Thursday, December 5, 2013

Holiday Gift Guide 2013: Babo Botanicals Holiday Promotion!

This newest Holiday Gift Guide 2013 addition includes a product that is great for any age person, but it most perfect for that new or current parent on your shopping list. And if you know someone who is due to have a baby next year, stock up now on Babo Botanicals for your shower and new-baby gifts!

Babo Botanicals offers a full range of natural and safe skin, hair and suncare products for newborns, babies, kids and the entire family! Babo products are made on a certified organic farm in upstate New York and are ultra-rich in vitamins A, C and D delivering maximum nutrients, protection and moisture to your child’s hair and skin. Babo’s mission is to provide the perfect balance between optimum results, natural ingredients and family fun.

Babo Botanicals is having a special holiday promotion of 50% off all products available at their site here! Just remember to use promotion code HOLIDAYBABO.

HURRY and save this link! This offer is only available from December 11th through December 18th and the coupon does not apply to the VIP Gift Basket.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Emilia Delizia Tours: Something for Everyone!

It's no secret that I love to travel. So does Mr. Kerrie, as long as it's not for work and he can be with his family. One of our dreams is to travel the country by RV. Another is to go to Europe. He'd love to go to Ireland and Scotland. I'd love to visit Germany, where I was born. We both would love to go to Italy.

Oh, Italy. How I would fall in love with it. I mean, I already fell in love with it when I read Eat, Pray, Love,  but I want a deeper relationship. I want to go on food tours and wine tours and cooking tours in Italy. I want to really get to know it.

That's where Emilia Delizia comes in. They asked me to check out their site and let my readers know what I think about it and I have to say it is verrrrrrrry cool. Allow me to demonstrate using their infographic:

I am salivating just thinking of all this amazing food. Mr. Kerrie would think he had died and gone to heaven during a culinary or wine tour. And I would be in homeschool heaven going on production visits with the kids to see how things like Parmesan cheese, balsamic vinegar and Parma ham are made!

This site is EXTREMELY informative. Check out this post on truffle hunts! And EEEEEE! ... they can arrange Ferrari test drives here!!!!!!

I have to admit I went to this site and got lost in it for a long time. The Big Family Dream after moving to the country here in the USA is to start traveling to cool places like Italy. Guess I'd better get back to work on that best-selling ebook, huh?

You can follow Emilia Delizia Food Tours on Twitter here. And on Facebook here. But whatever you do, check out this site ... you won't be sorry!

Friday, November 29, 2013

When Is the Right Time for a Cell Phone? (guest post)

Today is Black Friday, I'm taking a little break from the production of The Kerrie Show, and we have a guest post by HB Redbird. She also provided a great piece for me about doing back to school uniquely here. Check it out!

When Is The Right Time for a Cell Phone?

I think the hardest part of parenting is acknowledging that children are growing up in a different age than we are. This is apparent by parents who no longer allow their children to walk to school, or bike wherever their hearts desire. It is also becoming clear to me that parents have a harder time deciding when to let children branch out with technology.

My children range in age from one year to ten years. My children are better with computers than I am, and I thought I was good with personal computers. The older two, aged ten and eight, love computers and cell phones. We have a family computer to allow them the ability to email family members, and keep their own blog. So, when is it okay to allow children to have their own phones?

We see children in first and second grade carrying their own phones, and we feel that it is too young. My husband and I had originally planned to allow phones at the age of 13, but now I think that may be too old. My children are prolific on our Smartphones, playing games, sending text messages, and using the internet to research on the road. Are eight and ten year olds responsible enough to have a phone of their own? How does one keep them safe from those who have only evil thoughts racing through their minds? This is where we are not sure which direction to go.

·         Able to communicate with friends without stealing our phone
·         Can play games that expand brain power
·         Can call us when they are needing picked up after school
·         Call them when needed
·         Research on the go

These pros come from our current experiences with our older children. My daughter is very prolific with texting, and she loves communicating with my family. She also has a few friends and cousins that have cell phones, so having one would allow her to communicate with them. She is also always stealing my phone to play Draw Something, and other games that require her to think. We also regularly hand our phones over to both of the children to allow them to use Google to work on their homework on the drive home from school.

·         Increase phone bill
·         Access to evils on the cyber world
·         Unauthorized purchases or subscriptions

My pocket book screams when I think about allowing my children to have access to a phone of their own. Will they understand the limitations on usage? Will they purchase games or subscribe to text messages that will affect the bill? Will they get onto sites that they really should not be on? I understand that most of these cons come with both years of trust and parenting. We can let a child learn by experience that purchasing games require money by making them pay for it. Same with having them go over their minutes, but the OCD in me really has trouble with relinquishing that control.

Therefore, we are back to the beginning questions. When is it appropriate to allow your child to get a phone and join your family plan? We are beginning to think that eight years old is not too young. Are we wrong? My husband and I are not yet sure.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving 2013!

I am grateful today for too many things to even list, but I'll go ahead and do a few!

Obviously I'm thankful for my awesome, fun marriage of 15 years,which is still going strong. I'm thankful for my five healthy, awe-inspiring children. I am thankful that my parents and Aron's are alive and well.

I am thankful for new friends and old and those with potential.

For a place to live, a car to drive, a way to make money from home.

For food, a furnace that works after 47 years, clothing, a library card.

For the freedom to homeschool.

My husband is amazing in the kitchen. He has spent a lot of time working on today's meal. He loves to cook and I let him take it over. He was so excited that he got a roasting pan with rack like this one at Macy's yesterday for nine bucks!

My mom and stepdad are coming over to share the meal with us. Please pray for my Grandma Sue while she goes through surgery tomorrow.

I sincerely pray that you have a fabulous day today. Good food and relaxation and love!

Happy Thanksgiving! (and I wouldn't be me without leaving you with a funny!)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Christmas Shopping: My Kid's Favorite Toys Site

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and it's time to start thinking about Christmas shopping, whether you are in denial or not. I'm not telling you to run out and do Black Friday shopping. I'm telling you to sit on your butt and shop at home like I try to do as often as possible! I think my kids are starting to figure some stuff out when the mail comes and I run it up to my closet.

Okay, so check out this site My Kid's Favorite Toys ... I love it because it gives me so many great ideas for my kids for Christmas shopping. I already have some things for the kids but I need more ideas! And family is asking for gift ideas for the kids. I'm often at a loss as to what kind of ideas to give them. I want presents to be a surprise if it can work out that way, so I scanned this site for some great ideas. See what you think!

If you don't know where to start, check here for the top toys of 2013, according to WalMart, KMart and ToysRUs.

My girls are starting to want some of the Lego and Friends sets, like this one:

Samuel is all about trains and this Thomas set is perfect!

And check this out! Nerf finally got a clue like Lego did and now they make stuff in pink!

This site helped me to discover all sorts of new things that my kids might like for Christmas. I'm going to be spending a lot more time on there. I love the search box, that you can shop by brand, by tag, by type of toy and more. I'll be heading back here for birthday ideas for all of my own kids and for the kids of my friends when it's birthday party time next year!