Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Home Fire Drills

I know it's important to have working smoke detectors in your home, but we'd never had a fire drill until Joel's Cub Scout book made it a priority.  So recently when my niece was over, she directed the boys in a fire drill.  The main message was to STAY LOW ... and have a meeting place at a tree out front!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2010 Census

Yes, I filled out my census.

Then a few weeks later at 5:45 p.m. on a week night, I got a call from the Census People.  The chick started spouting off all kinds of sections and codes and crap that let me know she was allowed to be calling me.  Still, how do I know it was really the Census People?

So let’s assume it was really them.  She wants to take 10 minutes of my time to ask more questions about my household.  I asked her why.  She spouted off more sections and codes instead of just saying something like, “Well, some people are randomly chosen to be asked more questions.”

So I said, “You have my census in front of you?”

She said she did.

I said, “Then you know that I have 5 kids and that you are calling at dinnertime.  I don’t have 10 minutes for you.”

I hung up as she was saying something about needing to set up an appointment to talk with me.  I found out someone I know had the same issue once and the Census People showed up at his house with a badge and everything.

  1. Why can’t they randomly choose someone else instead of wasting time tracking down those who don’t want to answer their dang questions?
  2. If I’m home during the day with just my kids, you can bet your butt I will not be answering the door to a Census Person.  Except these days my kids are always playing outside and I’m out watching them quite often and the Census Person will probably corner me.  Darnit.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands

The first thing I did when my copy of “The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands” by Dr. Laura Schlessinger came in the mail was to look for the recipes.  There weren’t any.  How can you put “feeding” in the title and not include some recipes?

So I’m partway into the book and it’s pretty clear I’ll come out the other end knowing how to CARE for my husband so much better than I do now, but I feel gypped because I won’t know how to FEED him any better than I do now.

So it’s back to meatloaf and tacos and tater tot casserole and stir-fry for dinner.  I expected better from you, Dr. Laura.  I expected a recipe for coq au vin or duck a l’orange or baked Alaska.  Or tips on how to balance carbs and proteins.

Just kidding.  I still love you, Dr. L.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The No-Cry Separation Anxiety Solution

Yeah, baby!  Elizabeth Pantley has come out with her 6th book in the No-Cry series:  The No-Cry Separation Anxiety Solution.  Others in the series include:  The No-Cry Nap Solution; The No-Cry Sleep Solution; The No-Cry Discipline Solution; The No-Cry Potty Training Solution; The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers & Preschoolers.

Here's a brief description of the new book:  "Does it break your heart to leave your crying child at daycare, school, or with a babysitter? Do you worry and wonder how to help and what to do? Nearly all children experience separation anxiety - it's natural - but finding a solution can be difficult. Best-selling parenting author and mother of four, Elizabeth Pantley tackles this sensitive problem with her trademark gentle and respectful ideas.  Using the help of her army of Test Parents, Pantley has created a book filled with solutions. Whether your child is a baby, toddler or first grader, these tried and true techniques will help them to:

* Say goodbye at the door with a smile and a wave and no more tears.

* Conquer anxiety at daycare, school, parties, events and play-dates.

* Go to sleep peacefully - and stay in bed at naptime and bedtime.

* Feel comfortable with caregivers, babysitters, visitors, and other new people.

* Explore new places with joy and confidence.

Best of all, this step-by-step book INCLUDES A FREE MAGIC BRACELET that will help your child feel "magically" safe and secure whenever you're apart. It's just one of the many No-Cry solutions that will help you say goodbye to the stress of saying goodbye-and hello to a stronger, happier child. "

For more information, check out Elizabeth Pantley's web site here.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ask (or Gripe), and You Shall Receive

Callie and Michael like to have tea parties with a tea set Ellen got Callie for Christmas. Back on April 20 (sorry, but I have to post-date my entries because of that pesky no-Internet-access-at-home thing) they had a tea party.

Dilemma: no cookies.

I was crazy busy (yes, SA [smart a**], it was a little different from every other day) but was willing to make them no-bake drop cookies.

Dilemma: no sugar.

As I’m griping about how I’m not psychic and sugar should have been put on the grocery list, etc., a sweet woman from church came by to drop off some wonderful clothes for my kids, as she does from time to time. Guess what else she brought?

A big tin of chocolate chip cookies.

I almost cried. I saved 3 for Aron, ate a few for my own stress relief purposes, then gave the tin to the kids for their tea party. How cool is that?  Now it's time for some subliminal advertising:
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