Saturday, February 6, 2010

Debate: Rich or Famous?

Would you rather be rich or famous, like if someone told you you HAD to be one or the other?

I'm thinking rich. They'd both stink in some respects, but famous brings on stalkers and other weirdos and lots of scrutiny. Rich could lead to doing lots of good things for the world, if you were so inclined

Friday, February 5, 2010

Hyland's Products: Bedwetting Tablets

I don't know if you can call this a product review since I haven't actually used these yet, but I'm gonna try them and let you know. You don't just give them before bed; you give them at meals, etc. They are tiny, homeopathic tablets that taste like nothing. I'm hoping my almost-5-year-old will stop peeing in her size 6 diaper every night. I hear lots of females have problems with bedwetting ... I've known many.

I've heard that making them pee before bed, making sure they stop drinking after 7 p.m. and trying out a bedwetting alarm don't necessarily work.

What's your experience with kids wetting the bed when they are potty-trained perfectly during the day?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hyland's Products: Teething Tablets

I don't know how these work, but they somehow do. Sure, sometimes it takes half the bottle to get your kid to stop hurting, but they are awesome. It's like an attitude adjustment in a bottle for your teething toddler.

As of December 2009 I'm supposed to let you know if I'm getting paid or being given free products to endorse when I write about them. I have NOT gotten a thing from Hyland's. I just love this crap, that's all.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dairy Products and Mucus: Chocolate Silk from Whole Foods

You hear all the time about the correlation between dairy products and being all snotty. Not snotty in attitude, but in mucus. Since Sam has been congested since birth and is almost 4 months old now, and since I seem to have all kinds of drainage going on (sorry to gross you out), I have been cutting down on dairy, and it seems to be helping. Maybe it's wishful thinking. Maybe it's true.

Either way, I tried out Chocolate Silk (soy milk) and we all loved it. I just wish I could afford the 3 bucks a half gallon 10 times a week, because we would all just suck this drink down. Do you ever picture tiny soybeans with boobs being milked? And how about little grains of rice being milked for Rice Milk? No? Must just be me. Huh.

Did you know you can do a tour at Whole Foods grocery stores? You get to try out stuff to see if you like it before you commit to buying a full-size version of it. I'm gonna set up that field trip for my homeschool group (most of whom probably already shop there cuz a bunch of them are crunchy). I may have to take up stripping to pay for more healthy food for my family, but we all have trade-offs, right?

Just kidding, Dad.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Meal Plan for When My Guy is Out of Town

As evidenced by the popularity of, people really seem to dig saving money and knowing what other people eat. In honor of, I am sharing with you my ultra-healthy, no-processed-foods (yeah, right) meal plan for the week Aron was out of town recently. Keep in mind this sort of meal plan saves me from hitting the fast food drive through like a crack pipe, therefore saving me money.

breakfast: pancakes and sausage
lunch: ravioli in a can for the kids with garlic bread; Smart Ones and a salad for me
dinner: Tuna Helper

breakfast: cereal
lunch: fish sticks and mandarin oranges
dinner: Pizza Hut (2 free small ones from Book-It program)

breakfast: cream of wheat
lunch: pizza leftovers and fruit
dinner: Hamburger Helper

breakfast: ham and cheese quiche
lunch: corn dogs, apples, oranges
dinner: clam chowder, carrots

breakfast: cereal
lunch: grilled cheese with lunchmeat
dinner: cheese hot dogs wrapped in crescent rolls, fruit

string cheese
chocolate graham crackers
granola bars