Saturday, November 28, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

Fireproof: Here Come the Kids

Tresa loaned us the movie Fireproof recently and we got to watch it last night and this morning. It was so clean, the kids even watched a lot of it, too. Aron's off this week and is supposed to be working on the bathroom remodel, but instead we slacked off and watched the movie ... Sam slept on me all morning and the kids played/watched parts of the movie. Callie has never met a movie she didn't like, just like her mom.

Anyway, it was a great movie. Loved it. Very cool. It had an important message even if you aren't religious in any way at all. Does anyone else think the main chick looks just like the Duggars' new daughter-in-law? Maybe it's her sister. Oh, and we think it's cool that Kirk Cameron didn't kiss the actress, but had his wife stand in and kissed her instead. Take THAT, Hollywood! They've been married 17 years and have 6 kids (aka a Catholic Starter Family).

I think they need a sequel, though. It would involve the characters having lots of kids. Heck, even a couple would test that Fireproof stuff. Aron's homeschooling the kids in some simple music stuff right now, and he's getting a little taste of active boys and trying to teach them during a time when they'd rather be doing something like jumping up and down or hitting their heads against the wall.

So, the movie would show what a marriage goes through when you have kids. Come on, people, together we can come up with an awesome sequel screenplay. Give me your plot ideas, and I'll throw them by Kirk.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tell Me What You Want. What You Really, Really Want.

Yes, I know this blog is all over the place, just like my brain. Once I got fired from a job with no other reason than that I lacked focus. Part of the problem was that I mostly just wanted to be a mom hanging out at home writing rather than a secretary at a soul-less PR agency.

So I'm wondering what's been useful to you on this blog ("useful" meaning like it made you laugh or made you think or made you mad or whatever). What do you want to hear more about? Options include:

-- Adventures in Homeschooling
-- Attachment Parenting (to include family bed, nursing, baby-wearing and all that touchy-feely parenting stuff that you either do yourself and feel a kinship with me or else you just like to make fun of me)
-- My life as a best-selling, headed-for-Oprah writer (meaning I've sold 11 copies of my e-book since July and have been published in about 12 regional parenting pubs to date)
-- General gripes
-- Life in general, to include being a Travel Widow plus all of the above
-- Recipes (that made me laugh just to type it!)

Love to all my bloggy friends and relatives, and a happy Thanksgiving. By the way, what the hell are you doing online right now anyway? Are you avoiding family? Have you just put the turkey in the oven? Is everyone gone from your house and you're happy to finally have some Alone Time? Many questions today.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Say What?!

I'm spending too much time online when I tell my son to LOG ON to the boob, rather than LATCH ON.

Pray for me today ... going Christmas shopping with my mom and Spamwich ... where will I hide everything?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So What? I'm Still a Rock Star.

Last Friday Callie and I had a date. We went to the Paul Mitchell School and got CHEAP haircuts (95th and Antioch; $5 kids, $10 adults ... so I tipped the hell out of the students since that's all the money they see there). I woulda gotten even more layers, except I was worried about Baby Sam crying at home and wanting the Boob, so we took off. Anyway, here are some shots: