Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I Set Goals, Not Resolutions or How I Spent the Last Day of the Year

I don't really do resolutions anymore. I don't like doing a bunch of stuff everybody else is doing. Sometimes I go along or else I do it because I am really into it, but sometimes things become so cliche that they drive me insane and I roll my eyes.

I do, however, set goals. Homeschooling goals, set more dates with my husband on the calendar, writing goals and such. Maybe even some weight loss goals thrown in for good measure.

I spent the last day of the year graveside with my friend Jill, who lost her son Nolan one year ago, and her 4 other kids were there. I was there also with my own 5 children, my husband, a friend of over a year (Angeliina) and someone who I have known off and on but recently realized I really dig (Ginette). It was a tragic and sad way to end the year, and I wouldn't be anywhere else but standing there with my friend who is going through the worst time of her life. Later that night we went to Angeliina's to ring in the new year and had a blast (she put up with me despite my head cold and low energy!).

My friend Jill and her son Nolan
My point is that if I spend 2014 doing things pretty much the same as I did them in 2013, that would be just fine. I love spending time with my kids, my husband, my parents, my friends. I love to write, to be there for people if they need me, to bake for people. I like to help. If I could make one resolution it would be to watch more movies snuggled up with my husband like we used to do. I think that's a rockin' resolution!

My mother-in-law sent this to me and I don't know the author, but it's a lovely way to think about the new year, I think.

There comes a time in your life when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Make a Ponytail with a Vacuum Cleaner

Someone on Facebook posted a YouTube video of a dad who did his daughter's ponytail with a vacuum cleaner. We laughed until we cried ...and then decided to try it out.

Here is the result! My mother is going to love this one!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Storage Stairs? I Want Them!

Check out this site to see all about these cool stairs and more cool options. These are pretty, huh? But the three on the right are not practical in my household, what with the kids who can't put things back or pick up after themselves. I would hate to come flying down the stairs and bust my hip tripping on a drawer someone left open. Also I would need a handrail or some sort of support or my people would be jumping off the higher steps. See how I have to think these days? Practical over pretty. Safe over glamourous.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

9109 High Grove Road, I Love You & Merry Christmas!

Yes, I am aware that I keep posting photos of houses I fall in love with. I have a category of posts called Country Living. I should make one called House Hunting. The thing is, the other two I have posted pictures of on here I did not post the address and they were both $400,000, WAY out of our price range.

Today I'm posting the address and I'm not sure why. I just love it and have not seen it in person. My mom and Dave drove by it today on their way home from our place and thought it was super awesome and that there were deer tracks all over the snow. I should not post online how much I think I love this house. That would mess with negotiations, but Mr. Kerrie says he is not ready to move yet. Still, I have talked him into LOOKING at it from the outside maybe Friday. I hinted that maybe the agent could MEET us there ... why not? What could it hurt to see the INSIDE? I did see the layout of the place after some heavy duty internet stalking of the place.

Here's the link for family and friends and anyone else who just loves houses! Don't freak out on photo #5 because that is my favorite part: PINKSPLOSION (kinda like the pinksplosion we created at our own place recently)! The house was built in 1940 but someone in the 1960s took some acid and decorated this room. Oh, and the SUN PORCH is kind of a hit in my world. So Merry Christmas and enjoy my house love affair #3 (only more affordable).
Don't judge my ugly room. I love it. It has more character than anything in Overland Park any day of the week!
Okay, so it didn't speak to us. Here is a post on Bubblews that talks about that and leads to more about why it was not perfect for us. And in the comments section someone named Tim says he and his wife bought it, which is AWESOME! I hope they are very happy there and have 8 babies just like the previous owners had.