Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Cream Cheese Chicken Chili Recipe

This recipe has moved to Kerrie the Kitchen Queen and can be found specifically here :-)

Cilantro Lime Pesto Chicken Fajitas with Low-Carb Tortillas

When my friend Maureen made this for my family recently, we all attacked it and could not believe how yummy it was! I’m not much of a cook, though, and just knew it would be too difficult for me to make. Boy, was I wrong! Check out this terrific recipe, perfect for a day when you are busy, perfect for doubling and freezing, or perfect for doubling and giving some to a friend! Let me know what you think!

Cilantro Lime Pesto Chicken Fajitas
-3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
-Salt, pepper and garlic powder
-1/2 cup cilantro lime pesto (see below)
-1 medium onion
-1 pepper (whichever color you love best)
-Tortillas (I love Mission brand’s carb control version, which is whole wheat also, but you can choose corn tortillas for a gluten-free version)
-Taco sauce/picante sauce/salsa (whichever you prefer)
-1 ripe avocado
-Sour cream (omit for dairy free diets)
-Shredded cheese (omit for dairy free diets)
I like for things to be super easy, so I love to cook the chicken breasts in the slow cooker for a few hours on high. When they are cooked through, I take them out, chop them up and toss the pieces in a bowl. Then I sprinkle on some salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste. 

Then I cook my chopped peppers and onions in a skillet with a little bit of olive oil. That’s when the cilantro lime pesto comes in (see recipe below). I take about 1/2 cup of that and stir it into the chicken mixture. Ready to serve! If you love the pesto, you can just add more to your fajita for a refreshing take on a fajita.

Cilantro Lime Pesto
-1 bunch fresh cilantro leaves
-3 tablespoons olive oil
-3 tablespoons sliced, toasted almonds
-2 tablespoons minced garlic
-2 teaspoons lime juice
-1/2 cup shredded Romano cheese
-2 teaspoons salt
-The chicken broth from the slow cooker, about 1/4 cup
Using a food processor, blend ingredients together until smooth.

I like to get Mission Carb Balance tortillas to eat with my creation. 

**Last night I used Flatout bread and it made a more substantial wrap and it was amazing!

Want more recipes? Check this out!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Why You Need a Mommy Business Card

I love me some Mommy* Business Cards! Do I get them because they make me feel all corporate and like I’m back in the “real” working world? (don’t throw your coffee at me, please; I’m just kidding … if anybody knows stay-at-home moms work their butts off it’s me, friends).

Nope. That’s not why.

I’m on my third round of Mommy Business Cards because they make connecting with other parents a breeze. Below is a photo of the second card I ordered … so pretty and serene … a lake in the mountains. And no, I am not paranoid about one of you calling me up on my cell phone because I don’t often answer it anyway. Feel free to leave me a message telling me how much you love my blog, though. Or just email me. I do write back.

When I ran out of those, I went with these. I do love the beach seeing as how I live in KANSAS and all that.

Now, why do I put all that information on there? Well, I make sure all our names are on it so when we meet a mom we wanna hang out with or when one of my kids meets a kid he/she wants to hang out with, I can pass this card out and the parent can hopefully remember who we are.

A card is way better than a napkin or a random piece of paper because those get lost. A card screams, “I’m Serious! Here is my info. Let’s HANG OUT.”

And, okay, I will admit that I like to put on there that I’m a homeschooler because I like to be different. And the writer part is fun and warns people to watch what they say around me or I will write about it. And the editor part tells them to carefully type their Facebook responses and emails to me or I will make fun.

Have I convinced you to order up some Mommy Business Cards or Daddy Business Cards? Good. Don’t forget to take a picture of your card, post about it and send me the link.

*I know stay-at-home dads and homeschooling dads, so Lord knows I am not trying to be sexist and leave out any of my peeps with parts different from mine.

If you want to make your own, you can grab some blank biz cards at Amazon and do them at home :-)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

"A Mom's Guide to Home Organization" by Debbie Lillard

Are you, like me, frazzled by your family's hectic schedule and chaotic household? I get to try Debbie Lillard's "A Mom's Guide to Home Organization" and will be posting a review shortly. I'm told this book walks you through simple processes and tips for organizing your time, your stuff and your space. The second half of the book addresses how to teach your children the life skill of being organized. It's written by a busy mom for busy moms. I can't wait to read it!

Here's a sample before picture:

And a sample after photo:

If you simply can't wait for my review, you can buy the book here now!

The McLoughlin's Late Family Christmas Letter 2013

Yes, it is Saturday the 5th of January and I am still sending out Christmas cards. I have all these photo cards left and am determined to get them in the mail. Our PC died recently and my most recent addresses went with it so I've had to reconstruct a freaking address list from scratch almost. So when I go into Facebook to check my messages and write someone's address down in my spreadsheet I ... well, I get a little bit sucked in Facebook. So there goes another 5 minutes OF MY LIFE. Then back to cards. So it's taking me forever.

Here's the 2013 Christmas letter with photos popped in that I used on the photo card. There are 7 photos on the card and YES, they showed up TINY again. Next year I'm doing ONE freaking family photo if it kills us all posing for it. If you don't have a card from us yet, please comment or email me because I want to make sure you get one!

Merry Christmas once again from the McFamily! Let’s dive right in …

            Aron didn’t travel much this year so he went on lots of Scout campouts and started on a plant stand woodworking project during his 10 days off over Thanksgiving. Oh, and he put a new roof on our house, painted the living room and ripped up the carpets in there to reveal hardwood floors that he sanded and finished in record time. He hasn’t fished enough, though, and his boat needs more of a workout for sure!

            Same old story for Kerrie only add proofreading and The Kindle Pixie (an ebook author promotion service) to her list of daily stuff she does, which includes: homeschooling, writing articles, blogs and ebooks, reading, walking, taking the kids places, feeding the family, loving Aron, keeping the house up Martha Stewart-style (never!) and having fun with life as much as possible.

            Joel is 12 now and still loves animals so much that he teaches a twice-monthly Mammal Study class for homeschoolers. He’s in gymnastics, Boy Scouts (First Class), and wants me to let you know he owns and is responsible with lots of weapons. He likes to read, help and play and loves anything having to do with the Hunger Games saga.

            Michael is 10, is also in gymnastics and continues his Lego Love Affair. If you give him a tub of Legos and a small motor, he can make anything. He takes care of his tiny turtle Jiggy and Betta Henry and happily/grudgingly tags along with us wherever we go depending on how many Lego projects he has in his little imaginary work inbox.

            Callie is 8 and is my fashion mentor. She always puts together cute outfits and puts on little fashion and talent shows. She is also in gymnastics and is a huge help to Mommy (like by organizing the pantry after I grocery shop). She loves to hang out with her friends and ride horses when she gets a chance.

            Eva is 6 and loves to color, play My Little Ponies, play with her friends, ride her scooter and jump around at gymnastics. She is described as “persistent” and will ask me 23 times if she can break out the paints before I finally am worn down and say yes!

            Samuel is 4 and recently demonstrated that he is indeed great at any sport he attempts, including ice skating. You should have seen him with his tiny ice skates and walker, racing across the ice like he’d been doing it his whole life! Add gymnastics and being naughty to his resume and that sums him up.

            June found us on a mini Solsberg family vacation in Branson. The rest of the year we swam, went to LegoLand, Paradise Park, apple picking, to KC Pumpkin Patch, homeschooled and hung out with our amazing bunch of friends. In October, sadly, we lost my Poppy (my grandpa), and we like to talk about our good memories of him to keep us from being sad.

            As always, you can check out more of the family fun at Have a fantastical 2014!
The McLoughlin Family
Aron, Kerrie, Joel, Michael, Callie, Eva and Samuel