Monday, August 3, 2009

McDonald’s Playland Shrew

That’s me; I’m the shrew. This mom comes up to me at McDonald’s who I’ve seen around before and asks me what I’m having.

Me: “A baby.”

Her: “Of course. I mean, boy or girl?”

Me: “Yes. One of those.”

Later, she asks what my husband does for a job and I tell her he’s an engineer. She nods knowingly and says something about it being nice that he has such a good job so I can stay home [read: and keep popping out babies and buy some McDonald’s fries every now and then]. I tell her he doesn’t make the big bucks … that I’ve used cloth diapers and nursed for 8 years, we don’t usually buy new clothes, we drive used vehicles, we don’t live in a mansion we can’t afford, etc.

She was really very nice; just inquisitive. I wanted to tell her I’M the one who asks the questions around this town.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Writing Mommies Blog

You have to check out the Writing Mommies blog ... I'm pushing it hard because it's very cool AND because I was asked to write for it on Sundays! Come on over, check it out and become a Follower (leading is so last year)!

Friday, July 31, 2009

“Get Published in Regional Parenting Magazines”

Yes, I'm pimping my e-book hard. Read on ...

Most of you out there have a parenting article in you.

Your age doesn’t matter. In fact, the longer you’ve been parenting the more experience you have to write about.

Not a parent? Just do lots of research and write about something that annoys you about people with kids.

Are you a dad? You have a unique perspective that moms want to read about.

Check out my huge e-book kit, “Get Published in Regional Parenting Magazines”.

This 400-page e-book features contact information for over 200 regional parenting magazines, as well as a bonus section of 29 national and online publications such as Parents, BabyTalk, Mothering, Family Fun, Highlights and homeschool magazines. Many of the magazines have writer’s guidelines and pay information.

You are on your way to getting assignments from editors!!!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Imperfect Mother

There’s an online magazine called Imperfect Parent. Not surprisingly, they’ve been inundated with submissions and aren’t accepting anymore right now, so I can’t send them the 5,000 essays I could pound out in about an hour.

So I’ll share with you!

A few months ago I went to a Catholic homeschool group meeting. I hadn’t been in almost 2 years (because usually there were not interesting topics, didn’t want to drag all the kids when Aron was traveling, didn’t want to mess with a sitter). That night Aron was at CCD (like religion class for public school and homeschooled kids) preparing for First Communion. So I took the 3 Littles with me to the meeting.

I walked in (1) late with Eva in a sling eating a (2) Dum-Dum sucker. To placate the kids later, I put (3) 7-Up (could’ve been worse … could’ve been something caffeinated) in sippy cups for them. As I was wondering why I took a toddler to a meeting like that, she was (4) screeching and (5) moving chairs all over the place. Oh, and Callie (6) forgot her shoes.

Six parenting infractions. Now ask me if I care. Ask me if it mattered in the Grand Scheme of the Universe. Actually, I think it matters a lot to my kids that I let a lot of things go. We’re not structured, we eat sugar, we watch TV, we forget our shoes and socks sometimes (I once went barefoot to Aron’s cousin’s wedding because I was too busy making sure my 3 kids were dressed).

A couple of days later we went to a boys’ homeschool group Valentine soiree. Joel made 20 Valentines that said, “To a good cid like you.” I didn’t have the heart to tell him how to spell kid until afterwards. And I wasn’t one bit embarrassed that I’m a homeschooler and my 7 ½-year-old doesn’t know how to spell kid yet. I’m proud of him.

I LOVE hearing Imperfect Parent (or Imperfect Human Being, for that matter) stories. Please share!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Canteloupe Boobs

This is a picture of Joel from 2 years ago when we grew cantaloupe in our garden. Aron told him to hold the two halves this way, to look like boobs. Men! Wait, never mind on that because my mind is just as dirty.