Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cabin Fever with Kids

School was out around these parts for 3 days last week due to tons of snow and ridiculously low temps. Even though I homeschool, it affects my life. For one thing, we get to watch the neighbor girl, which is always fun. They all play together well, so I generally make it a very low-homeschool day so they can just mess around. They get a quasi-snow day at my house. One day I had 7, then 9 kids at my house. YIKES!

So you could tell it was a boring situation when my husband says, "Who wants to flush the new toilet?"

And all the kids excitedly ran up to the bathroom like it was a ride at Disneyland ... or the Hershey Park.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Nintendo DS for Kids? That's a Bunch of D.S.!

Can I just ask you some questions?

Would you give a 6-year-old a $100 bill to take care of for years?

Do you even let your 6-year-old cross the street alone?

Then why do you buy a little hand-held video game system called a DS (I can't figure out what the hell that stands for) and let them take it everywhere they go?

You know they'll drop it on the concrete.

You know they'll leave it at a friend's house.

You know my Eva will get ahold of it and try to eat it or otherwise ruin it somehow.

You know kids don't have a ton of sense til they're like 25.

So why do you do it? I'm genuinely curious. And love to rile you up!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Video Games

Hear me out.

I hate video games and I figured out why. It's because my first husband played them constantly. He once wore out a Nintendo player, bought a new one, then put the old one in the box and RETURNED IT and they actually gave him his money back. He was a real jerk, a great scam artist.

So we don't have the games here. I'm lucky to have a TV with the way my husband is. We don't want our kids going stupid or getting thumb arthritis.

But I have to tell you I have Chuzzle and Diner Dash on my computer and I LOVE THEM. They are my stress relief: matching colored puff balls and playing a waitress. The kids play Chuzzle sometimes, but usually I am mean and make them play with each other or read or something instead.

Got a favorite video game?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Flabby Body as Shell

For those of you who believe the human body is merely a shell to hold our souls: I absolutely agree with you!

However, the back part of shell hurts more lately because of the boobie and belly and back fat roll weight it has to support. And my shell moves more slowly, which is bad when I have kids to save and I need cat-like reflexes. And my shell doesn't need diabetes or further heart issues. My man loves my shell like it is, but I want my shell healthier.

I don't expect my shell, at age 38, to be bikini-ready by June. I'm cool with stretch marks, saggy boobs and cellulite.

But if I don't lose this weight now, menopause will soon slow my metabolism down so freaking fast that I won't have a chance of being even merely comfortable in the years to come. And what if, God forbid, I get pregnant again? What I weigh today is what I should weigh NINE MONTHS PREGNANT. I can't imagine packing on another 25 pounds to this frame as-is.

And yes, I plan to bore the living crap out of you about weight loss. I started at 159, by the way, and am not afraid to share that. I am 5 feet and 2 inches tall. And I am going to lose this weight ... the goal is 129, in case you are interested. And I'm going to do it without Weight Watchers. Or Jenny Craig. Just me counting calories and attempting to move my butt. Do you think I can exercise and breastfeed at the same time? I'm gonna try, dammit.

Help me out here ... share with me your body issues so I know I'm not alone! And please don't tell me I look good for having 5 kids or that I'm still nursing and shouldn't try to drop the weight. I'll sit on you, and you know I will.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Journaling for Weight Loss

I'm telling you, journaling works. If not for journaling, I would've killed many a person over the years. And if not for journaling my weight loss (yep, I have a special spiral notebook just for weight loss ramblings), I would bore my friends and family nonstop about my food obsessions. Also, it holds me accountable.

Where do I find the time to journal, you ask? Well, I try to do it whenever I sit down to nurse and hold a sleeping baby on my lap. Hopefully by the time Baby Sam is old enough to stop napping I'll not need to journal anymore because hopefully I'll have my food issues under control.