Saturday, May 1, 2010

Can You Overdose on Homeopathic Remedies? No! Homeopathic Bedwetting Tablets and Chiropractic Care for Kids

I carry around with me in the diaper bag 3 bottles of Hyland’s homeopathic goodies: teething tablets, sniffles ‘n’ sneezes tablets, and bedwetting tablets. Each bottle has 125 tiny tablets, and not one of the bottles has a childproof cap on it (but neither does nail polish remover or some bleach, so don’t get me started).

I came downstairs the other day to find Eva sitting on the kitchen table. With an empty bottle of bedwetting tablets.

I’ve always heard a kid could take the whole bottle of anything homeopathic like that and be fine, but just in case I called Poison Control. 

They got a good laugh when I told them, “Well, I guess she won’t be urinating for a good week, huh?” They told me she’d be fine, though.

Side note: I can’t really say if the bedwetting tablets work or not because I wasn’t consistent in giving them to Callie. You’re supposed to give them at every meal and at bedtime, but I could never quite get my crap together enough to do that. It’s easier, quite honestly, to make sure she has on a diaper or Pull-up at bedtime.

Update many years later: honestly, what worked was several visits to the chiropractor and no more bedwetting and also her attitude in general improved. No joke. Not sure why but I'm a believer in chiropractic care now! It also helped Sam when he would cry every car ride ... one gentle adjustment and he was much better.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fostering Independence in Kids

I (usually) love when my kids exert some independence and take care of their own needs.  I don't see it as being neglectful ... they are simply learning valuable life skills.  This is a picture of Eva getting her own cereal.  Sometimes they get into things before I realize they've done it, and there's a mess to clean up.  Sometimes I know what their plan is and support them.  Either way, I can almost guarantee that my kids won't be on my health care plan until they are 26 (Lord, I hope not, anyway).  I mean, if my kid can legally get a DUI at the age of 21, can't he/she also pay for his/her own health insurance right out of college SOMEHOW?  I don't expect them to get $100,000/year jobs right out of school, but they have to be able to take care of themselves, even if it means working 2 jobs to pay off school loans and to have health insurance.  Call me crazy, but I don't care ... I've known too many people who have taken care of themselves and I want to put that expectation out there for my own kids and hope it sticks.  I hope it offsets some of the babying I do to them :-)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Easter Pictures 2010

By popular demand, here are some Easter pictures from our day at my mom's.  Don't get too excited now!  Don't you think Sam looks like MiniMe from Austin Powers?  Make up your own caption for this one!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lego Cake Attempt

This was my attempt to make a Lego cake for Michael's birthday party recently.  What the &^%^ was I thinking? I am like the worst cook in America!

When it was clear it was all messed up, I got upset with myself, but Michael was so cool about it and helped me doctor it up. Next time I'll head here for some really cool, doable cakes!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Chocolate Communion: Choco Discs

 I hope this isn't some sort of blasphemy,talking about Choco Discs as Chocolate Communion.  I dig these little guys ... I get them at Whole Foods and spend way too much on them, but they don't give me a  headache like most of the sugar crap I buy at the regular store.  I just like how they are shaped like a Communion wafer and provide so much spiritual fulfillment.  God knew what He/She was doing when these were created.  I'm actually getting somewhere in my weight loss journey ... the proof is that I bypassed my little chocolate wafer friends the other day when I was at Whole Foods.

If you're a writer type, come on by The WM Freelance Connection to find out how I published my first e-book.