Sunday, November 10, 2013

Happy 47th Birthday to Mr. Kerrie: Aron McLoughlin

My husband is amazing. Today he turned 47 and he spent most of the day cleaning out the van with the kids and then later fixed my driver's side van window which broke a couple of weeks ago and would not roll up or down. 

Tonight I got him World War Z to relax to while the littles watch something cartoony on the laptop upstairs. I plan to SCRAPBOOK nearby (I know ... scrapbooking ... it's been a long time!).

Popcorn and mocha hot chocolate are also on the docket for the evening. AFTER he gets the van door put back together, poor guy.

Earlier we had homemade pizzas and then a blue suede cake that some guy named Duff has out. It was super yummy, actually and totally worth it. There's also a tie dye cake and a zerbra cake we will be purchasing. We put white cream cheese frosting on top, but I used food coloring to make it lime green.

Friday, November 8, 2013

$1,000 Countdown to Black Friday #Giveaway ends November 29, 2013

Countdown To Black Friday Giveaway

Organized by Mom Powered Media and the MPM Blogger Network.

Looking for the best contests around this holiday season? Make sure to visit" target="_blank">SweepstakesFanatics
where you can find the newest sweeps, blog giveaways and even a special section for Canadian giveaways.

Here's the link to my post leading you to the 2013 Toys R Us Black Friday ad, and I have my eye on the Disney movies for $11.99 and the Lego Eagle Castle, but don't tell my kids if you see them. And if you are one of their friends reading this, PLEASE do not tell them because that is just not cool!

One lucky winner will receive $ 1,000 Visa Gift Card or Amazon Gift Card {choice}!

Giveaway ends November 29th  at 11:59 pm, open worldwide, ages 18+. Please note if the winner is a non-USA or non-Canadian resident, they will receive $1,000 via paypal instead. To enter please use the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck.

Disclosure:The Kerrie Show is not responsible for sponsor prize shipment. Please contact" target="_blank">
with questions or to see your business or blog featured on the next big event!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

My Well Woman Check! Details Here.

So I just wanted to update ya'll and let you know I made it through my well woman check with flying colors.

Well, not really. It seems my cervix is still a little red and angry-looking. Yes, a gyno actually said that to me once when I was in my twenties (before I met Mr. Kerrie and when I was not, ahem, so kind to my body). So we'll see how all that shakes out. I'm not freaking out or running for the HPV vaccine or anything (do not get me started on that rant).

And since I'm all 42 and losing my hair (no bald spots so don't freak out, Mom, Dad and Aunt Cathy) and had gestational diabetes with Joel (borderline, people, but I jumped through the hoops because it was my first pregnancy), I get to GO BACK TO THE DOCTOR for blood tests for my thyroid and sugar and cholesterol and probably some other stuff.

That means more time out by myself, which I am oddly craving since the hardwood floors arrived and made my world all LOUD and echo-y.

By the way, how much do you love trying to make conversation with your doc and the lady that has to supervise him while he has his hand inside you and then has to do the breast exam?! We for real talked about how I'm proofreading AND writing now and my doc of 16 years said I'm the only person he knows who proofreads! Shoulda given him my card but my gown had no pockets.

Let this be a reminder for you to schedule your well woman exam. They are usually free if you have insurance and maybe Obamacare will also make them free?!

Sorry there are no pictures to accompany this post. Next time.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Kerrie McLoughlin's Print Books and Kindle Ebooks

Hey, did you know that you don't need a Kindle to read my ebooks? Back when I didn't have a Kindle I would just download books I bought or got for free on Amazon onto my Amazon Cloud Reader to read whenever I wanted later on my laptop. Here's my author page so you can see all my offerings on one page, you lucky duck.

Have files of article reprints that you own but have no clue where to start reselling them? Have ideas for some fantastic new pieces but no idea who might want them? Check out my 386-page PDF of tips, tricks, and insider information, as well as 384 paying parenting and family markets! Just head to this page to download How to Get Published (and Paid!) Writing About Your Kids and get started immediately!

Sign up for an email subscription to The Published Parent and get two amazing freebies: 10 Parenting Markets That Pay $100+ and 10 Markets That Pay Writers to Write About Writing! And join my Facebook group called Parenting Magazine Writers ... it's FREE and full of tips and tricks and markets and like-minded writer friends!

Available in print and ebook (free on Kindle Unlimited)

I Love Shopping for Retro Stuff!!!!

Okay, Aron and I got to go to a Liberty Ball at the Riverfront Marriott in Lawrence, Kansas over the weekend to support Aron's cousin, who is running for governor of Kansas on the Libertarian ticket. (did I say that right? it sounds too smart to come out of my mouth!).

Anyway, the night before I had gone downtown to the Crossroads District of Kansas City to support my friend Angeliina at her art show with my BACKPACK slung over my shoulder. It wasn't freezing, so I did not wear a coat. My coat options are a heavy Liz Taylor furry thing or my 13-year-old busted up Yale jacket.

Saturday morning I realized it was time for a coat and a purse, for gosh sakes. My mother would be so proud that I am, at the age of 42, recognizing a little bit of class.

So after Weight Watchers (I don't even attend meetings anymore; I just weigh in and leave with my head down) I trucked to Pete N' Repeat in Downtown Overland Park because I knew I would find what I needed there in about 5 minutes.

And I was right!

I literally ran in, asked where the black purses were, and the woman said she had just organized them! A cute Liz Claiborne caught my eye and $20 seemed fair so there you go. Then I ran over to the coats, checked the Medium rack, and found my new lover, a gorgeous gray pea coat for $45. You get the full effect when it's buttoned up, and rest assured I will post pictures of that fabulousness.

I never cared much for fashion but looking back I realize I've always had a certain kind of retro style. Always. Now I can really buy what I love and look like I stepped right out of the 1960s without spending a fortune to do so!

What's your style like?