Friday, October 18, 2013

2013 Holiday Gift Guide: barkTHINS by @ripplebrands

I have a new obsession around here and it JUST came in the mail for me today. I got this box of fun stuff from Klout as a perk, and the box was full of all this great fair trade stuff. Here's my new favorite thing:

Introducing barkTHINS by Ripple Brands. You know I dove right into the bag when it came and could not stop. The kids are also fans. I went to their site and found out they also have other varieties, like dark chocolate with almonds, pretzels, peppermint, mint and pumpkin seeds, as well as milk chocolate peanut.

Yes, smarty-pants people, they ARE on my Weight Watchers plan. Everything is, in fact, just in moderation, which MIGHT be a tad bit of an issue with these.

I think you need to try these out!

Here's how to find them on Twitter. And on Facebook.

I was given a free product or sample because I'm a Klout influencer. I am under no obligation to receive the sample or talk about this company. I get no additional benefits for talking about the product or company.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

When She Transformed Into a Butterfly ...

It's like in the movie The Matrix, people. Once you KNOW cool stuff and REALIZE cool stuff, you can't UNKNOW it. You just have to keep moving forward and hope the rest realize cool stuff, too. If they do not, that is not your problem. Be yourself.

Friday, October 11, 2013

My Speech at my Poppy's Funeral

Hello, I’m Kerrie, [my grandpa and grandma's] first-born and oldest grandchild, and I don’t think they quite knew what to do with me after having 4 sons!
I was always making my Poppy, as I called him, play customer to my waitress and babysit my dollies and restart the hi-fi over and over so I could twirl around the family room in my pretty dress.
Poppy is so special to me and always will be, for so many reasons. I remember 1,000 things about him, but don’t worry; I’ll only share a few with you now!
He was never grumpy, and I don’t remember him saying one unkind thing to me ever.
He built me the most beautiful dollhouse, which I still have.

Through his hard work as a carpenter and builder of homes, he funded all the trips to Independence Center Grandma and I would take, the Cabbage Patch Kid I never dreamed I would get for Christmas, a trip to Bible camp in Colorado.
I remember going to see him at job sites and being amazed at what he could do. I wanted to live in every house he built.

I remember how much in love with Grandma he always was and how she was his everything. I wanted that for myself and got it finally, actually by taking some of his kindly and carefully given advice.
And of course, his family and God always came first. He was a loving father who was always looking out for, and having fun with, his sons and their families.
And when it came time to welcome new family members, he always invited them in with open arms. I know my husband will miss Poppy — and their fishing trips — VERY much.
He treated my kids and my cousins’ kids so well, joking with them, coloring with them, having fun. He was always smiling.
He was a jokester, that’s for sure.
He was a Christian who walked the walk.
He modeled the biblical principle of Turn the Other Cheek and was patient and kind.
I always wanted him to be proud of me and he makes me want to strive to be a better person still.
I think of him now as fishing in a nice, big boat with his brothers, his sister and his parents on the most beautiful lake imaginable.
I see him smiling at all of us and telling us that everything is going to be okay.

We will miss you so much, Poppy, but what gets us through this tough time is knowing we will see your smiling face again someday.

I love you, Poppy.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Happy 15-Year Anniversary to Us!

Happy anniversary to my wonderful husband, Mr. Kerrie. Thanks for taking my name 15 years ago on a lovely Saturday on your mom's birthday! In the immortal words of Queen, You're my best friend!

Here's the post I wrote about us over at Bubblews. It talks about our romantic plans for the day (ha!) and how it's better than what we were doing four years ago today, anyway!

Life is good, so my sappy message would be a shout-out to anyone who is in an abusive relationship. I am your poster child for GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE! Time's a wastin' and you have a better person to be with and maybe even terrific babies waiting for you. This is YOUR life ... go live it the best you can!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

He's Fishing in Heaven

Early this morning my first grandparent died. Now I only have 3. They are all exactly 84 years old. My parents are 63 and I am 42.

I am so grateful that I made the drive to the nursing home last night to go see him one last time. I talked to him some, but he was asleep, preparing to move on to a place where he can hear perfectly, he can fish all day, he can build houses if he wants to and he can watch over all of us. I told him it's okay to move on, it's okay to let go. I hugged him and gave him a big kiss. I told him the kids and Aron also love him. I told him it will be nice to have him watching over all of us.

Samuel's birthday was Monday, my cousin's birthday was yesterday, and my 15-year-anniversary is tomorrow. He picked a good day to die, right in between all these things and we will always remember him.

Here are some things I wrote about him about a month ago in case you're interested. Here are some photos of him during times before the Alzheimer's took over and then that brain hem started the fast decline.

Please pray for my family during this difficult time. He has 4 sons, 8 grandkids and 9 great-grandkids.
Aron and Poppy after Sam was born

Poppy and my dad on a fishing trip

Poppy, my dad, Uncle Tod and Joel