Saturday, August 8, 2009

Messed Up People Quotes

I read this book called “True Mom Confessions: Real Moms Get Real” and it’s helped me with some of my judgmental attitudes. The quotes from the book are almost done ... after a break tomorrow I'll do the final quote on Monday. There’s also a web site you can check out. Here ya go:

“I wish someone had told me that everyone is screwed up in one way or another, no matter how pulled together they look from the outside. And that those who don’t have any screws loose are very boring.”


“I think people who don’t ‘believe’ in ADHD, autism, or other psychological disorders are ignorant and judgmental. Just because you’re lucky enough not to have to deal with one of these challenges yourself doesn’t mean the disorders don’t exist … The icing on the cake? Those who pat themselves on the back about their superior parenting skills because their child ‘doesn’t behave like that’. Trust me, I am a GREAT mother. You would end up in tears in a heap on the floor if you had to parent my kid every day.”

Friday, August 7, 2009

Extra Weight Quotes

I read this book called “True Mom Confessions: Real Moms Get Real” and it’s helped me with some of my judgmental attitudes. Over the next few days I’ll throw you some quotes from the book. There’s also a web site you can check out. Here ya go:

“I secretly think I am beautiful. I have not lost the 25 pounds of pregnancy weight, but I put on my clothes over my curves, look in the mirror before leaving in the morning, and think I am stunningly gorgeous, tossing away any idea of losing weight. Then I get to the park and see all the skinny yuppie and hipster mothers and instantly feel fat. I wish I could hold on to that morning moment all the time.”


“I’m overweight. My stomach is covered with stretch marks and is saggy and squishy from recent weight loss. My boobs are saggy. My hips are disproportionately large. My thighs jiggle. My underarms wave way after I stop. And despite all this, I love my body and can’t understand why everyone always wants me to change it!”


“I am fat and glorious. I won’t let anyone tell me otherwise on either account. I make it all happen around here and I do it with style. My big ass is good at everything I need to do. That’s all I’m saying.”

This is totally how I feel at times (although I don’t call myself fat). I feel hot driving my minivan around with all those kids in the back that I gave birth to and nursed. Still, of course I’ll try to lose weight after the next baby comes because the less I weigh, the more energy I have to do stuff with my family. I think if I wasn’t married, though, I’d just leave my body alone and be extra curvy and enjoy my salads along with my cookie dough and my hiking along with my loafing.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Better Mommy Quote

I read this book called “True Mom Confessions: Real Moms Get Real” and it’s helped me with some of my judgmental attitudes. Over the next few days I’ll throw you some quotes from the book. There’s also a web site you can check out. Here ya go:

“I lean over my babies’ beds at night when they’re asleep and whisper, ‘I promise I’ll be a better mommy tomorrow.’ There are just too many days I wish I’d done better.”

Hmmm. I guess that's all we can do. Keep trying to do better.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lots of Kids Quote

I read this book called “True Mom Confessions: Real Moms Get Real” and it’s helped me with some of my judgmental attitudes. Over the next few days I’ll throw you some quotes from the book. There’s also a web site you can check out. Here ya go:

“Today, when I saw my neighbor seven months pregnant and with three kids around her ankles, I told myself I’d be in the loony bin, but the truth is, I wish more than anything I was her.”

Makes me wonder about the complete strangers who call me crazy to my face for having so many kids and then spend 5 minutes justifying why THEY only have 2 kids. Instead of getting annoyed with them, I need to just let it go.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Breast Cancer Quote

I read this book called “True Mom Confessions: Real Moms Get Real” and it’s helped me with some of my judgmental attitudes. Over the next few days I’ll throw you some quotes from the book. There’s also a web site you can check out. Here ya go:

“I just found out a week ago that I have breast cancer. I have not told anyone. Not even my husband. And I don’t think I will be able to let my kids know.”

I usually have such a big mouth that you’d think I’d tell the whole world if I found out I had cancer. And yet I can also see not burdening your family with such sad news. People look at you differently, feel sorry for you, assume you won’t be able to do anything anymore, turn their negative thoughts toward the sadness of you maybe dying.

What would you do?