Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Otis Spunkmeyer Sucks

Once upon a time Aron and I only had 2 kids. We went to a Starbuck’s on Labor Day just to hang out. When we left, Aron talked about how strong the coffee was, how thick. He joked about flattening it and I think I said something about making it a coffee cookie.

When we got home I started experimenting with making coffee-flavored chocolate chips to put in chocolate chip cookies. I baked a lot and just couldn’t get it right. I scoured the Internet looking for the chocolate chips I needed and found one company who made them, but they sucked. I knew I wouldn’t have time to sell the things even if I could get it right, but everyone I told loved the idea.

So I researched cookie companies and decided Otis Spunkmeyer would be a good fit for my idea. I wrote them in December of 2006 to tease them with my idea and never heard back. I wrote again in February of 2007 and flat-out gave them my idea of the Coffee Chip Cookie. Never heard back.

So now that I’m all famous with my blog and can do good and evil, I just want to tell Otis Spunkmeyer Company (specifically Roy Herman) that they are rude for not writing me back.

And if you ever see the Coffee Chip Cookie anywhere and absolutely love it, let me know it’s out there because I want to eat one.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Nuts, Part 2

Our kind neighbors took on my 3 oldest kids the other night while Aron was out of town so I could have some peace while the baby slept on me and I watched Madmen.

After an hour I hear the neighbor girl crying. I investigate.

She tells me that Joel threw a walnut at her and hit her in the head. Then she slipped on something and fell down.

Joel says, “She told me to throw walnuts at her. We were playing circus.”

I asked, “If she told you to shoot her in the foot, would you do that?”

And ya’ll wonder why I don’t think kids under the age of 12 should be left home alone, let alone left to care for younger siblings.

Maybe when my own kids are grown I’ll be a lobbyist for laws like that. By then I’ll have all kinds of good stories to share with Congress.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Nuts, Part One

Here’s what I hear one day while I’m cleaning my immaculate house (haha!!):

Joel: “Michael, punch me in the nuts. Not too hard.”

Michael: “Okay.” PUNCH. “Joel, punch me in the nuts now. But not too hard.”

Joel: “Okay.” PUNCH.

I don’t hear screaming, so I go check things out … and they’ve each stuffed a towel or something down their pants to pad the blow and are taking turns punching each other. I tell them to KNOCK IT OFF because I want grandkids someday.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Turn the Other Cheek

I am so curious to know your opinions on this one. Send this to your friends and have THEM comment, too. I really want to know the final vote on this one.

Let’s say someone is bullying your kid. Taking his lunch money. Pushing him around. One day the bully punches your kid in the stomach.

Have you taught your kid to be like Jesus and turn the other cheek, or do you go all Old Testament like I prefer and teach your kid to punch back?

My husband says if you let people bully you (physically or otherwise), they’ll always do it. Plus everyone else will see that you can be bullied, and everyone will get in on the action.

But if you hit back, the bully will stand down.

In my personal experience lately, the bully WILL stand down and leave you alone and respect you if you FIGHT BACK (verbally anyway).

I know Chris and Michelle are going, “NO KERRIE! Fighting solves nothing. Teach your kids peace.” But turning the other cheek certainly got me nowhere when I was in an abusive relationship. I shoulda just left, though, because punching him could’ve gotten me killed.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Welfare Comments

Check out my comments on the Depo/Welfare Check follow up post a few below this one. Dear God, I'm certainly not saying all poor people are lazy ... there are far too many people who make WAY too much money for doing what they do, then there are the people who don't make what they should (like my husband).

I know many hard workers who are broke. I just think taking a handout should be a LAST resort; you should act like it's not even there until you are in dire need. Unfortunately, our society today treats handouts like a RIGHT, when they are not. The Entitlement Mentality is what drives me nuts.

Otherwise, I love helping people out and volunteering and giving money away even though I don't have a lot extra to give. So check out my 2 comments, specifically directed at Breeze, who I really pissed off. Hope you come back, Breeze. By the way, my SIL was the single mother of 4 for many years ... all biracial kids and all smart as a whip who I pray will all go on to do great things.

Also ... better to get abortions when you keep getting pregnant or better to get the 3 months of birth control nasty evil chemicals? I've been to hell and back, people, and all I can say is THANK GOD I finally discovered WHAT CAUSES THAT by learning Natural Family Planning (free, no chemicals, accurate).