Saturday, November 2, 2013

OraMD Review

Okay, here's the thing. You know I'm not going to lie to you. I got something to review and I'm just not so sure about it. So I'm going to say it. It might work fine for you and maybe I just have a super sensitive mouth.

But I got this OraMD stuff and it's a tiny bottle that is supposed to last for a month of tooth brushings (for one person?). It costs $15.31 per month per person. That is not going to work in my house. Toothpaste is much cheaper! Baking soda even more so!

Anyway, the cost is not my problem. My issue is that when I was using this stuff my teeth were hyper-sensitive. Things hurt when I ate hot or cold foods or drinks. I tried this experiment twice and got the same result both times. I have not used this stuff in weeks and my teeth are just fine.

I get that it's all natural and made with peppermint and spearmint oils and menthol, but maybe my processed-foods butt just freaks out when natural and organic touches my body ... haha?

Never fear, this company also offers a colon normalizer for $39.95 per bottle and Vitamin C for $29.95 per bottle. Being healthy is EXPENSIVE!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Could Prevagen Be My Brain Fog Lifter?

Okay, here's the deal. It's hard to tell something like if my brain is working better. I couldn't exactly do scientific tests on myself to see if I, say, did better at a timed test on Day 1 of taking this stuff versus Day 30. The company says you should take it longer than 30 days and I only got a 30-day sample, so I have to base my review on that.

That said, maybe I felt a little more spring in my brain's step for a while and was able to really go crazy on working on ebooks and writing creative and fun things. Maybe it lifted some of the fog. But then my grandpa died and the fog came back so it's hard to say about this Prevagen stuff.

Depending on how much it costs, I would buy it and take it again. I know this kind of things is all relative, like when you are taking vitamins and then don't and feel sluggish. Still, I put my faith in B12 for my daily energy and credit it with not needing naps! If the cost of this is no more than vitamins, I would stock up on it because I think brain health is very important. I'm 42 and Mr. Kerrie is almost 47 and we can use all the brainpower we can get to thwart the evil plans of our 5 kids. Just sayin'.

Here's some info from the company and after that how to find them online:

Prevagen (pronounced “prev-uh-gen”), developed by Quincy Bioscience, is a unique brain health supplement that promotes clearer thinking and improves memory. Prevagen’s main ingredient is a new use for a well-known protein called “apoaequorin” which was originally found in a certain species of jellyfish.

As we age, the body’s ability to produce essential proteins slows down. When this happens you begin to lose about 30,000 brain cells every day, and may start to experience difficulty with memory, focus and concentration. Apoaequorin has been clinically tested and shown to supplement these proteins during the natural process of aging and improves brain health and overall memory.

In 2012, Prevagen became the number one selling brain health supplement in chain drug stores across the country, and continues to remain on top. Prevagen is available in health food stores and pharmacies nationwide including Walgreen, CVS, Rite Aid, and Vitamin Shoppe.

Prevagen is safe and effective. Daily use for 30-90 days is the recommended length of time to experience noticeable results.

Learn more about Prevagen at

Here's how to find them on Facebook!

UPDATE: $40 is the cheapest I could find this online for 30 pills. For that price, I choose to remain stupid!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Who Cares About Klout? I Do! Love Those Perks!

Some of you may have heard of a site called Klout. And then wondered what is it? Is it like Twitter? What's the big deal? Who cares?

Well, I'm still not really sure. I know that the higher your Klout number, the more of an influencer you are. So I think I'm in the 60s somewhere, which means I'm pretty average, just like I was in high school. So no surprise there.

I used to spend every day like a monkey with a food button giving and getting Klout until I realized it wasn't making any difference in my numbers. I think Klout is smart enough to know that it's your friends giving it to you over and over again. Maybe if celebrities were giving me Klout every day my number would go way up, but otherwise, nope.

Here's my page. It says my top 3 things that I'm influential in are Moms, Parenting and Books. I'll take it. Then it's Blogging, Writing and Business. Okey doke. Will I get jobs off of it? Probably not. But ... I do get things called Perks, which come like this:

I wrote recently about the barkTHINS right after they arrived and added them to my Holiday Gift Guide because if I can't stop eating something, then it's amazing! I wanted to give a shout-out to the other products that came in the Perk box from Klout because it's all great stuff sent by great companies who are all about FAIR TRADE. Fair trade fights poverty in farming communities around the world.

Target's Archer Farms Fair Trade Tierra del Sol medium roast ground coffee. Loved this stuff, but when I looked up the price online, it said $20 for 12 ounces through Amazon. Cheaper at the actual Target store? We shall see! I compare it to Starbuck's, easily.

Lake Champlain mocha hot chocolate. I put this in my coffee for a decadent little time! A little goes a long way.

Larabar ... yes! Could eat these daily! So many choices!

Make a Stand Lemon-aid. When you buy a bottle, they help a child. No jokes about how my kids need help, please. But if you want to help their mother, you may donate BarkTHINS.

prAna cloth tote bag. Sturdy enough to hold the contents of our snack bag that we take everywhere with us. Directly benefits the farmers who grow the cotton and the workers who sew the clothing or tote bags.

Traditional Medicinals chamomile and lavender tea. I hope my friend is not reading this because I'm not a tea freak and I'm giving it to her in her Christmas goodie bag. She is going to love it!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Everybody Loves SeaLife Aquarium Kansas City

This giveaway is over, but head here to find out about Crown Center's Homeschool Week, then below I have my original review post about SeaLife Aquarium.

Okay, so this post right here was written after we went on our very first SeaLife Aquarium visit. Then we went a year later during the week when school was in and the place was not busy at all, so we've experienced both ends of the busy spectrum here and the place is awesome no matter how you slice it. We really are very lucky to have this in Kansas City!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, October 18, 2013

Everybody Loves Legoland Discovery Center Kansas City

This giveaway has expired but go here to check out the SeaLife Aquarium giveaway!

We love Legoland Discovery Center in Kansas City! We've only been once but we could go like EVERY DAY! I could ride the Kingdom Quest Laser Ride all day long and then hit the theatre. If you have not been to the theatre yet, I won't spoil the surprise that awaits you when you're in there, and the movies change, so see them all!

You are not going to believe the awesomeness of this, but I am giving away a family 4-pack of tickets valued at $76 to Legoland Discovery Center in Kansas City! Here's the layout; there is so much to do and you are in for an entire day of fun! What a perfect thing to do as the weather is getting colder! If there are more than 4 people in your family, of course you can purchase extra tickets for them; this is FOUR free tickets, though ... how cool is that?!