Saturday, May 22, 2010

Temporary ID Tatto for Kids

This is a great post at The WM Parenting Connection called "Can't Parents Supervise Their Kids Anymore?" (sign up for the e-mail version so you don't miss a post!).

My opinion:  I used to think things like leashes for kids were crazy and wondered why someone couldn't keep track of their dang kid.  I felt this way because I had 3 Velcro children who would not leave my side.  Then along came Eva.  Pair that with living on a very busy street and, although I don't own a kid leash personally, I am now a believer in doing whatever it takes to keep your kid safe.

What do YOU think?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

School Carnival

Here are some pictures from the recent school carnival we attended.  The kids played a bunch of games to win poker chips to trade in for prizes.  They enjoyed the bouncy slide and moonwalks.  Callie won a bag of Tootsie Rolls at the cakewalk.  They all enjoyed Ring Pops!  We dropped only $40 this year to support our local public school.  I was surprised we got out of there so cheap!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Homeschool Sushi Rolls

I have found a great homeschool group in my city.  I won't publicize them in case they want to stay medium-sized, but would be happy to publicize them if they want me to and will email anyone info about them if they would like from the Comments section.  Anyway, they have 4 co-op sessions a year where a parent offers a class on anything and in return their kids can take as many classes as they want.  Some of the classes cost money, like this one was $5 per kid, but they got to take home a bamboo mat and spoon plus the ingredients were amazing (salmon, avocado, mango, cream cheese, cucumber, etc.).

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pokemon Puzzle and Pokemon T-shirt

I found this Pokemon puzzle at a thrift store for one fat buck.  It's 200 pieces, and Michael and Aron sat and worked on it together for some great father/son time.  Of course, the next morning, Eva tore it all apart while I was eating my bon bons and watching my soap operas in the tub (don't tell my husband!), so it's a good thing they took a picture of it!  Below is a picture of Joel with his Pokemon T-shirt on ... he'd just made himself a smoothie and was quite proud of himself!

Amazon has some great Pokémon puzzles. Check them out!

They also have T-shirts!

*Full disclosure: I might get a few cents if you purchase something on Amazon using the links in this post.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Stuff My Dad Says

My dad says, "Heard the starving artists were due to come back to town to sell paintings. I'm taking them down some canned goods and boxes of cereal. Don't give them cash! They'll only spend it on paint and canvas!"