Sunday, September 20, 2009

Funny Meth Commercial

Sorry, folks, but I have a sick sense of humor. Tresa used to say she was cleaning her house like a crack whore, which always made me laugh. I didn't know there was an actual public service announcement-like video until she sent me over to YouTube to watch it. It's pretty catchy! And definitely will keep me off drugs. I'll continue to be a B12 momma to snag my waning energy fix. Enjoy! And if anyone knows where I can get me one of these women to clean my house, I can pay like $20/week! You're welcome, by the way, Schmidt, for putting the song back in your head. Let's see what ads run on the blog now!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


What a dumb advertising agency Hardee’s has hired. With their sexy ads, they are alienating an entire demographic … or two.

What the hell is so sexy about a hot chick eating a hamburger? An ice cream cone or a lollipop I can understand, but a hamburger?

So let’s assume the ads work well and they sell to many, many men.

What about the moms looking for a quick place to stop for a kid’s meal? You’re pissing off radical conservatives, lots of women, lots of moms, and so on.

I don’t really care about the commercials either way. But I also don’t think about hitting the drive-thru at Hardee’s EVER because I don’t know what they have for kids. And I’m thinking I probably wouldn’t be able to eat one of those damn thickburgers, no matter how big my mouth is in theory.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Plan B

I recently saw a commercial for the Plan B pill (like RU486). The slogan is, “Because the unexpected happens.” UN-EX-PEC-TED?!?!?!

So let me get this straight. You did the dirty deed with your man. Then the next day you went, “Oh, crap, I could have gotten pregnant. Why didn’t I think of that last night when I was in utter ecstasy, especially since I don’t have a clue as to when I am fertile? I’d better get my stupid doctor (who hands out prescriptions for anything and everything like they’re tissues) to call in a Plan B for me at the pharmacy! That way, I can get rid of a ‘maybe’ pregnancy and ease my conscience by not having to decide whether I want to raise a baby with my one-night-stand or grab an abortion.” (*this post does NOT apply to rape, by the way)

Look, if you don’t except to get pregnant from having sex, you have some big problems, girlfriend. Grab yourself a copy of Ms. Magazine and a copy of the book The Feminine Mystique and get to learnin’, sister. Our foremothers didn’t fight for the right to vote for us so we could be so clueless about our own bodies.

Yes, I know I’ve written about this before. And before you go labeling me as some right-wing conservative Catholic who doesn’t know what she’s talking about, let me just tell you that I DO know what I’m talking about and we’ll leave it at that for now because I don’t feel like sharing.

But kids are having sex so young. I knew KIND OF how my menstrual cycle worked when I was a teen but didn’t understand my FERTILITY (big difference) until I was about 27 ... no joke. That tidbit would’ve saved me some serious problems.

Parents, I’m begging you … find out for yourself and then let your daughters (age 10 or age 20) in on how their fertility works for those times when a guy tells her she can’t get pregnant the first time or he forgot the condoms or she’s missed her birth control pills for a few days.

Do you want her stumbling into Advice and Aid Crisis Pregnancy Center with her “unexpected” pregnancy and trying to figure out what to do and picking out maternity clothes donated by ME?! Do you want her attending post-abortive counseling for years? Taking anti-depressants because she made a huge mistake?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

DepoProvera Shot in Exchange for a Welfare Check

Originally posted 9/17/09. Reposted to rile you up and see what you think!

I’m not about sterilizing women who’ve had a kid and can’t support themselves for whatever reason.

I have another idea.

How about when any female goes in to pick up her welfare check, food stamps or whatever, she gets the 3-month DepoProvera birth control shot? The Social Worker could be all jovial and go, "Trade ya a Depo shot for your welfare check, Sweetie!" It’s not permanent sterilization; it’s just 3 months of not getting pregnant and bringing a life into the world that she can’t take care of.

I think Natural Family Planning is great for a lot of women … women who can keep track of crap on a chart. I don’t personally ever again want any birth control chemical in MY body. But I can see its benefits to society,so I'm not anti. And no, genius, I don't just use NFP because "the Pope says so" ... I'm sure you know me enough by now to know I have a mind of my own.

Now, what to do about the MEN who go around making babies all over the place and can’t support them? How’s that research coming on the male chemical birth control?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Hairy Legs and the Busy Beauty Showerless Shave Gel I Wish I Had

When I was pregnant with Joel, I was scheduled to be induced on a Sunday because I supposedly had gestational diabetes and my 3rd sonogram showed I was going to have one huge baby.

Like a good suck-up, on Saturday I made a cake to take to the hospital for the nurses and doctors to have post-birth. Aron painted my toenails. My legs were shaved, and I had showered that day. THANKFULLY I was not induced and went into labor naturally Saturday afternoon. I took the cake with me.

They told me I was one of their most polite laboring women. They would make me change positions to push, and I’d say THANK YOU. I didn’t cuss once. I was very cordial. They enjoyed the cake, but lost my damn cake pan.

Now I’m on my 5th baby, and I don’t care what my toenails look like. I don’t care if I’ve showered. I’ll probably drop some F-bombs at my doula and the mean nurse who might give me a baggie to puke in versus giving me IV meds for nausea.

And I’m thinking the hairier the better on my legs since Aron and the doula will need traction for when they are holding my legs back when I push (I’m a primadonna and for some reason can’t make myself hold my own legs over my own ears to push my baby out). Besides, it gets harder and harder to shave sitting down in a shower that’s as big as a shoebox.

I’ll have to let you know how it goes. Below is a bonus pic for you from when I was in labor with Eva, my fourth baby, and I had my dad and husband looking all freaked out! That labor went well and ... update ... she is now 10 years old and a happy, giggly little blonde girl! Oh, and baby #5 turned out to be Samuel, now age 8 and ALL BOY!

In 2018 I was sent this product to try, Busy Beauty Showerless Shave Gel. Here is my honest review of it. Kinda loved it!