Monday, November 9, 2009

Taco Aficionado

Man, I love tacos. I was a taco fiend when I was pregnant with Eva, and one of her first words was TACO (referring to her vagina).

My mom tried the new stand-up, flat-bottom taco shells. They are easier to fill, but she said they break so much easier. My idea is that they sell taco holders in the taco shell aisle at the grocery store. You’d be able to stand 3 taco shells up in them separately, fill them without mess, then eat one at a time without the others falling over.

They could have plastic washable ones or paper disposable ones. I’m full of ideas, but have zero follow-through. So someone out there needs to manufacture my taco holders and don’t sell them at WalMart, for God’s sake, but sell them at the grocery store.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bumper Sticker Addict

Aron got me this for our anniversary. He couldn't choose hair color and says we all look Mexican. That's cool; we'll fit in better at our church. You can get these at this site.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Michael's Logic

This morning I hear Callie crying upstairs. In a house with 5 kids, someone is crying every 5 minutes, but still I go to investigate. Mostly because Aron's home today and I want to make sure I look like a good mom to him (yeah right ... he knows the truth by now).

Callie comes down the stairs and says Michael smacked her arm. I ask Michael why he did that, tell him we don't hit, blah blah blah.

He goes, "She said nothing hurts her." So he smacked her to show her that things do hurt her.

Today I'm going on a little date with my oldest son to D'Bronx to eat pizza and chat (his choice), then to Target so he can get a Nerf gun with his allowance so he can further terrorize his siblings and friends.

Eva is closing in on the age of 2 and can say the word "Plumpy" so cute!

Samwich is 1 month old today and starting to chunk up like a true McLoughlin. Nursing is going well ... still getting some formula each day, but at least I'm not shelling out billions of dollars on the stuff. What will I do when the free cans run out? If you leave the word "pump" in the comments section, I'll track you down and give you a spankin'. I hate pumping and get minimal milk, so don't even suggest it, Bloggy Peeps.

Catch ya later.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

PenMark Potions

So what are you going to do with your extra hour today? I'm gonna spend 1/2 with my family (raking a leaf pile for my kids to jump in, most likely) and 1/2 weeding through some piles of papers.

One thing I keep meaning to do is to write about the cool products from PenMark Potions. Right now I'm loving the Skin Repair Salve, but there are so many other great oils and lotions and they smell fantastic!

Penny is the cool chick who runs this little company, and she is also known as the Rock n' Roll Grandma because she used to cater all the best rock concerts in Kansas City. Oh, the stories she could tell (and she has ... click on the ABOUT US link to get to her Boomer Girl blog and to sample her memoir).

Check her out!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm Still Alive ...

Aron went back to work last week and took the Lovely Laptop with him, so posting has been sparse. He brings it home every night, but uses it for ... actual work til like midnight every night.

I've been also lost in the land of Cub Scouts, Halloween, thank you notes and completing our Passport to Adventure (you go 15 places out of 22 in KC and get a stamp at each place like on a passport ... then the kids each get a "price package" in the mail).

I've also been lost in Rich and Famous Land since I sold my 10th e-book ... I know ... VERY impressive. I'm headed for Oprah any day now.

Anyway ... I'm slowly working on more blog posts that don't revolve around pregnancy or baby brain. I have a particularly compelling one about tacos that I just have to somehow get off my home computer and onto a thumb drive and then onto the laptop. Sheesh. So don't give up on me, Bloggy Friends.