Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Son Is Baking 120 Dozen Cinnamon Rolls Today ... and I'm Chillin'

No, not by himself, silly! With his Boy Scout troop! Thanks to the ever-rockin', fire-fightin' Bill Schneider for taking this photo (I like to give a shout-out and don't do it enough).

Mr. Kerrie is off work for THREE WEEKS so you might be seeing me on here quite a bit posting fun holiday happenings. Know why? 'Cuz I found the external hard drive so I can transfer all the pictures to it that are backing up like a dude who ate too many beans and too much cheese. I've knocked out some big proofing jobs and it's time to concentrate on preparing the house for Christmas.

Wow, reading that back it is a big fat wonder I make any money at all to write because I just jump from topic to topic. Sorry about that. Lemme slow down.

My point is that my camera should be empty so I can QUICKLY post new pictures in the coming weeks. I know the grandparents love that!

Mr. Kerrie has been working insane hours (like 16+ hours per day) and it's been Crazy Town here. I'm looking forward to my man being off work so I can have some fun with my kids instead of policing them, to working on my Laid-Back Homeschooling book and getting it out in time for all the people to receive their Kindles at Christmastime. And then there's shopping for stocking stuffers and other last-minute fun. Maybe the growing pile of clean laundry will get put away magically, as well!

And finding the Excel file with all the addresses for Christmas cards since our PC shot craps. It's cool, you know I'll also post the humblebrag Christmas letter on the blog!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah (wait, that's over), Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!

Love, Kerrie

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

#Free Ebook: The Cut-Out (Spy Thriller Based on a True Story)

This book is free through tomorrow, Thursday, December 12, 2013, so you have nothing to lose by downloading it. Just go to this link and grab it. You DO NOT NEED TO OWN A KINDLE to get this ebook. I don't own a Kindle (even though I write for the Kindle format!) and just download to a handy little thing on Amazon where they hold onto all my free ebooks for me to read when I want.

LOGLINE: When the American called me up and said he wanted to talk, I never imagined he would tell me what he did: that someone of global renown, “within days from now”, would be assassinated. Why tell me? A low-key conspiracy journalist? I didn’t know. And quite frankly, I didn’t believe him, either—until the assassination happened… 

SYNOPSIS: Britain in the nineties was obsessed with the X-Files. The high street was awash with X-Files type magazines, and as senior editor of the biggest selling one on the market, I was accustomed to receiving phone calls from anonymous sources promising inside information. So when the American called me up and said he wanted to talk, I took it in my stride. Why wouldn’t I? He was a former Special Forces Green Beret, he said. A CIA runner. He also said that the information he had was best not divulged over the telephone. So we arranged to meet. Nothing unusual in that. 

What was unusual, though, was what the American told me, not at our first meeting, but at a subsequent one some months later. On this occasion he said he'd been made aware of an imminent prime-target assassination, that “one of the most prominent figures on the world stage” was about to be taken out, “within days from now”, though he claimed he was unable to reveal who the target was. 

“Watch the news networks. You’ll know who it is soon enough.” He added: “The media will tell you it was an accident. You’ll know it wasn’t.” 

I came away not knowing if I’d been fed a line or let in on the world’s most terrible secret. And I had no way of finding out, either, other than to wait, and watch the news. 

I didn’t have to wait long. Because a week later the “accident” the American had alluded to was all over the news: the assassination he’d forewarned me about had happened. 

Of course, at this stage I had no idea I was being set up. Only that I’d been told something I wished I’d never been told. And that, because I had, I now faced the most terrifying challenge of my life—to get to the truth before the intelligence agencies got to me... 

The catch: please leave a review for this book if you enjoy it. (let me spoil it for you and tell you this is about Princess Diana's death!)

Thanks for checking out this edition of FREE EBOOKS FOUND BY KERRIE!

Eva at Her Birthday Party: Wordless Wednesday

Friday, December 6, 2013



This is a guest post from Kerrie's blessed husband.··You can call me Mr. Kerrie.··I saw a picture of her this morning and thought 'my wife is pretty'.  This is the picture

Of course I  think my is wife pretty in all of her pictures.  And pictures don't do her the justice compared to seeing her.  But don't let her looks fool you she's smart too,... and funny,... and a great cook, and the BEST mother to our children that I could have prayed for, and a perfect wife. ...  I could go on for a while, but probably the best thing that I could say is the she's as good of a mom as mine.  Did I mention smoking hot pretty.  I love you Kurvy©.  Kurvy is my copyrighted name that only her husband may use.

Happy 6th Birthday to my Eva!

I'm cheating a little bit today because I'm going to be super busy. Aron is having to work a lot of long hours this week and today is his day off, but he's gotta work most of it. He'll take off to come ice skating with us, though, and after all these years of birthdays and kids I think I can handle the rest of it and the party prep and the making today special for Eva.

So happy birthday, Eva! Here's the cheat: a post I wrote on another site today. Check it out! It even leads back HERE to a post of her FIRST BIRTHDAY!

Here are some pics of this ornery little light of our lives:

At the park in Grandview on a sunny day.

At the apple orchard. This girl has fun wherever she goes.

Resting in the van after a long day of being sunshiney and naughty