Sunday, June 30, 2013

Beer Bottle Covers!!!! Neoprene Bottle Koolers Bottle Suit Review

Okay, we all have those can koozies laying around, right? They're alright for keeping a can cool and keeping the can sweat off of us, but someone has come up with a Neoprene bottle koozie (well, they call it a bottle kooler because they are klassier than I am!) for BOTTLES! Man, when I saw this, I had to secure one for Mr. Kerrie (Aron) to review!

He's busy watching Daredevil right now, so I will just say it's a super fun product! It has a little zipper and you can secure an optional bottle opener to it (or just use your teeth if you're all super manly). It keeps your beer ... um, I mean your ROOT BEER (yeah, that's the ticket) all snuggly and cool and safe from breaking when it gets knocked over by some random naughty child.

Do you know what Neoprene is? It's wetsuit material! They call this a bottle suit, like it's all ready to go off to work or something. The other cool thing is that you can have your company name/logo put on these and pass them out. You will not be forgotten! I'm thinking The Kerrie Show needs some of these!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Uglee Pen Ergonomic Pen Review and GIVEAWAY

Dr. James Lee has invented this cool new ergonomic pen called an Uglee Pen. Yeah, it's not a pretty pen, that's for sure, but it feels good when you're writing with it. I used to always get a callous in my middle finger from writing so dang much in longhand when I was a kid (yeah, I was always a writer). This ugly thing has a  nice, squishy pad where your fingers go, so it's very comfortable to use. The ink flow is nice, as well, so writing is smooth. It comes in a bunch of different colors.

Here's what Dr. Lee has to say about kids and Uglee Pens:
You already know that it takes years of practice learning how to write. Did you know that it also takes years to build up the correct muscles to do so efficiently? Kids are also at risk for repetitive stress injury, in fact that can be where it starts! Because of their underdeveloped muscles, it is easy for children to accumulate small injuries early. Get your children an UGLee Pen and help prevent future hand problems!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

You Know You're a WAHM When ...

... you are too busy to talk to your friends so when they ask, for example, what you did for your birthday, you rudely send them to a blog post instead of actually talking to them about it.

... you can be found cooking grilled ham and cheese sandwiches while simultaneously writing an article, proofing an article or just doing what you do for money online.

... you try to outsource tasks to your kids, like urinating. "Callie, would you please go pee for me?"

... you live and die to go to the pool in the afternoon because it means a nice break for you away from work and to just be able to watch and appreciate your kids.

... in order to keep the house running smoothly, you work SUPER FAST on any chore, like putting away laundry or putting away dishes.

... you cut time corners on meals. Applesauce instead of cut-up apples. The slow cooker is king!

... you work in the dead of night and in the morning when the rest of the household is sleeping.

... your mom friends come over and you have Adult Working Playdates.

How do you know you're a WAHM? Share with me!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!!!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads and dad figures out there! Here's a post over at Bubblews about how I feel about my own dad ... he kinda rocks. I'd love to know how you feel about your dad, husband, uncle, grandpa, stepdad, father figure, etc. in the comments section!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Rimmel Lash Accelerator Endless ... #EndlessLashes

Yeah, I know I'm your super brave hero right now, posting my eyes without makeup. The things I will do for free product ...

Speaking of free product, here's a shot of what I got in my recent Influenster box. We all know I'm a mascara addict, so this was PERFECTION, and it's not even available until July!

I start with Voluminous Million Lashes as a base, let it dry, then follow up with this Rimmel Lash Accelerator Endless. All mascaras do different things, and the older I get the more different products I need to achieve the look I'm going for (which the look I'm going for is, um, well, AWAKE).

C'est moi! Yep, this is me after putting on my duo of lash products. Also, when it's morning and I'm not taking a shower that day or yet but need some lash love, I will curl my lashes, then put on more of the Rimmel to perk up my eyes. I will definitely buy this as part of my mascara stable!

Here's what they have to say on their website:
Our first ultra lengthening mascara that defies the laws of lash length!
- Length that defies limits
- Formula with Micro-Fibres
- Instant wow: Extends lashes by up to 99%
- Lash-catching brush grabs every lash for perfect separation.  No clumps!

"I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes."