Sunday, January 24, 2010

Newsflash: SAHMs Do Nothing All Day Long

I'm loving my Attachment Parenting group because they "get" me.

Recently a woman wrote about how she has 3 kids and is pregnant and her family assumes she has nothing better to do than make a last-minute trip to the airport to pick up some relatives. My reply:

"yeah, you have NOTHING going on for sure. i'll never forget when i had my ONE kid 8 years ago and i was the first in my family to nurse and to stay at home and to family bed, blah blah. one family member asked me if i was BORED yet. another family member, a teenager, asked what i do all day. i was speechless.

here's my answer: i sit on my butt and hold my baby while he naps. i stare at him. i read books. i watch tv. i've earned this time with my kid. we are bonding. he may not remember, but it's in his SOUL. and i've done the same parenting with all FIVE of my kids. this BUSY and INCONSIDERATE culture of ours is nuts. and yet I'M the crazy one for treating my kids like GOLD."

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dr. Barbie & I Feel Sorry for Men These Days

Feminism got us all these cool rights and privileges (like being able to vote, to get paid what men get paid and to sleep around with many partners … ha!). Then Mattel goes and makes (in the year 2009, no less) Dr. Barbie.

Eva got Dr. Barbie from Santa (Mrs. Claus, actually) for Christmas and I don’t think Mrs. Claus knew what Mrs. Claus was doing. Instead of being a symbol of what girls should try to be when they grow up, here are some of Dr. Barbie’s attributes:

1. A very short outfit.

2. No undies.

3. Gladiator heels. What doctor do you know who wears heels all day long?

4. A button on her back that makes her rock these 2 babies. Isn’t that the nurse’s job? Doesn’t the doctor just do the exam and then bolt?

Do you think "President-of-a-Fortune-500-Corporation Barbie" would be dressed like this?

I feel sorry for men these days. They have to battle online porn addiction and watch young girls walk into church in short skirts and watch their mothers bend over and show their pretty little thong underwear. Now they have to try to avoid Dr. Barbie in their own home!

I miss good old Barbie of the 1950s … one-piece black and white swimsuit (strapless though it was), classy red coat (I have one of those!), practical Capri pants and pissed-off look on her face.

I won’t let my girls have Bratz dolls (we call them Slutz or Hoez) because of the way they dress, the makeup and the Restalyned lips. So how did Dr. Barbie make it into my house?

Do you have girls? Do you let them play with Barbies? Bratz dollz? Do you feel sorry for men? And yes, if you are a man reading this blog, you can feel sorry for yourself.

Oops, Dr. Barbie just got transferred to another hospital called The Thrift Store.

Friday, January 22, 2010

How Do You Get It All Done?

A cool chick on my Kansas City Attachment Parenting site was wondering how other moms get it all done. Like how do they cook, clean, find time for kids, husband, self, organize, set up appointments, blah blah blah?????

So I tried to help the best I could:

"From the homeschooling writer mama of 5:

1. don't give a sh** what others think of your house. hubby will have to deal, as well. do your best.

2. get rid of as much crap as you can. easier to keep it all clean.

3. involve the kids in cleaning up. gets easier. there comes a point when they actually listen and it's awesome!

4. make some time to do something you really wanna so you aren't so freaking bitter doing dishes and laundry for the 5,000th time.

5. even if you don't feel like it, prepare as much in advance as you can ... repack diaper bag, make and freeze double batches of food.

6. systems don't work for everyone. i've tried them all, too.

P.S. I don't have Internet access during the week, so my need to check email every 5 seconds is thwarted, dammit.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Junior Horsey Rides

I swear this one was Aron's idea; I just took the picture. Eva doesn't like to wear a shirt around the house anymore, by the way. She does, however, like to give horsey rides to her baby brother. You can never start those too early!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Yes, I Do Have Other Kids Besides Sam

Eva (aka Plumpie) pursuing her new pastime: looking at scrapbooks from back when I had time to scrapbook

Joel is a huge help, holding Sam for me so I can do miscellaneous chores (like eating bon bons in the bubble bath and running out for smokes ... ha ha)

Sorry for the sideways Callie (all made up) with her baby brother

Michael with his prized Glo-Doodle, Aron pontificating in the background

I hope you've enjoyed this edition of "Yes, I Do Have Other Kids Besides Sam".