Sunday, October 4, 2009

Aron’s Family

You’re actually getting a pretty current blog post here … not a stale one that’s been put into the system a week in advance. This one is being put in on Saturday night about Sunday. So …

Lately I’ve been WORTHLESS. If I don’t feel sick to my stomach, I feel feverish or have a headache or sinus issue or just plain must lay around until I build up my energy reserves to be able to do something simple like go to the grocery store alone. Like today I had to lay around until almost 2:00 to be able to go do a fun family thing with Aron and the kids.

So tomorrow I’m going to church at 9 a.m. at Aron's insistence (holy crap!), then we’re driving about an hour away to see Aron’s family (which only happens twice a year … I really want to go so Joel can spend time with his treasured cousins), then later I’m being taken out for ice cream by 2 of my best friends (God bless them).

The NORMAL me would have no problem with this schedule … this would be a light day. The me as of late kind of wants to cry at the prospect of Sunday. And no, I’m not even worried about going into labor an hour from my hospital.

What was my point? Oh, my point is that I’m excited to see Aron’s family (his mom’s family … she’s the oldest of 11 kids). I love his cousins and aunts and uncles. They are nice, down-to-earth people. They will understand if I can’t get up off my butt at all. I love these people! And let’s not forget that my first husband’s family consisted of a bunch of materialistic jackholes. The dad had a some promise, but my biggest accomplishment in his eyes was the year I pulled in $18,000. I don’t make squat writing articles and mothering these days, but I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tresa versus Callie

I have to shut up about Tresa because I’m starting to sound like I want to be her or something and I’m getting a little creepy. But here’s what happened the other day:

Aron was out of town and I was trying to get the boys ready for their fishing trip with him the very next day. I’d been to the doctor. I was trying to make dinner. I needed some sleep. And a drink. Then Callie starts in on one of her horrific tantrums … she wanted me to take a chair downstairs and I told her to wait and was on the phone with my doula. The screaming and crying and exorcist stuff started when Tresa offered to help her take the chair downstairs instead.

The second Callie started in, Tresa grabbed her and took her to her room, explaining how “Mommy’s making dinner and we’re not going to act this way right now.”

I was shocked.

In a great way.

How many people are you good enough friends with who would do that for you? I hope Ellen and Eva read this and know they have my total permission to do the same. Just watch out: Cal’s a real kicker and flailer.

Callie was not hurt. She was not yelled at. She was SERVED.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Recent Doctor Visit

So because Aron’s job took him out of town an extra day, I dragged all 4 kids to my 36 ½ week doctor appointment.

There’s a 6-month-old baby in a carseat at his mom’s feet waiting to be checked in next to me. Eva, of course, goes for the baby to just SEE him … didn’t touch him or charge him or anything like that. The mom YANKS the kid away; Eva tries to come SEE the baby again. The woman snottily goes, “Go find your mommy.”

I go, “I’m right here. It’s not like she’s going to hurt him or anything … she’s very gentle with lots of baby experience.”

Probably Lying Bitch: “He’s sick.” (he’s laying there looking happy as a freaking clam)

Totally Nice At This Point Me: “Oh, we don’t care. We’re totally healthy.”

Bitch: “I do.”

Me: “Dang, First-Timer Stereotype! You don’t have to be so rude!”

Then I went to give my glorious pee sample. I should’ve gone and TOUCHED her kid! Or at least the carseat handle. It’s not like I have the swine flu, but I wish I had the WINE FLU.

Yeah, I know, I’m a preggie on the edge. Then I went to my doctor and BEGGED him to please not do the dilation check (fingers in my hoo-ha for no good reason) today because I was going nuts today and just wanted to go home. And how is it that my blood pressure is always fine when they check it?

Upside: before we left, Joel sold the doc some popcorn that he’s selling for Cub Scouts.

Then we went home and had strawberry shortcake to celebrate my ZERO weight gain! I think everything I’m eating is going to the baby’s kickin’ foot.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Here's Little Eva's daily case of bedhead. She also looks like this when getting out of the car, no matter how much I brush her hair. But, hey, at least she HAS hair, unlike her Papa Dave, whose birthday is today!

The countdown is on for Baby #5 (due on 10/10, our anniversary), so if you see me skipping posts anytime soon, you'll know it's because I'm nursing nonstop. I'll try to be a good Bloggy Friend and post new-baby pix as soon as I'm able!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Matt Roloff – Help!

Have you ever seen that show “Little People, Big World”? It’s a family … the dad and mom are Little People, and only 1 of their 4 kids is a Little Person. The dad came up with a stool kit to sell to hotels to accommodate Little People so they don’t have to brush their teeth in the tub and so they can actually reach things, like the bed, the sink, the air conditioner controls.

I wish to God every single hotel had a few of these kits because they also accommodate CHILDREN. It stinks staying in a hotel for a month and having your kids get up on death chairs to brush their teeth or wash their hands … the floors are slick and the chairs have no skid-proof bottoms.

And don’t get me started on restaurant bathrooms … or bathrooms in any kid place, for that matter. Or in CHURCHES or schools! At drinking fountains. I’m not always able to lift my kid up to wash his or her hands, or else they have to sit on the counter to do it and get all wet.

Matt Roloff … please market this stuff EVERYWHERE. I’ll totally help you out for a cut of the profits.