Thursday, May 9, 2013

Birthday Party Ridiculousness

It seems like kids’ birthday parties are getting out of hand these days, with parents trying to top each other for some non-existent “Most Elaborate Party” award! It can be difficult – if not impossible – to keep up with the intricate, expensive and often highly structured parties that are thrown by our child’s friends and classmates. Whether your child is in school, is homeschooled or is not yet even in preschool, the politics of birthday parties affect everyone. Save your sanity and stay out of the Poor House instead by considering some of the options and tips below.

1.      Realize that you don’t have to invite the whole world to an expensive gathering. One of my favorite parties growing up consisted of about five friends and an ice cream parlor. Every few years you could save up for something special and a little more costly like a moonwalk in the backyard or taking five friends to Paradise Park. If you’re having the party in your spacious backyard, by all means invite your child’s entire class. But …

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My Proofreading Love Affair With

I have a new addiction, and it is making money doing something I love.
Sorry, this photo has nothing to do with this post but reflects my life lately and I think it's killer funny!

I also make money when you check out these teaser posts (which may annoy you, Mom and Husband, but the point is to get you interested and get you to click over to where I write more cool stuff). So if you love me, check it out! [What? You thought I only lived at The Kerrie Show? Nope. I am all over the place.]

And if you want to know more about my proofreading and writing gigs, in case you are a Grammar Nazi like me/myself, head to The Published Parent!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Homeschooling 101

Although it’s becoming quite a popular education choice, the decision to homeschool can lead to some overwhelming questions like: 

How do you get started? What does a typical day look like as you entertain and educate your kids all day long? How do you keep toddlers from emptying the cabinets on a daily basis while you teach your older kids? What about socialization?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

8 Tips for Saving on Birthday Gifts

I don’t know about you, but it seems like I’m always toting my kids to a birthday party. Buying all those gifts can be a real budget buster, and nobody wants to go into credit card debt trying to impress little kids (and their parents!) with lavish gifts. Below are 8 money-savings tips to save hundreds of dollars every year on birthday party presents.

Check your budget. This will be harder for some of you than for others, but I promise if you stop worrying about what other people think, you will automatically save some serious cash. Focus on your own finances, and spend only what you can afford.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

8 Birthday Traditions You'll Want to Try

Every year when I was a kid my parents would let me choose where I wanted to eat dinner out for my birthday. Another birthday tradition they kept going was to have a small party for me with family and friends, including a cookout since I have a June birthday. Kids love to feel special, and it can be a challenge to find the time to come up with ways to make a birthday a knockout. Never fear! Below are 8 ideas for birthday traditions to start with your own kids. Pick and choose a few of them each year … and stick with the ones you and your birthday kid love!

Read about all 8 traditions here!