Thursday, February 25, 2010

Texting Contests

So we went to the Valentine’s Dance at the school across the street from us. We like to meet new people, have fun, dance, eat, get out of the house.

Anyway, there was going to be a “texting contest” … huh? I was intrigued because you ought to know by now how I feel about little kids with cell phones in the first place. The ages of kids who go there are from 5-11 … apparently they are texting aficionados. You should see them when they get out of school each day … it’s like they’re getting off work in New York City … they head for the sidewalk, backpack on back and cell phone to ear (even in large groups), making dinner reservations and texting to their moms that they are out of school for the day (duh! Shouldn’t your mom, like, KNOW that already?!).

So here's a picture from the texting contest, since I’m an awesome photojournalist as well as a wicked cool journalist-in-training. The kids just had to see who could type the written message on the posterboard the fastest. Back in my day that was called a TYPING CONTEST, and I woulda kicked butt* at that. I even interviewed a kid there. It went like this:

Me: “So how much are those phones those kids are using to text?”

Kid: “Like $100.”

Me: “Do you have one?”

Kid: “Yes.”

Me: “Why? I mean, doesn’t your mom know where you are all the time?”

Kid walks off, tired of talking to freaky nosey woman.

*FYI: I can’t use any cuss words on here anymore since I have on the side of my blog. Dangit. Oops, that might count as cussing. I guess I’m a sell-out.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Anti-Public School?

Just because we homeschool doesn’t mean we are against schools in general. I mean, if we hated all school systems, I would fight the fact that our property taxes go toward schools our kids will never attend. But that’s just not worth my time.

If we hated all schools, we wouldn’t buy trash bags and other stuff from kids who sell for fundraisers at our church’s school.

If we hated schools, we wouldn’t trot across the street to the public school to shell out big bucks for the carnival, the book fair, the dances, the ice cream social, taco night, etc.

And I wouldn’t dump off my paper recycling at the bins at the schools so they could make some money off of it. And I wouldn’t save my Best Choice labels and Box Tops for Education for them.

I’m just saying.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


We love wooden puzzles at my house! Callie never took to them, but Eva is loving them. Unfortunately for my house, Eva is the Hurricane, so the puzzle pieces end up all over the place. Maybe by the time I have grandchildren I'll have found all the pieces to the wooden puzzles! Is your kid a puzzle lover or a puzzle hater?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The World's Biggest Snowball

Since it constantly snows here in the Midwest lately, I have lots o' pix of snowy stuff ... lucky you! So here, without further adieu, is my son sitting on top of the World's Biggest* Snowball.

*This claim has not been proven.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wallpaper Stripping While Holding a Baby

These are a couple of wallpaper stripping pictures for you ... my best work is done holding Baby Samwich.

Updated 2021: this seemed like a never-ending project!