Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Christmas Eve Crack

I love going to church only to see a mom bend down to get into her diaper bag so I can see half of her thong hanging out of her low-rise jeans.

Who invented low-rise jeans, anyway?

If your thong isn’t hanging out, your muffin top is. There aren’t a lot of people who should be wearing them. Not most moms. Not little girls. Not fat chicks. Definitely not me.

I’m going to invent some jeans that go up under my boobs so nobody sees my undies.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Moral and Monetary Bankruptcy

I heard this commercial where they said something like:

"You have the RIGHT to settle your credit card debt for a fraction of what you owe."

I know this has been going on for a long time. But it’s starting to piss me off.

Why do you have the RIGHT to charge stuff, use it and then NOT pay for some of it?

Isn’t this teaching our kids to go ahead and do whatever they want and ask forgiveness later?

It’s like how I was brought up to see Catholics: they do whatever they want and then go to Confession later. Now that I’m a Catholic, I’m certainly not like that and don’t know many who are. I don’t kiss other guys, thinking, “I can just confess this later at church and to Aron and it’ll be okay.”

So why can I buy all the shoes I want and all the chocolate and crap and then NOT pay for all of it?

Sounds similar to bankruptcy to me. MORAL bankruptcy.

*Edited to add: I guess when I posted this I had severe baby brain and now realize that some people might not, for instance, have health insurance for whatever reason, and get debt that way. School me on this one, people!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Poor Sam

Today is Sam's Baptism and celebration at our house. Wanted to share this photo of him as a Spam Samwich on bread. You gotta feel sorry for the poor kid with parents like us. Who takes a picture of their kid between bread? You have to love the wary face he's making. It will come in handy in his case for Emancipation in about 12 years.

Don't worry, tomorrow I'll give Sam a rest and will write about something else!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Babies in Longjohns

This is Sam on Christmas Eve asleep on the chair for a few minutes. Don't you dig the longjohns?

Friday, January 15, 2010

3-Month-Old Babies

As you can see, Samuel is doing quite well at just over 3 months of age. He has this congestion problem thingie that keeps me up at night a lot sleeping upright and squirting saline nasal spray up his schnoz, but he's growing, sleeping and eating well, so I let it go. In this pic he's on my dad's lap (shirt says The Beatles) with his Chatter Elmo, an excellent toy that can be turned off.

I thank God daily for the NICU care he received and that he was born so quickly.

We love you, Sammy-san, my little bald boyfriend and man of a thousand nicknames.

Below, with my cousin