, if you want to make a relationship work then you do have to make time for the people in them. A lot of people these days are career orientated which makes a lot of sense. Many individuals want everything that life can bring. But if your career always needs to come first, it can be difficult to make time to meet new people and form strong connections. That’s something that you’ll have to consider when you are trying to make your relationship work. It’s possible that you need to put more effort into finding what you’re looking for and spending time with them when you do discover it. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the reasons why your relationships could be failing and what you might need to do about this. If you take the right steps here, you can get back on the right track and ensure that your next relationship does have a solid starting point and a real, true chance at success. 

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Monday, August 31, 2020

And Baby Makes Three: Planning for Your First Child


You have a positive pregnancy test and you are over the moon excited for the arrival of your first baby. Here are three things to remember to plan for while you are pregnant.


Perhaps you or your partner plan to stay home with your baby, then you do not need to worry too much about this first item. However, if you will need any childcare it is important to start your search for infant care Tampa as early as possible. Childcare spots are notoriously difficult to secure and you will want to make sure you thoroughly vet and feel comfortable with whomever will care for your child regularly. Ask your personal networks for leads and look for local social media groups where daycare providers can be found.

Birth Plan

While some mothers prefer to just allow everything to unfold in terms of their labor and delivery, many mothers have specific visions and plans for how they want their labor and delivery to go. Make sure to sit down with your partner or birth support person and write down specific details on what you want for your labor and delivery. There are many ideas online to help you get started if you are not sure where to start. Many women consider a doula to help them make and carry out their birth plan.

Pediatrician Interviews

One thing many parents-to-be forget to do is interview and find a pediatrician or family medicine doctor for their new baby. There are usually many different options for you to explore but make sure to ask your health insurance customer service for lists of who you can interview as a potential pediatrician or doctor. If you have certain medical views or questions, this is a great time to ask.

Having a baby is full of fun and exciting memories. But by planning for some of the important but slightly less exciting details you will ensure when baby arrives you truly have all your ducks in a row and it will make the transition to parenthood less stressful.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

What Do You Want From Your Relationship This Year?!

 Life might have got you thinking lately, and one of the things you might have thought about is your relationship. If you spent a considerable amount of time during a lockdown with your partner, you might have realized a thing or two that you didn't before. Being kept in close quarters with someone definitely does help to reveal true colors. For some couples this will have been great, those that didn't live together might now be living together. For others it might have caused a pressure on the relationship. A lot of the time there's not enough communication, so we're going to give you some ideas of things you might want from your partner this year so you can build a stronger relationship. 

More Of A Spark

Sometimes you just need to put a spark back in your relationship. As we get older and we become more settled in our ways it's so to forget that romance can die if the relationship becomes stale. The importance of date nights and doing things as a couple is more important as the relationship ages as it was when you were first getting together. Think about dressing up and going for fancy meals, or drinks out, or exploring different cities. If you have children you will no doubt be able to get child care for one night, if not then perhaps just the day. Getting out and doing things together gives you new things to talk about rather than just the same conversation about your days. It's so common for a relationship that's a few years in to lose a spark, but it's so easy to put it back if you focus on the relationship. It's good if you have another couple that you can go on double dates with, or even a big group of you. 

A Show Of Romance

A display of romance is a perfect way to end this year. A nice gift always makes a person feel good, and with the festive season actually not too far away a flashy gift with it. These Blue Nile Reviews will give you some idea of a diamond jeweler that you might want to use. Diamonds are a girls best friend as the saying go, and perhaps an engagement ring might be what you're hinting for. There seems to be a big boom of people getting engaged at the minute! Or it might just be a nice necklace to wear with a fancy dress. 

A Sense Of Adventure 

If you feel like your relationship has gone a little bit stale because you never seem to be going anywhere, then get a sense of adventure put back into your relationship. Go to different cities even if just for the day and explore like you used to when you were younger. It can be so easy to fall into the same routine of working to go home and pay the bills and not really do anything. The more you're out the more fun you're going to have and the easier it'll be to keep the relationship alive.