Monday, April 22, 2013

Library Collection Agencies and My Multiple Library Credit Cards

I have a problem. I need to attend BLA meetings. That would be the non-existent Book-Lovers Anonymous meetings. I have library cards for myself and my children. When one gets a fine, I just switch to another card. Library cards are like book and DVD credit cards in my world. My husband says when a child is born to me, I get it a Social Security Card and a library card.

The morning of Callie's First Communion I went to pick up Joel at a campout. While I was gone, a COLLECTION AGENCY called and explained to my husband how I have some crazy fines on one of my library credit cards. [When did this turn into a confessional blog? Oh, yeah, when it first started.]

Notice the variety of books in my picture. Some are for article research. Some are for OCD research for one of my sons. I have homeschooling books and writing books. And a book that I think I would love but am afraid I won't get to while I have kids in the house because I have the attention span of a gnat currently: The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing. I think it will rock. I also think it's a hard one to read with kids yelling all around you, and my precious Quiet Time is reserved for writing for dinero.

Other fines are from me being a Pushover Mommy and letting my kids check out too many DVDs which we will never watch. Then they get lost. Then the dog eats them. Then Library Guido comes to my door. Currently we have a REALLY high fine, another one with fines and then there is the third card I cling to with my life.

I'm eyeing my daughters, who are 5 and 8. I think they each need a library card.

I obviously have a problem.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Helping Daddy, by Eva

Wecently I had the opportunity to help my Daddy. He was putting in a handrail at the front of our house for people who might need a little extra support getting up our steps. He's willy sweet like that; thinking about other people and stuff. I asked if I could help with the C-ment.

Daddy said YES! He always lets us help, even if it means we will make a mess or get dirty.

So I stirred and scooped C-ment and helped him complete his project before deadline. Ha!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

My #WeightWatchers 25-pound Charm

Okay, so when you join Weight Watchers, your first weight loss goal is to lose 5% of your current weight because there are great health benefits to doing so. Then when you lose 10% of your starting weight you benefit in many more ways (lowered risk of diabetes, greater mobility, etc.). So when I lost 10% of my weight I got a keychain that looks like a 10.

Then as you go along you get more charms. I'm working toward an Activity Charm by being way more active than I ever used to be. I love being able to run and not be out of breath. I'm in better shape at almost-42 than I was in my 20s.

Today I weighed in just in case I couldn't make the meeting tonight and (I'm not gonna lie) because obviously I weigh less before lunch than after dinner!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's National Ford Mustang Day ... What's Your Favorite?

Today, friends, we celebrate National Ford Mustang Day! Which is fortunate, because I have always been in love with the Mustang (my husband rented one for me for my 40th birthday weekend!). It's my favorite car, followed closely by the Camaro. And you know me, I love the vintage AND the new. But here is my favorite (what's yours?):

Fun fact: Both Aron's mom and mine owned a Mustang in the 1960s!

Wordless Wednesday w/LINKY: Flowers Inside Flowers

One of the girls picked a daffodil from our yard and gave it to me. Then my other girl brought in a tiny purple flower (my mom will kill me for not knowing the name of it! ... hyacinth?) and placed the purple one inside the yellow one. It looked so pretty I had to take a picture.