Monday, July 6, 2009

Stripping Wallpaper and Death to All Flowered Wallpaper

Note the peeling wallpaper! That's how it all began! And look at cute little sleeping Callie!

To the person who put up wallpaper over wallpaper all over my house:  You are lazy. I am 6 months pregnant with 4 children to care for plus sometimes even more than that and yet SOMEHOW I am cleaning up your ugly mess. For 2 summers now I have sprayed water and vinegar on walls to get off layers of wallpaper. Right now I’m doing the main bathroom (hint: wallpaper in the bathroom is never a good idea). We also have to rip off the nasty beige BathFitter-type crap you put up over the shower tile because you were too lazy to redo the tile. We probably get to redo the tile. Luckily, I only have 4 more rooms in my house to do this with. Then we will paint over nice clean walls so future residents can do whatever they want to without wasting all THEIR time stripping wallpaper first. I could be a total slacker and just paint over wallpaper layers, but I believe in karma. I know you will get yours. When we look for a new house, it will either be decorated the way we like it already (not in Laura Ashley style, for instance), or the walls will be painted over ZERO wallpaper. Peace and Light, Kerrie McLoughlin P.S. When Aron came home to find me stripping wallpaper, he joined in chanting, “Death to all flowered wallpaper.” I agree.

Update 4/22/21: We moved in October of 2017 and our home has ZERO wallpaper. Thank you, Lord! Yay for light brown walls all over the place except for the girls' bedrooms, where they are painted fun colors they chose like turquoise and purple!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Women Who Drink While Pregnant (Not!)

Aron really missed his calling as a photographer. He posed me this way as I drove us to Branson. Don't worry, I hate beeer.

This is a picture of all the kids in the back ... makes your biological clock tick, doesn't it, ladies? Or it at least has to make you want to run out to an adoption center and grab you some kids!

Here's the result of those pushers at Motherhood Maternity. My step-mom got me some shorts at the MM store at the outlet mall and part of the goodie bag was a bottle. I think we've owned maybe 2 bottles ever. So of course Eva loved it and hit that bottle hard.

Happy 4th of July. Try not to blow any of your fingers off.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Spam Creations

Joel got the idea to chew his way around a piece of Spam to make figures. We call these Spam Creations. If I can ever get my crap together, there's a video that goes with this where he's describing each creation. That's a homeschooled kid for ya ... hahahahahaa!!!!!! I don't know if this is a good thing or not.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The War and Peace Look

At my house we call this the War and Peace look. Michael really started it, and Callie copied the fashion. Try it out on your own kids!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Who Gives a Crap?

Oh, how I love the library and the new nonfiction rack, as well as my friends who loan me books (Jill, if you’re reading this, float me Twilight, wouldja?). Here’s what I’m reading right now:

1. Only Love is Real (A Story of Soulmates Reunited) from Tresa
2. Parenting Your Asperger Child (just in case Michael has this in a very mild form)
3. Clutter Busting
4. Purge (rehab diaries)
5. It’s Not That I’m Bitter (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Visible Panty Lines and Conquered the World)
6. The No-Cry Nap Solution (in case I ever want to lay any of my kids down for a nap without them nursing first … meaning Eva for now and Samwich/Max later)

7. True Mom Confessions (Real Moms Get Real) … [it’s about damn time]
8. The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome
9. The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan
10. Life so Far by Betty Friedan